Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 19: 1 strike back

The movements of the moon guards were relatively subtle. Major Delier led some members to take advantage of the huge size of the hellfire and quietly followed them towards the main battlefield.

And the other part of those who opposed it remained in place under the leadership of Albert Mooncrown.

Although they found it difficult to understand what their colleagues did and resolutely opposed it, after all they had worked together for many years, Albert and the others did not intend to inform the Burning Legion of their rebellion.

In order to buy time and opportunities for the Moon Guard, Andrea changed the focus of his attack and focused his firepower on Tichondrius.

"Priest Maiev, please come and help me!"

Maiev, who was facing the moon guard, also noticed the faint movement in the distance. She had just harvested two demon guards, and she pointed the moon wheel at Tichondrius again without saying a word.

"Useless struggle."

Tichondrius could not use his right hand for the time being, but facing the attacks of two mere mortals, he didn\'t take Andrea and Maiev\'s joint attack to heart.

With a random wave of his left hand, the green fel energy shield tightly protected his body, and Maiev\'s moon disc failed to penetrate the shield and hurt his body.

The mutated version of Nature\'s Fury sent by Andrea exploded outside the shield on the big bat\'s body like a string of bullets. The continuous collision of two different forms of energy made Tichondrius temporarily unable to concentrate on other things.

Andrea\'s brain was running at high speed while Ola Ola fired countless small shadow bombs, trying to remember what attack methods the druids and shadow priests had.

\'Druid? forest? \'

Glancing at the surrounding trees, Andrea gritted her teeth, "Whether it succeeds or not, let\'s try it." \'

When Maiev took over Andrea\'s attack and continued to suppress Tichondrius, Andrea tried to inject the mutated natural power into the forest after fusing himself with the power of shadow.

As a battlefield for both sides to compete, many trees in this originally peaceful grove have been overturned by the aftermath of the battle.

In a relatively narrow fighting space like the forest, it is quite inconvenient for the demon guards to wield their huge weapons, and there will inevitably be bumps and bumps. Some demon guards were annoyed and simply cut down all the nearby trees first.

As Andrea\'s mutated natural power injected into the earth, the trees in this forest seemed to be awakened by anger, and the seemingly ordinary trees began to gradually deform.

"...Are you kidding me?"

Andrea looked at these distorted "tree people" speechlessly.

In his impression, the treant awakened by the druid using the power of nature looks ugly and cute, at least it won\'t make people feel hideous.

That\'s right, hideous.

The treants created by Andrea do not have the thick and silly appearance of normal treants at all. Their limbs are slender and sharp, and the appearance growing on the trunk also shows an angry expression.


One of the tallest treants yelled and threw out its "left hand". The long and sharp branches pierced the five demon guards who couldn\'t escape along the way into meat skewers.


These ferocious treants suddenly appeared and beat the demon guards out of hand, and even Tichondrius\' attention was involuntarily attracted.

"Thuk Tuk!"

A smaller treant spit out a bunch of unknown spherical objects one after another towards the big bat in the air.

Without finding out the details of the opponent, Tichondrius flapped his wings to dodge.

Andrea looked thoughtfully at the tree man who was jumping angrily on the spot, "Tree species?"

Druids\' concept of symbiosis with nature allows them to be keenly aware of the more abstract emotional changes in nature.

As a former druid, although Andrea lost the memory of his predecessor, his physical instincts can still vaguely feel the anger of this forest, which is also his confidence to take the risk of transforming the tree man.

Facts have proved that he made the right move with this risky move. The extremely corrosive evil energy caused serious damage to the forest.

Because of their living habits, the night elves try to avoid harming the animals and plants in the woods, but the demons don\'t care so much.

As a matter of course, the transformed treants poured out all their wrath over the destruction of their homes on these demons.

Although the mere twenty or so tree men couldn\'t play a decisive role in the battle situation, their appearance did change something invisibly.

The morale of the Sisterhood of Elune, and the vigilance of... Tichondrius.

"Arcane Barrage!"

Just as the big bat was angrily avoiding the tree species that were attacking from the sky, he was startled by the sudden sound of breaking through the air from behind.


The arcane barrage representing the power of order collided with the fel energy shield of the power of chaos, and the two repelling energies caused a large-scale explosion.

Tichondrius, who was not prepared enough, was thrown out by this explosion, and at least he flapped his wings to stabilize his balance before landing in embarrassment.

"Are you crazy!"

Tichondrius angrily shouted at the Moon Guard who attacked him, "I, Tichondrius, represent Azshara\'s will. You little highborne are planning to betray your queen?"

"shut up!"

When some of his subordinates hesitated to act, Delia sent a series of arcane missiles to Tichondrius again.

"Demon! What qualifications do you have to represent the Queen\'s will? You keep saying that it is for the benefit of the Queen and the Highborne, but look at what you have done all these years!"

"The territory was destroyed by demons, and the citizens were brutally massacred. Without civilians who can rule, what meaning do we nobles have?"

The Highborne, who was stumped by Tichondrius\' words, regained their firmness again under the encouragement of Delia. UU reading

Although their starting point is different from that of the night elf civilians, their purpose is to stop the demons who are acting more and more unscrupulously.

Just like what Delier said, if there are no people, are nobles still nobles?

Pretending to be aggressive to no one is like walking in the night in brocade clothes, so what\'s the point of pretending to be aggressive?

Major Delier pointed his staff forward and ordered loudly, "Moon Guard, attack! Take back the glory and dignity that should belong to us from these lying demons!"

The military discipline of the Burning Legion was not very good. The main reason for maintaining a strong combat power was that the demons were not afraid of death. Anyway, they would be resurrected sooner or later.

But not being afraid of death does not mean that they will take the initiative to seek death. After a demon dies, the soul needs to return to the Twisting Void and wait for a long time to be resurrected. That is not a wonderful experience.

The demon army, which was flanked back and forth, was finally on the verge of being defeated. In addition, the slow and cumbersome Hellfire was completely wiped out by the large-scale spells arranged by the moon guards on the way forward. Tichondrius had seen this battle in advance ending.

"very good."

Dodging the joint attack of the two forces again in embarrassment, Tichondrius flew to the sky with a gloomy face.

"I will remember your rebellious behavior, and I pray that I have no relatives in Xin Aisa Li. Sooner or later, you will pay the price for your impulse!"

Seeing that Tichondrius sped up and fled after his harsh words, the battle priests who had fought two fierce battles in a row breathed a sigh of relief.

Maiev waved her hand to stop her subordinates from chasing and killing the fleeing demons. She turned her head and looked at the Moon Guard who was tens of meters away, and Maiev looked at the relieved Andrea with flickering eyes.

"Is this the reinforcements you mentioned earlier? When did you set up the game?"