Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 8: Moonlight God of War?

As Andrea and Shandris made their way to the Celestial Seat, the demigods from Mount Hyjal led many allies of nature to push back the demonic defenses.

Facing the powerful demigods of the wilderness, ordinary demons couldn\'t stop their impact at all.

When Andrea arrived at the Seat of the Sky, the demigod of the wilderness just pushed the battle line to the outskirts of the capital, Zin-Azshari, and joined forces with the main force of the rebel army stationed in Black Rook Castle.

At this time, the leader of the rebel army has changed twice. The first lord of Black Rook Castle who raised the rebel flag in the name of King Qin, Kutaros Ravencrest, was assassinated by the Queen he trusted very ironically.

Taking over as Lord Ravencrest\'s commander-in-chief was his deputy, Disdale Stareye, also of noble origin.

Although this person has a noble status, he is ambitious and talented, and does not have the ability to command the army. During the time he led the rebel army, the situation was frequent, and it was once on the verge of collapse.

Perhaps it was because of Elune\'s pity that Stareye died in a demon air strike because of his wrong decision.

Captain Jarod Shadowsong, the captain of the Black Rook Castle Guard, temporarily took over the banner of the commander of the rebel army by virtue of his keen intuition on the battlefield situation and his innate leadership skills. The commander was convinced.

However, Jarod, who was suddenly in a high position and was born as a commoner, always had doubts about his talent. At this time, Cenarius arrived with the demigods of the wilderness.

Headed by Cenarius, the demigods expressed their obedience to the excellent commander Garald one after another. This unexpected gift made Garald\'s reputation reach its peak immediately, and the rebels with their own minds finally Was completely twisted into a rope.

The phenomenon of the changing color of the world happened at this time. This strange phenomenon attracted the attention of everyone inside and outside the battlefield. Between surprise and suspicion, both sides temporarily slowed down their offensive and defensive rhythms.

Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage turned to look at his girlfriend, Tyrande Whisperwind, High Priest of the Elune Sisterhood.

"Tyrande, you say this is a vision caused by Elune?"

Tyrande frowned and looked at the bright moon shrouded in black light in the sky, "It\'s not wrong, this familiar feeling is undoubtedly Elune, but... I have never felt this form of power in Elune. Pass."

As Elune\'s chosen heir to the High Priest, Tyrande is more closely associated with Elune than any other priest of the Sisterhood.

In some special cases, she can even gain short-term divine powers from Elune, who has no direct access to the physical world.

But usually what Tyrande felt from Elune was the power of moonlight with powerful healing and auxiliary effects, but now she had never seen this kind of cold, dark, strange power with amazing oppressive power.

Tyrande clasped his hands together, silently closed his eyes and prayed to the moon **** in his heart, "Elune, please tell your faithful believer, what happened, why do you want to show your anger to the world at this moment?" \'

Lasar Laza, the seat of the sky, when everything subsides, the full moon disappears, and the sun illuminates the sky again, the moon well in front of the Luna\'s Radiance Temple also regains its usual blue and clearness, as if everything before All images are just illusions.

But Dijana and Maiev, who witnessed the mutation, knew very well that something had begun to change.

The evidence was the young man they were staring at with piercing eyes at the moment—Andrea Moonshadow, who was half-kneeling in front of the moon well and remained silent.

Maiev, who has better eyesight, first noticed Andrea\'s half-opened eyes, and the eerie gold-rimmed black pupils made her instinctively uneasy and vigilant.

"High Priest, what power does the dark side of the moon represent? Why does it look so... weird?"

Dijana shook her head with a solemn expression, "I don\'t know, this kind of power representing Elune\'s most ruthless moon phase has never appeared before, and I only saw some records in the documents left by the previous high priests. .”

"There were priests who tried to summon the power of the dark side of the moon to Elune before, but without exception, they were all overwhelmed by the huge dark energy, and no one succeeded."

Maiev frowned slightly, and looked at Andrea, who was still standing still, with deep meaning.

"A dark force?"

Shandris and the priests, who were deliberately dismissed by the High Priest of Digana, are discussing how to break through the blockade of the city by the Moon Guard, so that the main force of the Elune sisters can also rush to the front to participate in the decisive battle to expel the demons.

When the battle priest who was in charge of guarding outside the house told the group of priestesses about the mutation, they just went out to watch the ending.

Shandris looked at the direction where the dark moonlight was falling, and his expression moved, "That direction is the Great Temple of Luna\'s Radiance?"

The leading senior priest immediately commanded loudly, "Quick! Hurry back to the temple and find out why this huge force of darkness descended on the Great Temple!"

With a large amount of shadow power entering his body, Andrea lost his ability to perceive the outside world early, completely immersed in his own spiritual world.

Just as he guessed, the power of the dark side of the moon is powerful and dangerous. After receiving such a huge amount of dark energy at once, Andrea once thought that his body would be exploded by the excess energy.

However, in the end he persisted in the continuous process of destruction and restoration, and he absolutely did not want to experience that indescribable pain a second time.

The original power of nature in Andrea\'s body was not completely annihilated by the power of shadow, but there is no doubt that some changes have taken place in the blended shadow and natural energy.

At this time, Andrea didn\'t have time to experience this change carefully, and he was trying to regain control of this strange body.

Under the watchful eyes of Dijana and Maiev, the half-kneeling Andrea stood up slowly.

But it seems that he didn\'t control the power well for a while, UU Reading His left hand suddenly turned a deep dark purple, and the whole forearm also became translucent, as if suddenly changing from a solid state to an energy body Same.

Maiev\'s eyes flashed, "Out of control?"

"Do not."

Dijana\'s silver eyes stared at Andrea, "The energy in his body didn\'t appear to be in a large-scale disorder. It should just be that he still can\'t grasp the new power he just acquired."

As Dijana said, Andrea felt like a balloon with air leaking everywhere at this time, and if she didn\'t pay attention, a part of her body would enter a strange semi-energy state.

It took several minutes for Andrea to gradually become familiar with the power of shadow directly instilled by Elune.

Compared with the gentle force of nature, the power of shadow is much more lively and mischievous.

But at least for a short period of time, he didn\'t feel the spiritual erosion and difficulty in controlling the power of shadow mentioned many times by the members of the Knights of the Shadow Emperor.

Pure shadow power flows silently in his body, and with Andrea\'s active familiarity, he has been able to gradually control this unruly power.

"Moon Night God of War?"

The corner of Andrea\'s mouth curled up in a mocking arc, "This self-proclaimed title is really full of holes. How did you become the God of War as a priest?"

Feeling the huge energy in his body that had increased by at least ten times compared to before, Andrea looked at the blue sky that had become clear again and took a deep breath.

"Let\'s leave it to others to give titles or something. Anyway, now I finally have the power to protect myself."

Turning his head to look at the tower on the west side of the statue, Andrea\'s mouth was slightly pulled, and the whisper wrapped in the power of shadow was directly transmitted to the minds of Dijana and Maiev.

"Are you right? Your Excellency the High Priest."