Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 18: finger of pain

As a senior officer of the Burning Legion, although the Dreadlord\'s frontal combat effectiveness is far from that of the Abyss Lord, it is only compared with his colleagues of the Burning Legion who are also monsters.

For mortals, Tichondrius is enough trouble and threat to them.

This big bat wandering outside the Luna domain is very cunning. He didn\'t intend to waste his time trying to please the barrier, but pre-judged the team\'s eagerness to get away, and chose annoying harassment tactics to buy time for the Burning Legion to attack. The troops rushed to the woods to encircle them.

Although Andrea obtained the shadow power infused by the moon **** Elune, he had never actually fought anyone before.

The fighting instinct remaining from his predecessor is limited after all, he can only explore the strange form of power flowing in his body step by step during the fighting process.

Based on the previous damage effect of the Shadow Vine and Black Moonfire on the Moon Guard, combined with the understanding of the power of shadow in the game in the previous life, Andrea preliminarily judged that this power can simultaneously erode the enemy\'s physical damage while causing physical damage. Spirit.

Due to Sargeras\' obsession with destroying the forces of the Void Lord, the Burning Legion does not lack experience in fighting races with the power of the void (shadow).

After discovering that Andrea\'s power essence was different from that of other clansmen, the cunning and cunning Tichondrius deliberately raised his vigilance against him, which made Andrea\'s many sneak attack attempts fail to have much effect.

However, a person\'s energy is limited after all, and if he focuses part of his attention on Andrea, Tichondrius\' vigilance against other aspects will naturally decrease.

Coupled with the attitude of Maiev, the leader of the battle priest who has a tendency to be a female tyrannosaurus, Tichondrius has to face a large number of attacks from the battle priest at the same time, and gradually feels a little powerless after all.

But fortunately, his goal is not to defeat this group of hard-boiled jellyfish head-on. As the remaining demon guards and hellfire approach, Tichondrius has a ferocious and proud smile on his face.

"Hmph~ Mortals, I admit that your fighting will is strong enough, but that\'s it."

Turning into a little bat again to avoid the energy body moon wheel thrown by Maiev, Tichondrius withdrew a certain distance back.

"Let my subordinates come and fight the second round with you, and crush them!"


The demon guards striding forward raised their huge two-handed weapons in a row, and slashed vigorously on the defensive barrier jointly arranged by the priestesses.

Although these physical attacks with a small amount of evil energy can\'t break through the solid Luna domain in a short period of time, once Hellfire joins the battlefield, the situation facing Andrea and others will be even more desperate.

Because Shandris\' fingers kept pulling the bowstring, the leather sheath that specially protected her fingers was damaged. Her slender fingers were cut by the bowstring, and blood dripped on the ground little by little.

Even so, she still had no intention of stopping the attack. The stubborn girl gritted her teeth and continued to pull the bowstring, but changed the attack target from Tichondrius to the demon guard.

Andrea noticed the blood-stained bowstring in Shandris\' hand, and reached out to stop her from continuing to draw the bow.

"Stop first, let the nearby priest heal you."

Shandris stubbornly wanted to break free from Andrea\'s shackles, "But..."

"No but!"

Andrea sternly reprimanded, "Calm down, don\'t be overwhelmed by the blood of the battle! The efficiency of fighting with injuries is very low, you should at least bandage your fingers and rejoin the battle!"

Shandris bit her lower lip unwillingly, "...I see."

Silently putting down the longbow in his hand, Shandris muttered to himself with a dejected expression, "Why, after receiving rigorous training from the instructor, why do you still feel so powerless on the battlefield?"

Andrea sighed, patted her on the shoulder and comforted her, "Do you have any misunderstanding about the battlefield?"

"In this kind of melee where there are hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of people, do you want to turn the tide of the battle on your own? Doesn\'t this kind of thinking look down on the enemy and comrades-in-arms?"

"That\'s not what I meant! It\'s just..."

"I know."

Andrea slapped Shandris heavily on the back, "Go, the current situation is still unclear, and I will talk to you slowly after the battle is over."

In the line of priests retreating to the rear, Shandris turned to look at Andrea\'s back.

‘Andrea, you really have changed. \'

‘Although you couldn’t say you were autistic in the past, your naturally introverted personality definitely couldn’t make you say these comforting words. \'

Shandris looked at his childhood friend who summoned the shadow vines to attack the demon with flickering eyes, "Can amnesia change a person\'s personality? Is this the growth under pressure that the teacher said? \'

\' this also part of Elune\'s gift? \'

Andrea, who was busy training the demon with her tentacles, had no idea what Shandris was thinking.

Facts have proved that the tyrannical shadow vines are also effective against demons, and the demon guards who are rolled up by the vines are still thrown around in the air.

However, according to the feedback from the vines, these shadow vines with instinctive consciousness seem to be very indifferent to evil energy, and the absorbed evil energy is reinjected into the captured target\'s body in another way.

Fel energy has very powerful destructive power, but its characteristics are also very distinct—extremely difficult to control. UU reading www.

Too much uncontrollable fel energy poured in at once, and these demon guards who were caught in the air became small bombs one by one, and Andrea controlled the Shadow Vine to throw them into his comrades before the bomb exploded. middle.

Andrea, who was distracted, let the demon guards accept the baptism of the tentacles, and on the other hand, he was still paying attention to the movements of the moon guards in the distance.

At this time, there was a lot of commotion inside the Moon Guard because of Delier\'s statement, and Andrea didn\'t know for the time being whether the result of this commotion was good or bad.

Once again, the moonfire hit a hapless demon guard on the head, and the hairs all over Andrea\'s body suddenly stood on end, and he instinctively rolled over to the side.


An extremely condensed beam of evil energy actually directly penetrated the protection of the Moon God\'s Domain and fell to his side. If he hadn\'t made an evasive action at a critical moment, Andrea might have entered reincarnation again at this time.

"Hmph! Good luck to you."

Tichondrius calmly withdrew his right index finger with sharp nails, but Andrea could see that his entire finger had become scorched black, and he was still trembling as he moved.

‘Archimonde’s stunt, Finger of Death? \'

Andrea stared at the big bat in the sky vigilantly. This guy seemed determined to kill himself first.

\'No, it should be a weakened version, and this bat spirit definitely has a lot of restrictions in use, and it is basically impossible to fire continuously. \'

Even so, Andrea, who had attracted Tichondrius\' special attention, did not dare to cast spells on the demon group as unscrupulously as before.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the Moon Guard who had finally acted, and Andrea\'s eyes flashed imperceptibly.

‘Very well, the opportunity to fight back is coming. \'