Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 733: old man in memory

The domain name of this site has been changed to ow: Shadow of the Moonlit Night in Azeroth Chapter 733: Memories of an Old Man Audio Novel Listen Online


Although quite annoyed in his heart, Andrea finally teleported to the top floor of the Anahis Mage Tower with Seres, and looked at the endless sea to the east through the telescope of the observatory.

As the report said, Azshara did make a "high-profile" appearance.

The Naga queen somehow opened a vacuum channel to the bottom of the sea, and her magnificent coral throne rose from the depths of the sea to the surface.

Azshara, with her three forked tails, reclined lazily on her throne, her striking golden crown resting firmly on her head.

Because of the change of race, Azshara\'s appearance has somewhat changed, but the naga face with delicate scales added a touch of exotic style to her, and her temperament is still as graceful and noble as before.

Near the Coral Throne floating on the sea, there are three female Naga spellcasters in gorgeous attire guarding them. They should all be transformed from Azshara\'s most trusted handmaidens.

In the process of going to Zin-Azshara to rescue Tyrande 10,000 years ago, Andrea briefly visited Azshara\'s bedroom.

The lonely and self-admired Azshara never arranges male guards in her bedroom. These court maids are her most trusted and dependable confidantes, and Vashj is the highest-ranking female officer among them.

Just as Andrea was carefully observing the changes in Azshara over the past ten thousand years, Seles suddenly grabbed Andrea\'s sleeve forcefully.

"That... that is..."

Celeste stared at one of the queen\'s guards with another telescope with trembling lips.

Having experienced the War of the Ancients and 10,000 years of time, Celeste is no longer the innocent little girl she was back then.

But at this time, her performance was very abnormal, and that look of worrying about gains and losses made Andrea temporarily withdraw her attention from Azshara.

Following Celes\' guidance and adjusting the binoculars, Andrea took a closer look at the female Naga.

Due to the large number of scales on the body and the need for long-term activities in the sea, Naga, regardless of gender, does not wear clothes, and only installs some metal decorations on certain key parts as a cover.

In this case, the amount and luxury of the metal decorations on Naga\'s body indicate their identity and status.

Male naga usually have tentacles on the chin, and their identities can be judged by the material of the metal ring on the tentacles.

The female Naga that Seles stared at was different from the four hands of ordinary spellcasters. Six arms were naturally placed by her side, and two of them held a staff and a longbow respectively.

Metal decorations that are not easily oxidized by water tie up her snake hair, and each arm wears a golden double bracelet that seems to make a crisp collision sound.

Andrea always felt that she had seen the appearance of this female Naga somewhere, but maybe it was too long ago, and he couldn\'t remember it for a while.

"Felicity...that\'s Mrs. Felicity, Leticia\'s mother!"

Celeste\'s exclamation made Andrea startled, and the memory buried deep in her mind finally began to recover.

"This...won\'t it?"

Although Andrea once told her when comforting Leticia that Felicity might not have died in the process of falling into the sea, he couldn\'t even believe this statement at the time, it was just a conventional social rhetoric Just comfort.

After so many years, Leticia has long accepted the fact of her mother\'s death. She keeps all the tragedies that have happened in her heart, and makes these experiences a catalyst for her growth.

A person who had become an ancient memory suddenly appeared before her eyes. No wonder Celes had such an abnormal behavior.

Andrea knew what Celeste was nervous about. Ten thousand years ago, in order to safely send Celeste away from the collapsed Xin Azali, her mother and Felicity left the only escape teleporter to the young Celeste.

Felicity, who sank into the sea together, survived as a naga, and Celes couldn\'t help but hope that her mother might have survived in the same way.

The binoculars scanned the other two female naga, to Seles\' disappointment, neither of whom was her mother.

Andrea shifted his focus to the Senkinlai beach defense with some concern, and soon caught Leticia riding on Gorm.

Due to Azshara\'s appearance, Naga temporarily stopped her fierce offensive. Leticia was reminding her soldiers not to relax their vigilance. They hadn\'t noticed the familiar Naga in the distant sea.

Shaking his head and withdrawing his thoughts, Andrea told the disappointed Celes, "I\'ll go to the front line to see the situation, and the council will be entrusted to you and Maiev for the time being. If there is an emergency, you can only Awaken the closed Malfurion and Tyrande."

Celes took a deep breath, barely calming down her excited mood. UU Reading

"I see, you have to be careful, Queen Azshara\'s strength may not be weaker than Kil\'jaeden and Archimonde."

Regarding Azshara\'s strength, Andrea, who had previously fought against her, knew it well.

With the blessing of the Well of Eternity, Azshara can display a combat power that is similar to, or even faintly surpasses that of Archimonde.

But without the Eternal Well, her hard power is still weaker than the two Eredar giants of the Burning Legion.

However, this does not mean that Andrea can take Azshara lightly. Who knows whether this queen of geniuses has made another breakthrough in the past ten thousand years.

Seles activated the teleportation technique and sent her husband directly to Senkinlai\'s coastal front. This barren red land was originally a light earth red, but at this time it was already stained dark red by the blood of the two warring parties.

In terms of the battle loss ratio, the number of Naga killed in battle is more than ten times, or even dozens of times, that of the defenders such as the night elves and the Tauren, but the total number of troops that cannot stand up to the opponent is too large. It\'s been dire enough for now.

The flying fleet floating above the battlefield has returned to Mount Hyjal many times to recharge. The magic cannons on the ships have also been replaced several times due to wear and tear, and the coastal defense weapons on the coastline have been damaged by 70%.

If they continue to fight non-stop, sooner or later the defenders will lose all their defensive weapons, and they can only block the Naga\'s attack through hand-to-hand combat. At that time, the battle damage of the coalition forces will be further expanded.