Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 7: dark side of the moon

Andrea had the same dream again, this time he could feel that the ray of light that seemed never to be touched was approaching, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn\'t touch the ray of light that was so close.

"Hey~ Is that really the case..."

An ethereal sigh came from the boundless darkness. Before Andrea could figure out the source of the sound, his consciousness suddenly left this strange space and returned to his body.


Exhaling suddenly and sitting up from the lying state, Andrea panted heavily in shock.

"...Can you be more straightforward, why do you need to make it so mysterious?"

Looking around, Andrea found that she was moved to an empty lounge in a coma.

"Is anyone there, Shandris? Your Excellency the High Priest?"

Andrea rolled over from the bed and tried to call the last two people she saw before she passed out, but she couldn\'t get any response.


Pushing the door open, Andrea found that her recuperating room was located by a courtyard corridor, surrounded by more than a dozen doors that looked exactly the same.

A large number of white jade-like marble stone pillars are erected on the outer edge of the corridor, and in the center of the courtyard are many unknown but fragrant flowers and plants.

"Where is this? Inside the Great Temple?"

At this time, the sky had already brightened, and the bright red sun hung high in the sky.

There was no one around the courtyard, which made Andrea feel quite weird.

‘It stands to reason, shouldn’t there be a strict defense system in the Great Temple? Just like it\'s bed time, 24-hour shifts shouldn\'t be a problem, right? \'

Andrea didn\'t know anything about the structure of the temple, he could only follow some inexplicable sensory guidance, walking through the large temple complex in a daze.

The whispers that had caused him to fall into a coma disappeared completely at some point, replaced by an unknown attraction, guiding Andrea to move forward in the temple.

In the end, Andrea stopped in front of a side hall with closed doors and windows, and the call he sensed came from this small side hall.

\'I\'d like to see what you\'re up to. \'

After hesitating for a moment, Andrea firmly pushed open the door in front of her.


I don\'t know how many years this door has not been opened, and the bearings that support the rotation of the door come from the ear-piercing friction sound of serious corrosion.

With the opening of the door, a certain existence that had been locked inside was liberated, and a cold breath emanated from the side hall. The source came from a deep purple gemstone placed on the marble platform in the deepest part of the hall.

This near-perfect round gemstone is suspended directly above the platform, and during the rotation process, it continuously emits a certain kind of pure energy to the surroundings, which is cold and deep.


Andrea swallowed nervously, but in the end he decided to follow the call and slowly moved towards the gemstone.

He stretched out his trembling right hand, and finally grasped the suspended gem, and the pure energy immediately poured into Andrea\'s body.

After waiting anxiously for a moment, Andrea was surprised to find that she hadn\'t suffered any damage or erosion.

Spreading out his right hand, he looked thoughtfully at the deep purple gemstone in his hand that seemed to be able to absorb all light.

"If I\'m not mistaken, this gemstone should be the legendary Eye of Elune, right?"

Andrea is basically sure that the pure power from the gem is the opposite of the power of light, the void...or the power of shadow.

But the power of shadow that is difficult to control in the world\'s impression is like a docile cat, flowing quietly in Andrea\'s body, without the slightest sign of causing trouble.

"Let me think..."

Trying to remember the process of Tyrande praying to Elune for revenge in version 8.15, Andrea made a plan for herself.

"Although I don\'t know why there is no one guarding here, but the next step... should be to find a moon well to sacrifice to?"

Thinking of this, Andrea pulled the silver beard on his chin with a headache.

"Where do I go to find the sacrifice of the enemy? Do I have to kill a demon outside the city and bring back his head?"

Then Andrea shook his head with a wry smile and denied himself, "Considering the moon guards under martial law outside the city, this is not realistic at all... Forget it, let\'s find a moon well first."

Speaking of the Moon Well, Andrea immediately thought of the statue outside the Great Temple of Luna\'s Radiance. The small lake at the foot of the statue exuding weak energy should be one of the manifestations of the Moon Well.

"...I began to suspect that this was deliberately arranged by High Priest Dijana."

It took a while to find the way, and finally Andrea came to the small lake in front of the statue of Elune unimpeded.

Andrea looked around speechlessly. The most important passage into the main hall was not guarded by any priests. This situation is not normal even if you think about it.

Just as Andrea guessed, at this time the High Priest Dijana was standing on the tallest tower on the west side of the main hall, silently watching Andrea\'s actions.

Maiev, who was behind the high priest, frowned and asked, "High priest, are you sure that Elune will bless him? A man?"

Dijana smiled and explained, "Maev, the goddess will give her blessings equally to all those who believe in her. Don\'t be prejudiced against men because of the structure of the sisterhood."


Dijana waved her hand and interrupted Maiev\'s questioning, "I know what you want to say, don\'t worry, his existence will not impact the foundation of the Sisterhood, at least... not for the time being."

"Well... I remember, it seems to be like this."

Unaware that he was being watched by others, Andrea tried to put the Eye of Elune in his hand into the large moon well in front of him.

The originally light blue lake water quickly changed color the moment the gem entered the water, with the Eye of Elune as the center, the deep purple hue covered the entire lake in the blink of an eye.

Due to the lack of rituals to sacrifice blood to the enemy, Andrea was originally prepared not to get any response, but as the moon well changed color, various visions began to appear.

The bright sky suddenly became dark, and the sun, which was exuding light and heat, seemed to be shrouded in a layer of purple veil, and gradually recovered its own light.

Instead, UU Reading The moon that shouldn\'t be visible during the day hangs high in the dark purple sky with a brightness several times that of usual.

This vision of the changing color of the sky and the earth is not limited to the vicinity of the Vault of Heaven Seat, even the outskirts of Xin Aisa Li, where the fierce battle is taking place, have also undergone changes.

A green-haired elf woman holding a longbow and wearing a moon-white priest\'s long skirt suddenly changed her face and looked up at the sky where the bright moon hung high.

"This feeling is... Elune?!"

In the center of Xin-Aisa Li, on the shore of the Well of Eternity, which is continuously swallowing demons, a beautiful woman with bright golden eyes is also looking at the sky with a serious expression.

"Eluen? Why did you stand up and take a stand at this time?"


An astonishing energy channel was constructed between the bright full moon and the large moon well that turned dark purple on the ground, and the originally calm well water suddenly became boiling.

Andrea, who was shrouded in the energy flow, seemed to be in a storm, and a huge amount of shadow energy was violently poured into his body.


The unbearable shadow energy turned Andrea into a blood man in just a few seconds, but another soft energy that continued to come from the sky repaired his wounds at the same time.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The shadow energy penetrating through the body began to break through the critical point, and Andrea\'s physique was gradually changed under the scouring of pure energy.

The original lavender skin became darker, and the golden eyes were only left with a layer of gold rings, and the pupils of the eyes completely turned into a deep dark purple that was almost pure black.

Dijana looked solemnly at Andrea, who was completely shrouded in dark light at the center of the heaven and earth vision.

"The dark side of the moon...?"