Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 42: quack~

After an unknown amount of time, Andrea, who had lost consciousness, finally opened her eyes again.


Moving his body a little, the severe pain from his right arm and chest and abdomen on the same side made him stop in cold sweat.

Maintaining a stiff lying posture, Andrea raised his head blankly and looked around.

\'Where am I? and…\'

Looking down at his body, Andrea was quite speechless and found that he was still in the form of a crow. His right wing and part of his body were bandaged, and a strong smell of medicine came out from under the bandage.

\'Someone saved me? \'

Recalling the terrifying beam of highly compressed evil energy before, Andrea still has lingering fears.

The survival instinct allows him to activate a thin layer of shadow shield at the moment of the attack, barely blocking the impact within a few tenths of a second.

It was this short tenth of a second that gave Andrea a chance to adjust his posture, which allowed him to escape and ascend to heaven at the cost of serious injuries. Once he was hit head-on by that beam of light, he would definitely die.

Although he was lucky enough to escape the worst situation, with Andrea\'s petite crow body at that time, he lost consciousness the moment he was hit head-on, and he had no memory of what happened afterwards.

After this sudden crisis, Andrea first confirmed a piece of information that the Druid would not return to his original form if he lost consciousness in the transformed state.

Through the observation of the interior furnishings, Andrea preliminarily determined that the person who rescued him should be of extraordinary origin, probably a high-level elf.

The decoration in this single room of at least 200 square meters is very gorgeous.

The soft pink wool carpet, the lavender-scented purple veil hanging from the exquisite single bed, the magic broom that cleans the room autonomously, and even the arcane quill that is writing automatically on the desk.

These furniture and items are by no means owned by ordinary civilians.

Judging from the color matching of the various furniture in the room, the owner of this room should be a woman... or a rough man with a girlish heart.

At this time, the owner of the room was not in the room, and the injured Andrea was placed on the window sill where he could directly bathe in the moonlight. The person who rescued him thoughtfully put a soft cushion under him.

She tried to flap her wings, but the severe pain forced Andrea to stop.

‘No, this state cannot move freely at all. \'

Before figuring out the current situation, Andrea didn\'t intend to change back to the original form hastily.

He didn\'t know why Archimonde would suddenly target him to launch an attack, but since the demon leader found his trail, according to Andrea\'s speculation, the Burning Legion will definitely have follow-up actions.

‘Although I don’t know why I was able to escape safely from the back of the Burning Legion, but most likely I have direct contact with the owner of the room who saved me, so I must thank her if I have the opportunity. \'

Since she was temporarily unable to move, Andrea simply continued to lie on the soft cushion like a salted fish.

Looking up at the bright moon in the sky, Andrea roughly judged the time of his coma according to the changes of the moon\'s waxing and waning.

‘I remember that the day when I arrived at Xin Aisa Li just passed the full moon, judging from my current state... I was probably in a coma for 3-5 days? \'

While time is a worthless resource to the immortal night elves, it\'s only limited to times of peace when nothing happens.

The Rebel Army led by Jarod and the Burning Legion had already set up their formations to confront each other before Andrea set off. Maybe the two sides could no longer restrain themselves and started fighting.

And the longer Tyrande, who was the rescue target, was trapped in the palace, the weaker and weaker Elune\'s protection would be, until it finally disappeared completely.

\'And Shandris. \'

Andrea is very worried about the safety of her childhood sweetheart, "I don\'t know if the special envoy will successfully bypass the Zandalar mountains and enter the territory of Pandaria. \'

Although there was a lot of information that was urgently needed, Andrea, who was seriously injured, could not even move freely.

He can\'t do anything now, he can only force himself to calm down, wait for the owner of the room to return, and try to get some useful information from her.

Fortunately, the wait was not long.

About ten minutes later, Andrea heard a faint movement outside through the thick mahogany door.

Soft footsteps sounded from outside the door. This person walked very regularly, and each step sounded as precise and uniform as if it had been measured.

A vague and severely distorted voice came from outside the door, "Miss, welcome back."

Another equally unclear female voice replied indifferently, "Well, what\'s the next appointment?"

"There is a distinguished guest at 3 o\'clock in the middle of the night, and the master hopes that you can also go to the living room with him to receive him."

"Ah~ I remembered, well, I will go, you all step back first, let me have a good rest."

"Yes, Miss, please come in."


There was a heavy door opening, and footsteps slowly entered the room. From Andrea\'s perspective, only a pair of small blue leather shoes could be seen.


After the door was closed again, the owner of the shoe let out a long sigh of relief.

She threw off her shoes with a style completely different from the previous dignified demeanor, UU Reading quickened her pace and swooped, and let out a pleasant sigh when she threw herself into the soft bed.

"Woo~ I\'m exhausted. What social etiquette? It\'s boring and annoying."

Now Andrea finally heard the other party\'s voice clearly, and the clear and slightly childish female voice provided him with information about the approximate age of the room owner.

‘The daughter of the Highborne family? Judging by the voice, the age is about... 10-13 years old, right? \'

Although the night elves have a long and even infinite lifespan, their physical maturity cycle is no different from that of the human beings that Andrea is familiar with. They also reach adulthood at the age of 16-18, and then enter an almost endless peak period.

Andrea, who was placed with her head facing out of the window, was unable to move freely, so it was difficult to turn her head and see the whole picture of the girl. However, according to her complaints to herself, this child is probably in the worst position of her elders. Difficult to discipline rebellious period.


The girl rolled around on the bed for a while, and finally noticed that Andrea\'s posture was different from before, and jumped off the bed while making a suspicious sound.

The little jade feet without socks trotted to the window sill stepping on the soft carpet, and Andrea gradually saw the girl\'s face clearly.

Indeed, as he had guessed, from the outside, he should be around 12 years old. The small face with a little baby fat is very delicate. You can already see the beauty of this child when he grows up. It should be able to attract many crazy bees and butterflies. Her crazy chase.

"oh oh!"

The little girl pointed at Andrea in surprise and shouted, "Little crow, you finally woke up, can you move?"


Andrea: "…"