Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 45: Dath'Remar

Before being accidentally rescued by Leticia, Andrea\'s original plan was to find a way to get in touch with the Sunstrider family, and then test their views on the Burning Legion, trying to convince Dath\'Remar to help rescue Tyrande.

As an outlier among the high elves, although the Sunstrider family was ridiculed by their colleagues from time to time, they were also one of the ancient nobles in the Night Empire with a long history.

The current Patriarch Dath\'Remar, like Leander, served in Azshara\'s court and was one of the members of the Queen\'s Advisory Board.

After being shot down by Archimonde, Andrea, who came into contact with the Moonsong family, changed his plan and planned to sneak into the palace through Leander\'s channel. However, he didn\'t expect that the plan hadn\'t been formulated yet, but he suddenly found a turning point.

Andrea has no interest in the gathering of noble ladies, at best it is just a group of underage girls who are bored and send a lonely chat.

When Leticia ostentatiously introduced herself to her little sister, although Andrea felt very helpless, she still showed a certain degree of psychic cooperation, which attracted curious crowds of many noble ladies.

Among these young ladies, Andrea paid the most attention to a little girl named Seles.

This child is a little younger than Leticia, only about 7 or 8 years old, and her pink and jade-carved face looks very cute.

But that\'s not the point, Andrea is not a lo*ic*n.

What he cared about was the long golden hair of this little girl, which was extremely rare among the night elves.

Since crossing, Andrea has come into contact with a large number of people of the same race, and has seen many hairs of various colors.

The hair colors of the night elves are basically purple, blue, green and white, at most there are some changes in tone and color temperature. This is the first time he has seen a light blonde hair color like Seres.

Celeste\'s full name is Celeste Sunstrider, and she is the jewel in the palm of Dath\'Rema, the owner of the Sunstrider. It is said that she has an elder brother who is hundreds of years older than her.

From Celeste\'s performance, I can\'t see any difference from other little girls. She has been waving her fleshy little hands around the psychic crow that is the focus of the little sisters\' gathering today.

In order to show her closeness, Andrea deliberately strengthened contact with Seres, often jumping on her little hands to stay, attracting envious eyes from the surrounding high-level elf girls.

"Hee hee~"

Celes happily held the crow and laughed out loud. It had been a long time since the little fellow had received such envious gazes from her friends.

Due to the good relationship between the Sunstrider family and the Moonsong family, Leticia has no objection to Andrea\'s actions, and has been watching Seres wandering around with a smile.


There was a gentle knock on the door of the small party hall, and a questioning voice with a smile came from outside the door.

"Ladies, I\'m Dath\'Remar, can I come in and disturb you?"

The girls whispered and laughed for a few seconds, and then the oldest, a beautiful girl about 15 years old, said loudly, "Of course, Uncle Dath\'Rema, please come in."

"excuse me."

The door of the small hall was opened from the outside, and a night elf man with long golden hair tied behind him with a silver hair ornament stepped in from the door.

This handsome young man was dressed in a gorgeous highborne costume, with a warm and friendly smile on his face, and he first turned his attention to Seres as soon as he entered the door.

Seeing the happy smile on Seres\'s face, the young man who called himself Dath\'Rema froze for a moment, and then said apologetically to the girls present, "I\'m sorry, because I have to go on a long trip recently, I have something to explain to Seres. Please give us a moment."

"It\'s okay, Uncle Dath\'Rema please."

Andrea was looking at the founding king of the high elves, who was only known by name in the game, and he immediately lifted his spirits when he heard Dath\'Remar\'s words.

\'The opportunity has come. \'

When Celes moved her short legs in confusion and ran towards her father who was beckoning to her, Andrea did not fly away from her, and followed the little guy and the father with Leticia\'s hesitant expression. Dath\'Remar came out of the small hall together.

Bringing Celes to the small garden of the Sunstrider\'s house, Dath\'Rema looked at the crow in Celeste\'s hand with some surprise.

"Ceres, this is..."

"Little black!"

There was a bright smile on Celeste\'s fat little face, and the gap in her mouth due to the replacement of teeth was exposed in front of her father.

"Xiao Hei was picked up by Leticia\'s sister recently, it is very human~"

"Oh, is it so."

Dath\'Remar glanced at the crow casually, but didn\'t take it seriously.

"Listen, Celeste."

The gentle expression gradually became serious, and Dath\'Remar, who was half squatting, lovingly touched the baby girl\'s hair.

"Dad received an order from Her Majesty the Queen and needs to go out of the city. It will take about 2-3 days."

"During this time, you have to listen to your brother and mother at home, and you must not go out and run around, remember?"


Celeste tilted her head cutely, "Father, mother and elder brother all said that it is dangerous outside the city recently, why did Her Majesty ask you to leave the city at this time?"

Dath\'Remar smiled wryly and shook his head, "It\'s a long story, and you probably still can\'t understand it. Anyway, you have to be obedient at home during this time, and don\'t make trouble for your mother and brother."

"Well, Celeste knows!"

Satisfied, Dath\'Rema kissed Celes on her tender forehead, "Good girl."

In fact, this trip was not an order directly issued by the queen, as Dath\'Remar said.

To be precise, he took the initiative to apply to Azshara as a consultant.

He wanted to have a face-to-face talk with the rebels, and try to see if he could reach a truce and reconciliation agreement with the increasingly large rebels in a peaceful way.

Due to the increasingly outrageous behavior of the Burning Legion, Dath\'Remar himself was pessimistic about this mission.

But everything has to be tried. The Sunstrider family has always advocated adventure and experimentation. Dath\'Remar decided to chat with the high-level rebels first.

At least one must know what the core demands of the "rebels" and "untouchables" that these other colleagues call are.

Queen Azshara was not interested in his proposal, and UU Reading other colleagues who were close to the Burning Legion even sneered at him mercilessly.

However, the Sunstrider family is, after all, a relatively important member of the upper elf society. After Dath\'Remar\'s repeated requests and hard work, the queen finally reluctantly agreed to his request.

Azshara didn\'t even arrange for additional guards to "protect" Dath\'Remar, and the entire mission process was completely left to Dath\'Remar to do as he pleased.

Celes, who was still young, couldn\'t notice the sadness in Das Rema\'s eyes, but Andrea, who had been watching coldly, could clearly see the changes in his micro-expressions.

After observing the surroundings of the garden and confirming that no one else was watching, Andrea suddenly flapped her wings and flew out of Celes\' hands.

"Ah!" Celeste waved her little hand to the sky in a panic, "Xiao Hei, where are you going?"

The golden-framed black pupils stared directly at Celes, and Andrea used spells for the first time since she was injured.

"Human hypnosis."

Seeing the baby girl\'s original smart eyes suddenly straightened, Dath\'Rema\'s face changed suddenly, and he hugged Seres behind him, staring sharply at this unusual crow.

"This is shadow energy, what the **** are you?"

Andrea was slightly surprised by the powerful arcane energy surging from Dath\'Remar\'s body, but he leisurely folded his wings and landed on the stone table in the garden pavilion.

"Please don\'t panic."

The crow\'s eyes sparkled with wisdom, and he spoke as Dath\'Remar watched in amazement.

"Mr. Dath\'Remar Sunstrider, please forgive my rudeness, I have important matters to discuss with you alone, these contents are not convenient for my daughter to hear."

"After all... knowing too much is not a good thing, especially for a child who lacks the concept of secrecy."