Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 731: the quiet last moment

As the guardian of magic among the guardian dragons, Malygos is very confident in his attack power.

In terms of destructive power alone, he is well-deserved number one among the guardian dragons, and no one can match him.

The Starlight Annihilation spell just now was already Malygos\' greatest effort, even so, it still couldn\'t destroy the mutated Deathwing.

Ysera constructed a dream illusion to temporarily trap Deathwing, and the five dragons got together to discuss it.

"I\'m afraid this battle will be very difficult. Deathwing already has certain characteristics of the Old God. If his body cannot be destroyed at once, this guy will continue to regenerate his body."

When the other dragon kings were discussing with sullen faces, Sinestra looked at Deathwing who was attacking randomly in the phantom, her eyes flickering.

Andrea couldn\'t observe what happened in another timeline, but he still noticed the space-time shock caused by Malygos\' spell.

The battle between the Twilight Dragons and the Guardian Dragons was almost one-sided.

The tacitly coordinated five-color dragon beat the Twilight Dragon from beginning to end. With both quantity and quality prevailing, it didn\'t take much time to end the battle.

After dismantling the Twilight Dragon, all the dragons, like Andrea, quietly watched the battlefield where Deathwing and the dragon kings disappeared, waiting for the final result.


When Nozdormu finally adjusted the timeline back, the unexpected development made many dragons present subconsciously take two steps back.

The tattered Deathwing was still alive. Although the Black Dragon Queen and the four guardian dragons looked a little tired, they still retained their fighting power.


Kalecgos said to himself in disbelief, "Can\'t the Four Dragon Kings in their prime plus Sinestra kill Deathwing?"

Andrea at the top of the Nordrassil tree also frowned, he vaguely guessed why Deathwing was still alive.

‘Is it true that N’Zoth has endowed him with some of his characteristics? \'


A strange cry came from Deathwing\'s torn vocal cords, and Andrea subconsciously put his left hand on the hilt of the Dark Empire Sword, but then he retracted his movement.

Xalatas has not yet awakened from his deep sleep, and now the sword of the Dark Empire cannot achieve the effect of killing with one blow.

Sinestra once again sprayed out the shadow flame dragon\'s breath at Deathwing who was trying to attack, and the damage was done, but the powerful body regeneration ability quickly made Sinestra\'s efforts futile.

"no solution anymore."

While Nozdormu was imprisoning Deathwing, Sinestra took a breath and retreated to the Red Dragon Queen.

"Alexstrasza, do you remember what I said about the Final Solution?"

Alexstrasza was taken aback suddenly, "Are you going to... No! Don\'t be impulsive! There must be other ways."

"Krasus, go find Ender..."

"It\'s useless." Sinestra smiled wryly. "Based on what I know about Andrea, if he had a way to undo Deathwing\'s immortality, he would have taken the initiative by now."

Malygos looked at Sinestra with complicated eyes, "I guess so, it should be that the magic sword hasn\'t awakened yet... Are you really determined to do this?"

Sinestra turned her head and looked gently at the three children who couldn\'t understand why. The three of Onyxia saw the meaning of nostalgia and farewell from their mother\'s eyes.

"Could it be!"

Before Onyxia rushed forward to stop her, Sinestra had already withdrawn her gaze and slammed into Deathwing.

"Hey! Alexstrasza, do it!"

The arrow was on the string and had to be fired, the Red Dragon Queen gritted her teeth, and sprayed out the flames of life to envelop Sinestra and Deathwing at the same time.

The flame of life did not hurt Sinestra while burning Deathwing, but instead catalyzed her vitality, allowing her to have a super recovery power similar to that of an ancient **** for a certain period of time.

Of course, there is a price.


Deathwing\'s claws and wings frantically scratched at Sinestra\'s body, and the wound that had just bled out quickly healed in the next second.

"Hey~" Malygos sighed, "Let me help you too."

The magic guardian constructed a thin arcane crystal to cover the surface of Sinestra\'s body, and Nozdormu and Ysera also successively blessed the black dragon queen with their large auxiliary spells.

"Thank you, the Black Dragon Clan is asking you to take care of it."

Sinestra\'s four claws were firmly inserted into Deathwing\'s corrupted body, and she flapped her wings and flew towards the sky with Deathwing.



Only the instinctive Deathwing felt the bad atmosphere, biting Sinestra crazily and clinging to him.

Sinestra, who had overdrawn her vitality, healed faster than Deathwing, who had been infused with the essence of the ancient gods. The countless new pains brought a relieved smile to her dragon face.

"Just leave this world with me, as the black dragon\'s final atonement for Azeroth!"

Andrea and Maiev looked up at Sinestra rising higher and higher, and quickly understood her intentions.

"I see."

Andrea looked at the three black dragon brothers and sisters who were struggling to stop Sinestra under the pressure of other dragons, and sighed softly.

"Parasitic Azeroth\'s ancient **** regeneration ability is maintained by absorbing the essence of Azeroth. Once it leaves this planet, the power infused by the ancient **** will no longer be effective."

Maiev also smiled wryly and shook her head, "Atonement? I think the contributions made by the black dragon over the years are enough to offset the damage caused by Deathwing. UU Reading"

Andrea said helplessly, "Deathwing has always been an indelible nightmare in Sinestra\'s heart. Perhaps this ending of going to the Shadow Realm together is a kind of relief for her."

Sinestra, who was close to Neltharion, vaguely heard N\'Zoth\'s hysterical scream, relying on Ysera\'s dream protection to maintain her sanity, the corner of Sinestra\'s mouth twitched ferociously. smile.

"N\'Zoth, you are the one who lured my husband to fall, this time I want you to experience the pain that pierces your soul!"

Ignoring Deathwing\'s attack, Sinestra flapped her wings one last time to accelerate, and finally rushed out of Azeroth\'s atmosphere after a few seconds.

N\'Zoth\'s ubiquitous whispers finally disappeared in the quiet and vacuum universe, and Deathwing\'s mind also ushered in the long-lost peace.

"I... this is?"

Sinestra\'s body began to glow orange-red, and her dragon body gradually collapsed from the tail, but the Dragon Queen had a gentle smile on her face at the last moment.

"This is the final moment between you and me."


Andrea and the others on the ground saw a dazzling glare from the direction where Sinestra flew away, and a shrill scream sounded in the minds of everyone present at the same time.

While others were clutching their heads in pain, Andrea calmly looked at the sea to the east of Mount Hyjal.

"N\'Zoth, you didn\'t expect that putting part of your soul and flesh into Deathwing\'s body would cause such consequences? This is called self-cocooning."