Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 21: If you lick the dog, you will end up with nothing

When the moon guards heard Andrea\'s self-introduction, their expressions immediately became gloomy. It was obvious that they were very unimpressed with the druid profession.

Maiev also noticed this, and explained to Andrea with a soft snort, "Andrea is a follower of the moon **** Elune, and he just accepted Elune\'s blessing not long ago, so he can no longer be regarded as a pure Drew. Yi."

"Elune\'s blessing?!"

Including Delier, all the moon guards looked at the smiling Andrea in surprise.

From the name of this elite force, it can be seen that even though most of the time they are protecting the interests of the Highborne, they still maintain their devout belief in Elune.

Delier and the others have been besieging the Vault of Heaven for many days, and they have had contact with Maievedo, who is in charge of external liaison, and they have a certain understanding of her bad temper.

But at the same time, they also knew that this strong-willed priestess was definitely not someone who would talk freely, not to mention that it involved the moon **** Elune, her words were highly credible.

Headed by Delier, the moon guards saluted Andrea respectfully after recovering.

"Dear Luna Familiars, please forgive our offense."

"It\'s okay, it\'s okay."

Andrea waved her hand indifferently, "I just happened to be blessed and entrusted by Elune."


Speaking of entrusting, Andrea slammed his palm and suddenly said, "It\'s just right, I have a question to ask you, how about we exchange information?"

Before leaving the material world, Elune gave Andrea a task, or entrustment - to rescue another of her family members, Tyrande Whisperwind.

"A high-ranking priest of the language wind?"

In the temporary camp a few kilometers away from the battlefield, Delier frowned and recalled, "Sorry, we don\'t know the latest situation of Xin Aisalie."

Delier explained with a wry smile, "The person in charge of contacting the capital is my lieutenant, Captain Albert Mooncrown. Unfortunately, he did not follow us because of disagreements."

Andrea and Maiev nodded noncommittally, and they also noticed that the number of Moon Guards in front of them was less than half of the previous battle.

The other part still chose to believe in the moon guards of the Burning Legion, parted ways with Delier and others after the battle, and returned to Zin-Azhali first.

The adjutant who had the information left early, and Deliye was also ignorant of the latest situation of Xin Aisalie.

Andrea could only speculate from Elune\'s reminder that Tyrande had been captured alive. In the latest battle, he originally hoped to obtain more specific information from the moon guards, but unfortunately he was unable to do so.

Although these moon guards have now entered a state of information interruption, the information they obtained before still provides a lot of reference for Andrea and Maiev.

Just like what Andrea said when she tempted Maiev to speed up her actions, the leader of the rebel army is now her own brother, Jarod Shadowsong.

Based on Black Rook Castle, the rebels launched a fierce offensive against Zin-Azshari after the demigods of the wilderness joined.

Due to insufficient preparation, the defense line of the Burning Legion was forced to retreat again and again by the demigods galloping recklessly on the battlefield. They retreated to the outskirts of Zin-Azshari before re-stabilizing under the circumstances of Mannoroth and other senior officers personally going into battle.

Knowing that her little brother was safe for the time being, Maiev stroked her chest and let out a sigh of relief.

Andrea touched his chin and continued to ask, "I have another question, what about the dragon army? Didn\'t they join the battle?"

Delier shook his head and said, "Since the five guardian dragons had infighting on the battlefield, we have never heard from the dragon army."

\'Sure enough... Neltharion\'s betrayal has already happened. \'

Andrea nodded thoughtfully, integrated the information provided by Delier, and he had a general understanding of the current developments.

"Major Delier, thank you for the information you provided."

Andrea raised her head and observed the moon guards sitting on the other side of the fire apart from the priestesses.

"What are your plans next? As far as I know, Queen Azshara is a person who does not rub the sand in her eyes. Once she knows that you are against her will..."

When this question was mentioned, Delier and the others exchanged glances, and all the moon guards showed a blank look in their eyes.

"The truth is, we don\'t know either."

Delier said bitterly, "Although I thought I was mentally prepared, but at the end of the day, my mind was blank, and I didn\'t know what to do next."

The Highborne\'s worship of Queen Azshara is very firm, which can be seen from the attitude of Lord Ravencrest.

When he was dying, he didn\'t want to believe that Queen Azshara sent someone to assassinate him, and he raised the flag of rebellion only for the literal meaning of Qing Dynasty\'s side.

However, Azshara, who is extremely power-hungry, has always had zero tolerance for those who betray her. The tragic experience of Lord Ravencrest and Prince Farondis who manages Azsuna truly proves this point.

"I have a question."

Andrea stared at Delier and asked, "Until now, do you still believe that someone deceived the queen, and it was not her intention to attract demons?"


Without waiting for Delier to speak, Jorge took the lead in saying excitedly, "It must be the chief advisor Xavius ​​who is playing tricks in the dark! That guy who conspired with the devil deceived him, and Lord Ravencrest must have been deceived by him..."

"Unfortunately. UU Reading"

Andrea categorically interrupted Jorge\'s speech, "According to the information we have learned, it was Varocen who arranged for the assassin to attack, and there is only one person who can instruct the captain of the Queen\'s Guard."

Jorge was tongue-tied and murmured in disbelief, "...No way? Are you lying to me?"

Maiev added a knife with a blank face, "He didn\'t lie to you. The queen who ordered the assassination of Lord Ravencrest is undoubtedly the queen herself, and she is the only one who has the authority to open the Well of Eternity for the Burning Legion. Does Xavius ​​have that qualification? "

After all, Xavius ​​is just Queen Azshara\'s licking dog.

Admittedly, he does have selfish intentions, the chief advisor who wants to do great things and become a man worthy of Azshara...even though Azshara has no interest in him.

However, there is no doubt that Azshara\'s remote control is behind all his actions.

Andrea looked at the frustrated and bewildered expressions of the moon guards, and suggested, "I know you won\'t be able to accept the truth for a while, but you should get rid of the blind worship of Azshara and witness the facts with your own eyes. "

"Everyone should also be clear that our purpose is to go to the capital, Xin Aisa Li, and join the rebel army led by Jarod."

"If you drag a large army and march by land, even if you hurry, it will take at least more than a month to arrive, will be different if you have the teleportation technique provided by you."

Andrea got up and solemnly saluted Delier and the others, "I hereby extend an invitation to you as a family member of the Moon God. Please follow us to the front line and witness the atrocities committed by the Burning Legion and Azshara with your own eyes."

"I believe that those of you who have taken the first step bravely will be able to find the true and correct path."