Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 12: to break out

No matter the high elves or the Nightborne, or even Syndra, who will get rid of his addiction by absorbing the evil energy of demons in the future, and the Sandara high elves, who were tortured to the point of madness by their addiction, ran to provoke the blue dragon in a convulsion.

All the descendants of the Highborne inevitably became addicted to magic after losing the well of eternity, the source of magic power.

After the high elves traveled eastward, they relied on the water from the Well of Eternity stolen by Dath\'Remar to create a new source of magic power—the Sunwell.

The Nightborne of Suramar is a night well created by the great magister Elisande through the Eye of Aman\'Thul. They can continue to maintain their magic addiction by absorbing a new source of magic power.

But in the end, this is just drinking poison to quench thirst. The future history has proved to Andrea that once he loses his source of magic power, both the Nightborne and the high elves will re-infect the magic addiction that is difficult to quit.

So from a certain point of view, Andrea is in favor of Malfurion destroying the Well of Eternity.

It’s not that without the Well of Eternity, one cannot delve into arcane arts, nor can one defend one’s family, country, and all of Azeroth. The human mages that will appear in the future will directly prove this point, but the speed of progress will definitely be faster than relying on free magic sources. Much slower.

"The life essence of Titan Star Soul...?"

Looking at the battle of the Beast Pen, where the dust gradually settled, Andrea\'s eyes were a little empty, and he recalled the source of the Well of Eternity.

Shandris heard his muttering, turned her head curiously and asked, "Essence of Life? What do you mean?"

"No, nothing."

Shaking his head to bring his thoughts back, Andrea changed the topic and said, "Now is not the time to think about other things. The moon guards outside the city should have raised their vigilance, and we have to make all preparations."

With Maiev\'s wandering support in the battle of the beast pen, her elite battle priests quickly cleared the scene.

After the battle, the high priest Dijana brought a group of priests to the animal pen to treat Maiev and the others.

Maiev frowned and looked at the bloodstains on her left shoulder that had been wiped out by arcane missiles. The High Priest was currently casting spells to heal her.

"It is indeed the most elite battle mage unit under Azshara\'s command. It still has such a tenacious will to fight under the desperate situation of being attacked by surprise."

If it weren\'t for Maiev\'s first wave of raids and the subsequent support on the battlefield, it would be hard to say who would win and who would win.


A gray owl descended from the sky and landed on Nasa\'s outstretched left arm.

Nasa, who observed the situation outside the city through the eyes of the beast, frowned, "Your Excellency the High Priest, Lord Maiev, the moon guards outside the city have begun to gather at the mountain pass. Are we really going to break through from the front?"

Maiev nodded firmly after Dijana bandaged her wound, "This is the only way to leave the Vault of Heaven. Be prepared, this battle will not be as easy as before."


Andrea stood up and stretched, "Let me help this time, just try the gift I got from Elune."

Shandris hurriedly took a step forward and said, "Then I too..."

"Do not."

Andrea looked up and stopped Shandris from speaking, "Santis, you stay and act with the high priest."

"Apart from me, you are the only one who knows the terrain nearby."

"While the battle priests are attracting the Moon Guard\'s attention, you lead the ordinary priests of the Sisterhood away from the battlefield and find a safe place to hide temporarily. We will rush to join you as soon as we break through the siege."


Shandris seemed a little unconfident, "Can I really do it? Or let sister Nasa lead the team..."

Nasa shook her head with a smile and said, "Santis, there is no need to underestimate yourself. As Mr. Andrea said, you are the most suitable candidate."

High Priest Dijana also touched Shandris\'s hair kindly, "Child, you can\'t always hide under the wings of your predecessors. Facing the crisis situation where powerful enemies are all around you, you must mature as soon as possible."

"I heard that your family members died at the hands of the devil, don\'t you want to avenge them with your own hands?"


When talking about what happened to his family, Shandris had a deep hatred in his eyes.

Dijana patted Shandris on the shoulder and said, "Relaxing, having motivation and goals is a good thing, but don\'t let hatred cloud your sanity. As the last member of the Feather Moon family, you have an obligation to let your family continue to pass on. continue?"

"...I see, thank you High Priest for your enlightenment."

Andrea saw that Shandris\' eyes became firm, and a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When Dijana skillfully stepped on the hippogryph to adjust the reins, Andrea solemnly bowed to her and begged, "High Priest Dijana, Shandris will take care of you for the time being."

"As you can see, she is still very immature, I hope you can guide her at the critical moment."

Dijana smiled and nodded, "I see, Andrea, you and Maiev should also be careful, and may Elune bless you both."

The Great Temple of Luna\'s Radiance is the headquarters of the Elune Sisterhood, and there are hundreds of priests in the Great Temple.

Except for more than 120 battle priests, the rest of the priests can only use some auxiliary and healing spells, and they are seriously lacking in combat experience. Maiev and Dijana naturally will not let these rookies join the battle.

The more than 50 hippogryphs in the animal pen had to be transported out of the city in three batches. UU Reading Fortunately, these priestesses were very light, so it was no problem for three of them to ride together.

Seeing that High Priest Dijana and others were ready, Maiev wiped the blood on the moon wheel, and glanced sideways at Andrea, who seemed to be doing nothing.

"Let me ask one last time, are you sure you want to fight with us?"

"Sure, sure, let\'s go."

"Hmph~ Don\'t expect me to save you if you encounter danger on the battlefield."

Maiev turned over and mounted the black nightsaber she found in the animal pen, raised the moon wheel above her head and shouted, "Sisters! We must attract enough attention for the other sisters of the high priest, charge with me!"

"Yes! In Elune\'s name!"

Watching the battle priests charge down the mountain road riding the night saber, Di Jiana also commanded the priests to control the hippogryph into the sky.

Shandris clasped his hands in front of his chest, closed his eyes and bowed his head silently in prayer.

‘Eluen, may you bless Andrea and the sisters to break through smoothly. \'

The moon guards at the checkpoints at the bottom of the mountain had already completed their assembly. Nearly 200 battle mages took the lead in using arcane magic to change the terrain, raising a thick earth wall at the mountain pass.

The first green-haired male night elf with a scar on the corner of his eyebrow looked at the dust rising above the mountain road, his eyes flashed brightly.

"Here we come! By the order of Queen Azshara, these moon priests must not be allowed to break out!"

"Get ready for air squadrons! Keep an eye out for air raids by Hippogryph Knights!"


The commander let out a deep breath, clenched the ornate staff and the one-handed long sword tightly and stared at the dust gradually approaching them on the mountain road.

"Come on, bet on the name of the moon guard, I must stop you here!"