Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 22: 3 women 1 drama?

Zin-Azhali, the capital of the Night Empire.

This city known as the glory of Azshara looks prosperous on the surface, but the people who live in the capital know very well that under the brutal massacre of the Burning Legion, the population of Xin Azshara has dropped by more than 60% compared to its heyday, which is tragic. Most of those who died were lower-class civilians.

The green flames of evil energy ignited near the Well of Eternity lit up the entire sky, and the surviving civilians shivered and hid in their homes, daring not to go out, only the highborne in flamboyant clothes walked on the streets and talked unscrupulously.

Azshara\'s palace is located on a high platform not far from the vast Well of Eternity. The once beautiful blue well water has now turned into a miserable green, and the wavy vortex completely destroys the tranquility of the water surface.

A huge fel portal powered by the Well of Eternity was erected beside the well, and ferocious demons continued to enter Azeroth from the Twisting Nether on the other side of the portal.

A first-born blue-skinned demon with curved horns and recurved calves was standing by the well with his arms crossed, silently watching the growth of the demon army.


A portal of fel energy suddenly appeared not far in front of the blue-skinned demon, and a dreadlord over 3 meters tall slowly stepped out of the portal. This person was the leader of Nathrezim, Tichondrius.

Before the blue-skinned demon on the opposite side asked, Tichondrius first knelt on one knee and bowed his head to admit his mistake.

"Dear Archimonde the Polluter, Tichondrius apologizes to you, my mission has failed."


Archimonde raised his eyebrows a little unexpectedly, and there was a wicked smile of interest on his majestic face.

"Tichondrius, you are the most powerful lieutenant under Kil\'jaeden. He once assured me that you would play an important role in the process of destroying Azeroth. I entrust you with his trust. .”

"Now, you fled back in embarrassment and told me that the mission failed?"

Tichondrius saw the flash of fierceness in Archimonde\'s eyes, and couldn\'t help but tremble all over his body. He hurriedly lowered his head to defend himself and said, "I am willing to make up for my mistakes! No matter what task you propose next time, I will risk my life." Guaranteed, we will do our best to complete it for you!"

Archimonde\'s eyes showed a look of satisfaction and playfulness, "Hmph~ Well, you said it yourself, so don\'t complain to Kil\'jaeden that I treated you badly."

"Go down, I will call you again when needed."

"Yes, this subordinate will retire."

Factional disputes within the Burning Legion were not uncommon. From Kil\'jaeden and Archimonde at the top to officers at all levels below, no one wanted to step on the corpses of their colleagues to continue climbing.

Although Archimonde and Kil\'jaeden were recruited by Sargeras at the same time, their personalities and ways of doing things were very different.

During the tens of thousands of years of working together, although they also obeyed the orders of the fallen titan Sargeras, the differences between them due to their different styles became more and more obvious.

Although it is not possible to tear his face face to face in front of Sargeras, it is inevitable to put eye drops on the other party when he finds an opportunity.

Archimonde respected power very much, which was the most fundamental reason why he decided to take the lead after showing his might in Sargeras.

Although he who used to control the Eredar Arcane Academy is not a bad brain, but since he obtained the great power of fel energy bestowed by Sargeras, he usually doesn\'t bother to think carefully about things that can be solved with power.

But Kil\'jaeden the Deceiver is different from his colleagues. Although he has the same powerful strength as Archimonde, the Deceiver prefers to hide behind the scenes and plot tricks, playing the enemy in his own hands.

The different behavior styles of the two made a significant difference in the demon races under their accounts.

What Archimonde valued most was the family of Abyss Lords who were simple-minded but extremely brave, and the leader Maronus was his confidant general.

The insidious and cunning Nathrezim, who is good at manipulating people\'s hearts, is all under Kil\'jaeden\'s command.

Sargeras handed over the vanguard task of invading Azeroth this time to the more active and brave Polterers, and the Deceiver stayed behind for support.

But Kil\'jaeden was obviously unwilling to let Archimonde monopolize all the credit. When the Polluter led his direct troops into Azeroth, he used his confidant adjutant Tichondeo as an excuse to assist Archimonde. Si also sent over.

Although Archimonde didn\'t like it, Tichondrius, who was good at controlling people\'s hearts, had always shown him great respect, and the previous tasks were completed impeccably, which made him unable to find a chance to attack.

The failure of the Tichondrius mission this time gave him a chance. He plans to find a more difficult mission next time to beat the leader of the Dreadlord and let him know who is the real number two of the Burning Legion.


Archimonde touched the fluttering whiskers on his chin, and thought thoughtfully, "Tichondrius is indeed a very capable subordinate. I didn\'t expect him to capsize in the gutter of this weak world."

"The Sisterhood of Elune... mortals with fanatical beliefs are as troublesome as ever."

In the side hall of Azsalin\'s palace, a woman wearing a moon-white priest\'s robe sat silently beside the big bed with purple gauze hanging, and several maids with weapons in the room were watching her vigilantly.


The sound of crisp footsteps came from outside the door, and all the maids present hurriedly put away their weapons, bowed their heads respectfully and faced the door.


The door opened, and the thick but not greasy fragrance first entered the room, and the green-haired priestess sitting by the bed opened her half-closed eyes.

"Hehe~ Look who this is."

A magnetic and extremely charming female voice came from the mouth of the head visitor.

This playful night elf woman has bright golden eyes. From her beautiful appearance, elegant and majestic temperament, to her perfect figure, UU Reading can\'t find it in this woman. If there is any flaw, she is like Zhong Tiandi, the daughter of the will of the world who was born smart and beautiful.

Although the green-haired priestess also has a beautiful appearance, a good figure, and an orchid-like temperament in the empty valley, she is also very attractive, but all her advantages are suddenly dwarfed by the shadow elf woman in front of her.

"Tyrande Whisperwind High Priest, didn\'t expect us to meet again here?"

The priestess known as Tyrande still had calm eyes, she silently stared at the opposite woman and replied, "Queen Azshara, it\'s been a long time, but I\'m not happy or honored for this reunion."

"Heh~ You are still so stubborn."

Azshara waved her hand to signal the rest of the maids to step down temporarily, leaving only one head maid beside her to serve.

The heroic and beautiful headmaid was staring at Tyrande with vigilant eyes at this time, her eyes flickered with imperceptible fierce light from time to time, and all of this was actually seen by Azshara.

Using arcane magic to create a chair of pure energy, Azshara sat gracefully opposite Tyrande.

The slender legs with a light violet color overlap naturally, outlining a seductive arc, and the slightly unruly movements make the white dress on Azshara\'s thighs slide down, revealing a large piece of lustrous skin.

"Many years ago, when you were baptized by High Priest Dijana to join the Sisterhood of Elune, I once sent you an invitation, and I still say the same thing now."

Azshara leaned on the armrest of the chair with her left hand to support her side face, and looked at Tyrande, who exuded a holy aura all over her body, with great interest.

"Give up your identity as a priest of the moon **** and become my maid. I promise, you will gain a status equal to or even better than Vashki."