Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 20: Don't let go of meteors 1

Andrea didn\'t answer Maiev\'s question. Although it was only a small-scale battle, it was his first experience on a real battlefield after all.

When he was in battle before, perhaps because of the secretion of adrenaline, Andrea didn\'t lose sight of one because of fear. Now that he thinks about it, he himself is surprised.

‘Is my will naturally tougher? Or just plain unresponsive? \'

In any case, the first battle with the Burning Legion went smoothly. After the battle, Andrea reflected on his previous performance on the battlefield and scored himself a score.

In terms of personal combat, Andrea only gave a passing score of 60 points. In a short period of time, he still couldn\'t perfectly grasp the newly acquired power, and the spells that he had researched temporarily were relatively rough.

But the mutation produced by the combination of Druid spells and the power of shadow also gave Andrea some inspiration, and he should conduct some in-depth exploration in this direction afterwards.

As for the battlefield command and layout... Maiev is the one who calls the shots, and Andrea only provides some suggestions on the layout of the general direction.

Judging from the results, it seems to be not bad, and he scored 80 points for himself in this regard.

After a short break, issues that had previously been overlooked by the Sisterhood of Elune and the Moon Guardian because they fought side by side were brought back to the fore.

Maiev stared at Major Delier sharply and said, "First of all, I am very grateful to the Moon Guard for helping me at a critical moment, but every yard counts. I want to confirm your current position."

At the moment when High Priest Dijana had not yet awakened, Maiev was the well-deserved leader of the Elune Sisters, and the priests present did not have any objection to her behavior of interrogating as a representative.

As the leader of the battle priests, Maiev\'s style is much tougher than the gentle High Priest Dijana, and her attitude caused dissatisfaction among some moon guards.

"What\'s your attitude?"

"You obviously relied on our help to save your life, but now you turn your face and don\'t recognize anyone!"

The battle priests on Maiev\'s side did not show any weakness, and the atmosphere at the scene became tense again.

Andrea sat on the tree stump in front of Shandris and re-bandaged the wound on her finger. He didn\'t stand up and express any opinion on the conflict between the two sides, but just silently watched the tense confrontation not far away.

\'Sure enough, even if we have just experienced a cooperation, the conflict between the two parties cannot be eliminated so easily. \'

In the previous battle, the stubborn Shandris fought until she lost all strength. Although she had been treated and bandaged by the priests, she could still see the blood oozing again from the fingers of her bandaged right hand.

Andrea removed the blood-soaked bandage from Shandris\' hand, and the priestess on the side used healing spells to relieve her pain and speed up the healing of the wound.

Although the real Azeroth also has a powerful healing technique that heals wounds instantly, this kind of emergency treatment in wartime essentially overdraws the vitality of the subject.

Just like a modern doctor injecting adrenaline to a critically injured patient, once the excitement period promoted by the spell is over, this overdraft effect will burst out all at once, and in the worst case, it may even be life-threatening.

Whether it is the divine spells used by Elune priests or the natural spells used by druids, most healing spells speed up the healing of wounds by stimulating the physical functions and potential of the recipient.

Unless the situation is urgent, most of the time the healers use relatively mild continuous healing spells, so as to avoid further burdening the already weak body of the injured.

Waiting for the priestess to finish casting the spell on Shandris, Andrea took out a new roll of bandages and wrapped Shandris up.

This girl\'s injury is not serious, but her physical strength was seriously overdrawn in the previous battle, and she will be in a state of weakness for a period of time after that.

"You are too reckless, obviously no one asked you, a trainee priest, to do this."

Andrea tied a cute bow at the end of the bandage as a prank, and Shandris gave Shandris a helpless look.

"It\'s true that no one asked for it, it\'s just that I want to do it myself... By the way, when did you become so childlike?"

Andrea shrugged and said with a smile, "Being **** nicely will help you recover, how about it? Have you calmed down?"

Shandris froze for a moment, then turned his head away with an unnatural expression, "Why calm down? I haven\'t lost my mind."

Andrea followed her body instinct and subconsciously flicked Shandris on the forehead.


After the action was made, Andrea suddenly froze in place, but Shandris touched his forehead with nostalgia and aggrieved.

"Obviously I have amnesia, but do you still remember this punishment..."


Andrea scratched his head, the subconscious action just now made him feel a little embarrassed.

If you don\'t consider the emotional problems of the predecessor, he and Shandris are still strangers, at best they can be regarded as comrades-in-arms.

But part of the instinct left over from his predecessor made him always subconsciously show a close attitude towards Shandris, and sometimes even ignore the supposedly unfamiliar relationship between the two.

Temporarily abandoning the inexplicable emotions in his heart, Andrea said solemnly to Shandris, "Do you think I can\'t see it?"

"Although your fighting style seems to be very brave, and even inspired the priests around you who are not good at fighting to a certain extent, your performance in this battle should be described as \'out of control\' after all."

Seeing Shandris\' flickering eyes and slightly depressed expression, UU reading www. Andrea sighed lightly and said, "I know you have deep-seated hatred for the Burning Legion in your heart, and I do the same, but I don\'t advocate this kind of hysterical way of venting."

"Controlling the flames of vengeance with quiet anger is what I think makes sense for the avenger mentality. If you continue like this, sooner or later you will burn yourself with uncontrolled anger."

Patting Shandris on the shoulder, Andrea comforted, "You should think about it for yourself. I\'ll go ahead and have a look. Don\'t act recklessly during this time, and take a good rest."


Under Shandris\' eyes with complex emotions, Andrea walked towards the confrontation point between the Moon Guard and the Battle Priest, who were still arguing.

"Priest Maiev, everyone of the Moon Guard."

Interrupting the dispute between the two sides with a clear voice, Andrea waved to both sides with a smile on her face.

"At any rate, they are comrades-in-arms who work together to repel the demons. Both parties please calm down and exercise restraint. It is not a good choice to have infighting here."


The young Jorge curled his lips and complained in a low voice, "Who is against you? We just don\'t understand the evil deeds of the Burning Legion, so we just helped you along the way."

"Okay, Jorge."

Delier stopped his subordinates from muttering.

The middle-aged elf with a scar on his left eye looked at Andrea with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Before it was hostile, I didn\'t have time to introduce myself."

"I\'m Delier of the Star Eye Family, Major of the Moon Guard, is your Excellency the one who sent us the distress signal just now?"

"That\'s right."

Andrea smiled and stretched out her hand to shake Delier, "I\'m Andrea Moon Shadow, let\'s be considered a druid."