Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 43: Leticia

Although Andrea knew that the crow\'s cry was ugly, as a druid, he had never used the crow\'s original tone to make a call.

The hoarse and unpleasant voice made Andrea feel embarrassed. Fortunately, the kind girl didn\'t care.

The little guy carefully turned Andrea\'s body and checked his injuries.

"Well~ Although you haven\'t recovered yet, since you can wake up from a coma, it means that your injury is getting better."

Smiling, she stretched out her hand to touch Andrea\'s bird head, and the girl comforted with a little excitement, "Don\'t worry, heal your injury before you leave."

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Andrea had no choice but to open her beak again and let out an ugly "croak".

In the world of Andrea\'s previous life, the crow was an ominous bird. Because of its ugly sound and dark appearance, it was never liked by the world.

However, in the night elf society that worships the night and the moon, owls and crows are the two most common birds, and the whole family has a high degree of acceptance of crows, which is why Andrea chose to become a crow before.

The ubiquitous bird is not easy to reveal his identity... although he did in the end.

After waking up and recuperating for several days, Andrea collected a lot of useful information without anyone noticing.

At the same time, he could also feel that his injury was gradually recovering under the treatment of the girl Leticia spared no expense in materials.

Leticia Moonsong, the full name of the girl who saved Andrea.

As Andrea speculated, the Moonsong family is a member of the Highborne, and they also have a very good status among all the Highborne. The current Patriarch, Leander, is a member of Queen Azshara\'s court advisory group.

The mansion where Andrea is currently living temporarily is located in the aristocratic area of ​​Xin Aisa Li, only a short straight-line distance from his target palace.

Naturally, such a prominent family would not lack various resources. As the only descendant of the family, Leticia had the right to mobilize some of them, including the precious medicinal herbs for Andrea\'s healing.

After a few days of getting along, Andrea had a general understanding of Leticia Moonsong\'s character and habits.

This high-level elf girl\'s schoolwork is relatively heavy, and she spends most of her day studying.

A large number of tutors hired by the head of the family, Leander, almost followed each other, and leticia\'s time was very tight.

Fortunately, her father, Leander, did not push his daughter too hard. He gave her a few hours of free time in the middle of the night every day. She had a chance to go out every three days, and she was able to attend a gathering of ladies of the same age once a week.

Leticia is at the flowering age of fantasies, so she will naturally feel conflicted in the face of such a heavy course.

In addition, when attending a lady\'s party, I got a lot of entertainment novels from my girlfriends to pass the boring time, and the little girl was gradually influenced by the fantasy plots described in the novels.

It\'s a pity that fantasies are fantasies after all. As the only successor of the Yuege family, her elders have planned most of her future life since the day she was born.

Leticia couldn\'t disobey her parents who loved her since she was a child, so she could only act like a good girl to the outside world. Only by returning to her "small room" could she release the pressure without any scruples.

Coincidentally, Andrea, who was rescued by Leticia as an ordinary crow, has been treated as her emotional trash can since she woke up.

"...Father really went too far. He clearly stated repeatedly that he would knock on the door before entering, but every time he entered my room, he always barged in without any scruples."

Leticia leaned on the window sill in distress, put her hands on her cheeks and complained to Andrea, "I was changing clothes just now, how can there be such a father who trespasses on his daughter\'s room, and the father is too disrespectful at home. "


In any case, it was the girl who saved her at a critical moment, and did not hesitate to use precious herbs to speed up her recovery. Andrea was grateful to Leticia.

When the girl complained to him, he would respond from time to time to let her know that he was not talking to himself.

And his behavior was regarded by Leticia as a manifestation of psychic, and recently he came to complain to Andrea whenever something went wrong.

Andrea had met the head of the Moonsong family, Leander, several times. He was a high-level elf nobleman who always looked meticulous in appearance.

However, the aristocratic lord is indeed relatively relaxed at home, and occasionally does some unnerving actions, such as breaking into Leticia\'s room suddenly before.

The father\'s rude behavior naturally ushered in Leticia\'s fierce protest, and finally, with the intervention of her mother Felicity, Leander bowed his head and apologized.

As for Andrea... Well, after all, we get along day and night, and Leticia has always regarded him as a psychic ordinary crow, changing clothes and so on... I\'ve been used to it for a long time.

In the past few days of trying to recover from the injury, Andrea certainly couldn\'t just watch Leticia\'s daily life in a daze.

When he was in Leticia\'s class, he had been thinking about how to use the influence of the Moonsong family to sneak into the palace. As long as he did it properly, Leander, who could enter the palace at will, would indeed have the ability to bring him in as well.

The problem is, how to get the old-fashioned and stubborn Leander to agree to bring a crow into the palace.

A few days later, Andrea, who had recovered 70% to 80% of her injuries, was finally able to expand her range of activities.

Today he was taken out of the Moonsong family\'s mansion by Leticia, and accompanied her to the home of a high-level elf who had a good relationship with the Moonsong family, to attend the weekly little lady gathering.

Eager to show off the psychic crow to her friends, Leticia spread a lot of clothes all over the room with the help of the maids early in the morning.

In the end, the little girl chose a white blouse with lace sleeves and a black pleated skirt that covered her knees.

After thinking for a while, Leticia finally put on a pair of purple gloves with empty patterns. UU reading

"Xiao Hei, come here."

Before going out, the excited girl stretched out her left hand to greet Andrea.


With a weak cry, Andrea slowly flapped her wings helplessly and flew to Leticia\'s left shoulder.

Although he has recovered a lot from his injuries, Andrea is still unable to fly fast. He decided to stay in the Yuesong family to find opportunities, heal his injuries, and make full preparations to sneak into the palace.

The Highborne didn\'t need a carriage when traveling. When Leticia came to the door, a small sedan powered by arcane power was suspended in front of the gate of the Moonsong family\'s mansion.

\'Hey? It turned out to be like this. \'

Seeing the obviously repaired windows of the sedan chair exclusive to Leticia, Andrea finally deduced the cause and effect of her rescue.

‘Whether it’s Archimonde or whoever, the guy who plotted against me, you didn’t expect such a small probability event to happen, did you? \'

It\'s not that the Burning Legion didn\'t prepare for a backhand. Andrea estimated that the moment he fell, Archimonde sent his men to "pick up corpses" in the area where he fell.

Who knew that Andrea didn\'t fall to the ground, but accidentally fell into Leticia\'s sedan chair, and accidentally escaped the Burning Legion\'s hunt.

On the way to the destination in the automatic arcane car, Andrea saw a large number of flying demons searching back and forth over the civilian area in the distance through the small window.

Although he was very fortunate to have escaped with the help of noble people, Andrea was lost in thought while looking at the group of demons.

\'Who is plotting against me? I have been keeping a low profile since I came to Azeroth, how could Archimonde attack me on a whim? There must be someone behind the scenes. \'