Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 6: whisper of god

Maiev Shadowsong, the future leader of the famous watchmen, one of the most high-end combat forces of the night elves, has received a lot of controversial comments because of her fiery and paranoid character.

But this is all in the distant future, and Maiev is now just one of the priestesses of the Sisterhood of Elune.

Due to her ability and leadership ability, Maiev has a high reputation among some groups of the sisterhood, and many people regard her as the most favorable candidate for the next high priest.

However, Andrea knew that Maiev, who was presumed by most priestesses to be the next high priest, would be defeated by Tyrande from the sky.

This is also a matter of no choice, who let the moon **** Elune personally send down the oracle to name Tyrande.

As a belief system centered on Elune, the current High Priest Dijana could not go against the will of the goddess even if she had doubts.

Maiev did not "escort" the two of them to the main hall with the other priestesses, and Shandris watched in puzzlement as she turned and jumped onto the outer wall of the temple.

"Won\'t Priest Maiev come with us to meet the High Priest?"

At this time, Maiev, who hadn\'t put on his armor yet, glanced back at Shandris, and then disappeared from everyone\'s sight without saying a word.

Andrea twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled, "She should have gone to help us tidy up our tails. This lady priest looks a little different from the priests I know."

One of the priestesses explained softly, "The Maiev priests are in charge of commanding the battle priests in the sisterhood. Their style of conduct is indeed different from that of ordinary missionary priests."

I don\'t know what Maiev did after that. When Andrea, Shandris and others arrived at the main hall of the Luna\'s Radiance Temple, the noise outside the temple had gradually subsided.

On the way to the main hall, a huge statue about ten meters high first appeared in front of Andrea.

The image of the statue is portrayed as a female night elf who raises her hands to hold the moon. Her appearance looking up at the sky is relatively vague. She wears a dress similar to the priest\'s long skirt, but the decoration is more simple and elegant.

At the foot of the statue is a small lake that exudes light blue light. Gentle energy evaporates from the surface of the lake, and the soft light illuminates the lower body of the statue wearing a long dress of a priest.

Andrea looked at the statue with a dazed look in his eyes.

\'This is the image of Elune in the night elves\' minds. By the way, are you so sure that she is a night elf? \'

Andrea had seen a saying before.

As the rare true **** of Azeroth, Elune, the moon god, should choose the native species of Azeroth if she wants to condense a physical form in the material world.

However, an embarrassing situation has emerged. The night elves are not the original native species of Azeroth, but their predecessor trolls.

That is to say, if it is not considered whether the night elves can accept it, Elune is more likely to transform into a female troll...

While Andrea was running the train in his mind, a chuckle from nowhere appeared directly in his mind.

"Hehe~ Do you really think so?"

Andrea was shocked, "Who!?"

Andrea, who suddenly froze and looked around, startled the surrounding priestesses.

Shandris patted his friend on the shoulder in confusion, "Andrea?"

Andrea turned her head and looked at the bewildered priests in surprise, "Did you... hear anyone talking?"

All the priestesses, including Shandris, showed weird expressions.


Shandris covered Andrea\'s head with her silver shimmering right hand, and after a short inspection, she frowned and asked worriedly, "Although your spirit is a little flustered, there is no confusion. What happened? What\'s the matter?"

"Do not…"

There was a trace of cold sweat on Andrea\'s forehead. He wiped his cheeks and pretended to be relaxed and said, "It\'s nothing. It may be the sequelae of brain damage and loss of memory. I have symptoms of auditory hallucinations."

A priestess who seemed to be the oldest and steady showed pity in her eyes, and said lovingly, "You must have suffered a lot along the way, please persevere, Your Excellency the High Priest will heal your inner wounds."

"I hope so..."

Andrea looked up at the statue in the center of the small lake, "If I told them that the suspected existence of Elune just spoke to me directly, I don\'t know if this group of priestesses with strong beliefs would fall into self-doubt on the spot. \'

The official organization responsible for managing Elune\'s faith is called the Elune Sisterhood, and the composition of the priests of Elune can be known from this name.

All priests, without exception, are women.

The current leader of the sisterhood is Dijana. She was born in a peaceful age, but her style is more than stable but not decisive.

Facing the massive invasion of the Burning Legion and the aggressiveness of the Highborne, High Priest Dijana\'s style tends to be conservative. She wants to resolve the differences between the Highborne and the commoners through peaceful talks.

If it was in a peaceful age, although this approach would be slow to take effect, it was more stable and controllable, and time was a worthless resource for the night elves, who had the Well of Eternity and lived almost forever.

But the current enemy army is overwhelming, and countless compatriots die tragically at the hands of the devil every day. It is not so appropriate to continue to adopt this kind of gentle approach. This has made many people in the sisterhood complain about the high priest.

Although not stated explicitly, most of the priestesses hope that a more courageous sister will take over as leader and lead them to resolutely resist the invasion of the Burning Legion.

This is also the reason why Maiev, as the leader of the battle priests, can gain high prestige.

High Priest Dijana is a kind-hearted elder. Although due to the racial characteristics of the night elves, she can\'t see the slightest sign of aging from her still beautiful face, but the temperament that has accumulated over the years can be vaguely felt. The long time she has been through.

"Thank you, sisters, UU Reading Please leave a little private space for me and the two guests."

After the other priests bowed respectfully and stepped back, High Priest Dijana\'s eyes with a faint silver light kept circling between Shandris and Andrea.

Shandris, who is still young now, didn\'t see the deep meaning in the high priest\'s eyes. She took a step forward to report her intentions to the high priest.

Dijana didn\'t interrupt Shandris\'s narration, and had been silently listening to her report on the status quo of the battlefield with a gentle and loving smile, but her attention gradually shifted from Shandris to the absent-minded and silent On Andrea.

After entering the interior of this great temple known as the closest to Elune, the vague voice that Andrea had been hearing intermittently before was gradually amplified.

Maybe just like the star soul of Azeroth needs a spokesperson, the words of the true **** are difficult for mortals to understand.

Andrea\'s mind was filled with countless messy murmurs and whispers. For a moment, he even thought that he had fallen into the trap of the ancient gods. The clear words with a smile seemed to be illusory The Flower Through the Looking Glass and the Moon in the Water.


Andrea finally couldn\'t hold back the swelling pain in his brain. After receiving too much information, he covered his head in pain, and his body began to shake unconsciously.

Just as Andrea was about to faint, High Priest Dijana reached out to support him in time, and Shandris noticed that her little friend was not in a normal state.

"High Priest? Andrea, this is..."

Dijana waved her hand with a serious expression and interrupted Shandris\' worried inquiry. She looked deeply at Andrea, who had passed out with half-opened eyes, and Dijana left behind those eyes that shone with pale golden light. deep impression.

"My Lord, Elune, it turned out to be him..."