Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 44: King's attention


As Leticia\'s exclamation interrupted Andrea\'s thoughts, the arcane sedan that had been moving at a constant speed suddenly stopped.

Andrea looked out through the window. At some point, there were two rows of heavily armed high-level elf guards standing beside the broad road in the aristocratic district.

"I didn\'t expect to meet Her Majesty the Queen on a trip."

Leticia hastily adjusted her appearance, leaving Andrea alone in the sedan chair, cautiously standing beside the sedan chair and lowering her head to welcome the Queen to pass.

\'Queen Azshara? \'

Andrea has long heard the legends of the light of light.

Due to the problem of art resources in the game, there is no way to perfectly reflect the queen\'s peerless elegance.

This time, he planned to take a good look at how charming this queen who swept the entire Dark Night Empire was.

Curiously looking out through the small window, the upper elves who had been leisurely wandering the streets of the aristocratic district now all obediently faced the direction of the avenue and lowered their heads.

About half a minute later, Andrea first heard slight footsteps on the suddenly quiet main road.

That\'s not the crisp sound of leather shoes or cloth shoes touching the ground, but more solid, thick sound like being rooted in the ground.

\'This Queen Azshara not wearing shoes? \'

In order not to arouse Leticia\'s suspicion, Andrea didn\'t move to the other side of the window to stick his head out. He waited patiently until the sound of footsteps slowly passed by Leticia\'s sedan chair and gradually entered his field of vision.

The first thing that caught the eyes was a slender lavender calf, and then a moon-white dignified long dress slowly covered the exposed skin as the owner of the calf continued to sway.

From Andrea\'s point of view, Azshara cannot be seen in full, only the left side of her body and cheek can be seen vaguely.

But it was this half of the figure that made Andrea, who came from the Internet age and consciously read all the beautiful things in the world, fall into a sluggish state.

Under the bright moonlight, Azshara has a confident and leisurely smile on her flawless and beautiful face.

A pair of slender feet without shoes and socks stepped rhythmically on the neat ground under the looming cover of the long skirt, and the body-shaping long dress unreservedly displayed her slender and exquisite figure.

The same brilliant silver long hair as Andrea\'s has not been modified in any way, and it is loosely scattered behind her back. From the side angle, she can still vaguely see a small crown inlaid with many arcane jewels on the Queen\'s head.

Andrea watched Queen Azshara slowly walk past Leticia\'s sedan chair, and couldn\'t help sighing in her heart, "The light of light, well-deserved of its reputation, this transcendent temperament and amazing beauty are indeed easy to make people Have a subconscious affection for her. \'

Just when Andrea thought that Azshara would gradually walk away like this, the queen\'s swaying footsteps suddenly stopped, and the maids following her immediately stopped tacitly.

Andrea just had doubts about this, and a pair of bright golden eyes had already looked in his direction, and the majestic aura contained in his eyes made him subconsciously "click" in his heart.

\'Oops! \'

Although she didn\'t know why Azshara turned her gaze to herself, it was obviously too late to look away now, and it would arouse more suspicion.

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Andrea continued to look at Azshara with clear eyes, and tilted the crow\'s head pretending to be puzzled.


The sudden cry of a crow startled Leticia who had been looking down at Azshara from the corner of her eye. She kept her head down and turned her head slightly to look at Andrea.

"Xiao Hei! Be quiet!"

Azshara didn\'t care about the rudeness of this daring crow, and observed Andrea with a scrutinizing gaze for a few seconds, and her eyes gradually became intriguing.

"Heh~ Interesting."

A beautiful maid behind the Queen took a long step forward and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, is there anything wrong?"


Azshara meaningfully showed a sweet smile to Andrea, who was pretending to be stupid. The ecstatic smile that seemed to make the bright moon shine, made Andrea unconsciously appear absent-minded for a moment.

Noticing the slight change in the crow\'s eyes, Azshara\'s eyes flickered, and then turned his head back as if nothing had happened.

"Go ahead, Vashj, I just suddenly remembered something trivial."



Azshara glanced back again at the arcane sedan chair where the strange crow was.

"Who is the owner of that sedan chair?"

Vaschi followed Azshara\'s line of sight. She didn\'t pay attention to the ordinary-looking crow, but first saw Leticia respectfully bowing her head beside the sedan chair.

"Returning to Your Majesty, this is Leticia Moonsong, the only daughter of Leander Moonsong\'s advisor."


Azshara nodded noncommittally, and stopped asking Vaschi any further questions, Shi Shiran continued her inspection tour of going out of the palace at will.


Watching Azshara go away, Andrea and Leticia breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

After the Queen\'s personal guards dispersed, the quiet street returned to its former state, and the highborne elves were whispering to each other to discuss topics related to Queen Azshara.

Leticia returned to her sedan chair, stretched out her finger and tapped Andrea\'s bird head with some complaints. UU reading

"Xiao Hei, what are you screaming about? If Her Majesty\'s anger is aroused, even I can\'t protect you."

Andrea pretended to be stupid and let out a meaningless cry "quack~"

Fortunately, Leticia didn\'t delve into this small issue, and she kept her head down, and she didn\'t notice Queen Azshara\'s playful eyes.

But Andrea, who has always kept eye contact with Azshara, has undoubtedly noticed this.

Although he couldn\'t be sure what this majestic and charming Light of Light was thinking, but reason and instinct told him that the queen should have recognized that he was transformed from a druid, but he didn\'t know why she didn\'t speak out.

While Andrea kept thinking about the problem in silence, the rest of the journey went very smoothly, and the arcane sedan finally stopped in front of a mansion slightly smaller than the Moonsong family mansion.

The color scheme of this mansion looks a little out of place with other surrounding buildings. Among the commonly used gray and white tones, only this building uses a relatively bright bright yellow.

When Leticia stared at Andrea over her shoulder and came to the gate of the mansion, several housekeepers and servants were already waiting at the gate.

One of the purple-haired housekeepers whose age could not be seen was calm and politely bowed to Leticia.

"Miss Yuege, welcome to visit, my lady has already prepared the meeting place, please follow me."

When following the butler through the gate, Andrea turned his gaze to the door plate hanging on the courtyard wall.

After a long period of cramming by Shandris, Andrea has mastered most of the words commonly used by night elves.

After thinking for a while, he successfully recognized the family name on the door plate.

\'Chasing the Sun...Wait! Sunstrider? ! \'