Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 41: same night sky

The beam of evil energy that pierced the sky pierced a big hole in the clouds in the sky, and the full moon that was originally covered by the clouds revealed half of its true face to the world.

However, the sudden appearance of the moonlight caused a large number of civilians in the city of Xin-Azshali to panic. The destructive power contained in the previous beam of evil energy made them want to turn around and hide in their homes immediately, never to go out again.

The miserable green fel energy is a symbol of demon power, and the night elf civilians who have suffered massacres by demons are extremely sensitive to this power.

On the shore of the Well of Eternity.

The crow that witnessed the transformation of Andrea fell from the sky with his own eyes. Archimonde put down his fingers leisurely, and glanced sideways at the big bat bent over in a respectful gesture.

"Tichondrius, are you sure that guy is the culprit that caused your mission to fail?"

Witnessing Archimonde\'s power up close, Tichondrius was very submissive at this time.

"Yes, thank you Lord Archimonde for taking the punishment personally."

"Hmph~ bored."

Archimonde waved his hand in boredom, "I thought that mortals with the power of the void in your mouth would be so difficult to deal with, after all, they are just ants."

"Go, if you fail again, let alone me, Kil\'jaeden will not let you go easily?"

Seeing Archimonde\'s cold eyes, Tichondrius trembled in his heart, and hurriedly reassured loudly, "Yes! This subordinate will definitely complete the task."

Watching Tichondrius transform into countless little bats and fly towards the falling point of the crow, Archimonde chuckled inexplicably.

"Heh ~ think tank?"

Coincidentally, Queen Azshara, who was admiring the flowers in the palace garden, also witnessed Archimonde\'s finger of death piercing the sky.

Vaschi, the head maid, reminded her in a worried voice, "Your Majesty the Queen..."

Azshara waved her hand to stop Vaschi\'s unspoken words, "I know what you\'re worried about. Although Archimonde\'s strength is indeed a bit beyond expectations, it\'s not too much to deal with."

Picking up the exquisite teacup on the table and taking a sip, Azshara asked in a leisurely tone, "Leave that aside, what\'s going on with Tyrande, has she changed her mind?"

There was a stern look in Vashj\'s eyes looking down at the ground, but she still replied in a calm tone, "No, Elune\'s protection is still in effect, and Tyrande\'s attitude has not softened in the slightest."

"She even refused the delicacies we sent her, and only relied on the small amount of food carried in her magic package to satisfy her hunger."


Azshara lifted Vashj\'s chin with her slender and delicate fingers, and a playful expression appeared on her beautiful face, "Vashj, do you think I don\'t know that you tampered with the food that was given to Tyrande?"

Vaschi\'s face changed, and he hurriedly defended himself, "Queen, I just..."


Azshara let go of Vashj\'s control, waved her hand lazily and said, "I\'m not interested in the process of your intrigue, I only care about the result."

"As long as Tyrande is willing to give up her service to Elune and join me, I will not care about her past position."

Azshara looked at the bright moon in the sky, which was hiding half of her face behind the clouds, and the corner of her mouth curled up a playful arc, "Think about it, the god\'s servants turn to serve me, isn\'t that kind of scene worth looking forward to?"

Although Vashj still harbors deep hostility towards Tyrande, seeing the expectant expression on Azshara\'s face, she could only twitch the corners of her mouth and whispered against her will, "Yes, the glory of the queen will eventually surpass Elune, the moon god."

Out of the corner of Azshara\'s eyes, she saw Vashj\'s reluctance, and there was a playful smile in her eyes.

"Continue to be optimistic about her. Elune\'s protection cannot always be effective. I want to see how long she can persist without Elune\'s favor."

Near the main battlefield to the east of Zin-Azhari, Malfurion, who was about to lead a few elites to launch a feint attack on the flank of the Burning Legion, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Including Rhonin and Brooks, everyone in the feint team looked up at the sky at the same time.

The eye-catching fel energy beam made Malfurion subconsciously tighten his lips, and the terrifying power contained in the beam made him subconsciously feel uneasy.

\'Could it be... no! Trust Andrea. \'

Brox, who had just participated in the Battle of Hyjal, unconsciously clenched the oak battle ax in his hand, and whispered in Rhonin\'s ear, "I\'ve seen that beam of fel energy that represents destruction in Mount Hyjal, is it?" Kermond\'s signature skill - Finger of Death."

Luo Ning nodded solemnly, "Thanks to you for defeating such a terrifying enemy, it\'s a pity that I wasn\'t there during the Battle of Hyjal."

Brox quietly glanced at the young Malfurion, shook his head slightly and said, "No, no one could stop Archimonde\'s power in that tragic battle. We tried our best to barely stop the main force of the Burning Legion. force."

"The night elves sacrificed their immortality qualifications and detonated the power contained in the world tree Nordrassil to kill that terrifying demon leader."

"By the way, let\'s talk about this."

Luo Ning suddenly became interested, "You saw that night elf with darker skin before, right? Could it be that he is..."

Brox\'s expression was a bit complicated. He scratched the messy gray hair at the back of his head and said, "Well, although the appearance and temperament seem to have changed, if I\'m not mistaken, it should be him."

When Malfurion calmed down and led the feint attack team to set off again, Maiev, who originally planned to join the feint attack team, was doing something that was inconsistent with his character and identity. UU reading


In the camp area where the Sisters of Elune belonged, weak coughing sounds continued to be heard from one of the largest independent tents.

Maiev looked worriedly at the pale woman on the bed. Several high-ranking priests of the Sisterhood were surrounding the bunk and casting spells together, trying to ease and heal the woman\'s pain.

Shaking her head with a wry smile, the woman with a sickly face persuaded her in a still gentle tone, "Don\'t waste your efforts, I\'m not injured or sick, it\'s just overdrafting my body. This is not a problem that can be cured by ordinary healing spells."

"But, High Priest..."


The high priest Dijana who had just woken up waved weakly and said, "Sisters, you go out first, I have something important to discuss with Maiev."

Maiev leaned against the corner of the tent with her hands folded on her chest, her eyes flashed, and she nodded when the high priests turned their heads to look over.

"Go, On\'hara still needs your help, please cure him as soon as possible, we need his guidance to get in touch with the tauren."

"Yes, High Priest, Maiev, may Elune be with you."

After several high-ranking priests left, the tent fell into silence for a while, which was in stark contrast to the occasional shouts from the barracks.


Seeing Maiev\'s stubborn and unconvinced expression, the aging Dijana immediately guessed that she had learned the truth.

He reached out and patted the bedside on the floor, and the high priest said to Maiev with a loving and pity smile, "Maev...cough, come and sit down, I know you have a lot of dissatisfaction and questions in your heart."

"While there is still time, I will try my best to answer for you, and please listen to my explanation patiently."