Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 11: Maiev: No one knows I sneaked in

The moon guards that blocked Lasallaza were all concentrated on the outskirts of the city. They controlled the portals leading to the ground, and unauthorized people could not use the teleportation array to leave the city.

Including Andrea, none of the members of the Sisterhood of Elune present knew how to construct the portal.

Although there are a small amount of arcane spells in Druid\'s balance specialization, compared with mages, druid\'s use and concept of arcane are very different.

At least Andrea had never heard of any druid being able to use teleportation... Of course, opening the door to the Emerald Dream was another matter.

"That is."

Maiev, the leader of the battle priests of the Sisters of Elune, rested his hands on the conference table of the temple, and said firmly with piercing eyes, "If you want to leave this cage, conflict with the Moon Guard may be unavoidable."

All the priests present nodded, but High Priest Dijana hesitated.

"Is this really good? Although the moon guards obeyed the queen\'s order and sealed us in the vault of heaven, they have always been believers of the goddess, and they have always respected the members of the sisterhood. We directly attack like this, Isn\'t it a little..."

Maiev looked into Dijana\'s eyes, and solemnly advised, "High Priest, these are two different things."

"The Moon Guardians do have respect for us, but that doesn\'t take away from the fact that they restrict the Sisterhood\'s movements."

"Of course, I don\'t necessarily want to hurt their lives, but no one knows what will happen during the battle."

Maiev glanced at everyone present, Dijana was not the only one with a hesitant look on her face.

"Listen everyone, hesitation in battle is an act of self-destruction. You may be soft, but the enemy may not be."

"At that time, my team of battle priests will take the lead, and the other sisters will act according to the plan. They must not drag others down because of pity for the enemy."

"You don\'t want to see your sisters die at the hands of the enemy, do you?"

Seeing that Maiev held the audience with ease, Andrea, who was listening near the door of the meeting room, frowned.

\'Fortunately, she tried her best to help persuade, otherwise these meek priests don\'t know how long to hesitate. Unsteady will is a big taboo in battle. \'

On the day of the operation, the surface of the Temple of Luna’s Radiance remained unchanged. The people trapped in the city still came to the temple at around 20 o’clock at night, and completed today’s prayer ceremony under the auspices of several priests.

However, when a large number of Luna believers finished their prayers and left, the operation of the Luna\'s Radiance Temple was temporarily suspended.

Under the leadership of Maiev, the battle priests who held weapons such as moon discs, moon blades, bows and arrows put on black robes for battle, and took the lead to leave the temple and sneak into the city.

They skillfully walked through the shadows of the city\'s buildings, aiming directly at the animal pens in the eastern border area of ​​the city, which was guarded by the moon guards.

There are a large number of guarded hippogryphs left in the animal pen. If these excellent flying mounts can be regained, the ordinary priests who are not strong in combat will be able to evacuate from the air first.

The moon guards responsible for guarding the animal pens have a squadron of more than 50 people, and the defense is not to say that it is not tight.

Especially at the main entrance of the Beast Pen, a dozen moon guards in light armor of enchanted metal looked around vigorously.

The raid team led by Maiev was similar in number to the opponent, and the other battle priests were slightly behind, led by Maiev\'s adjutant, Nasa, to ensure the safety of the High Priest of Dijana and other members of the Sisterhood.

Maiev was originally a short-tempered person, and she was even more anxious when she learned that her own brother was leading the army at the front.

Signaling to the nearby battle priests who were hiding, Maiev took the lead in using Shadow Step to escape into the shadows, and the next second she appeared in the shadow behind one of the moon guards in front of the main entrance.

"Fan of Knives!"

As Maiev waved the moon wheel silently, countless shadow flying knives split and spread out from her weapon, covering all the dozen or so moon guards present.


Andrea, who was standing beside the high priest of Dijana, patted his forehead and said dumbfoundedly, "This is considered sneaking? How is it different from a frontal breakthrough?"

Dijana smiled wryly and shook her head, "Mavi has always believed in a principle, no matter what the process is, as long as she subdues everyone who sees her, it can be regarded as a perfect infiltration."

Andrea rolled her eyes in Maiev\'s direction, "I don\'t think you are suitable for the sorority, you should join the brotherhood..."



Throwing knives with shadow erosion properties were inserted from the joints of the Moon Guard\'s armor, and the six unlucky Moon Guards immediately half-kneeled on the ground, temporarily losing their fighting power.

The 10 or so people who escaped by chance were also wounded. This group of elite soldiers endured the severe pain caused by the erosion of the body by the shadow force and turned around, subconsciously waving their staffs to release arcane explosions.


The blue-purple arcane energy exploded on the spot, but at this time Maiev had already jumped back and left the scene, and the instinctive counterattack of the moon guards landed in the empty space.


In mid-air, Maiev threw out the moon wheel in her hand, and the darkened moon wheel drew an irregular and strange arc in the air, cutting into the formation from behind the moon guards.

The sharp edge of the wheel saw cut on the moon guard\'s enchanted light armor while rotating, and the piercing sound of metal friction sounded, and the moon guard, who was already in an irregular formation, hurriedly avoided the rampant moon.

"Do it!"

At Maiev\'s order, the battle priests lying in wait nearby attacked simultaneously.

The priests holding moon blades and other melee weapons shortened the distance with the moon guards as quickly as possible, and the long-range support from the back row also arrived in good time before they fought with the enemy.

The sudden wave of attacks made the moon guard completely unable to find the north. Not only the main entrance, but also the soldiers around the animal pen were attacked almost at the same time.

Although caught off guard by the sneak attack of the battle priests, the Moon Guards were the elite of the Highborne mage army after all. After the initial chaos, they managed to hold their ground.

"call out!"

A blue-white arcane flare blasted into the air with a piercing sound.

Nasa, who was standing behind, frowned slightly, "As expected of the Moon Guards, they can calmly deal with the situation in a deep disadvantage, and I\'m afraid they will have to force their way in."

Andrea yawned lazily, "As expected, fortunately, there are not many Moon Guards sent out, and Azshara has left the most elite combat forces on the main battlefield. It should not be difficult for us to break through."

Highborne who use arcane magic must periodically absorb the magic of the Well of Eternity to maintain their state, and they cannot leave Zin-Azshari for long.

Although most of the Highborne still don\'t know what\'s going on with the ennui that gradually grows when they are away from the Well of Eternity, Andrea, as a time traveler, knows it all too well.

Magic addiction, long-term soaking in high-concentration magic power, the body of the upper elves has become accustomed to this state.

Once they are separated from the magical nourishment of the Well of Eternity, they will gradually have an uncontrollable withdrawal reaction. Not only will their combat effectiveness drop sharply, but their physical and mental states will also be seriously affected.

‘So, regardless of the Well of Eternity, the Sunwell or the Nightwell, these powerful sources of magic power are the culprits that corrupt the will of the elves. \'