Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 10: Elune

As the leader of the battle priests recognized by many sisters, even the high priest Dijana could not take Maiev\'s opinion lightly.

Driven by her strong support, a consensus was soon reached within the sisterhood. Tomorrow night, they will formally break up with the Moon Guard, break through the blockade of the Vault of Heaven, and strive to reach the main battlefield before the start of the war.

In name, Andrea was just a druid, and he had nothing to do with the internal decisions of the Elune Sisterhood, but he planned to play a role in the implementation of the plan, just in time to try the new power he had just acquired.

After staying up all day, the priests of the Sisterhood alternated between catching up on sleep as it got dark, and Shandris was no exception.

But Andrea, due to the sufficient sleep before, entered a state of excitement after entering the night.

The crescent moon in the sky is casting a faint silver light on the courtyard, and Andrea is standing in the center of the courtyard at this moment, bathing in the moonlight which is cooler than the sunlight.

His spirit gradually entered a special state of detachment, and he was deeply immersed in his own spiritual sea.

"Son, can you hear me now?"

The soft and gentle female voice seems to penetrate directly into Andrea\'s soul. Perhaps the word "voice" is inherently problematic, and Andrea seems to communicate directly with a great being through the spirit.

"Yes, Elune, the moon god."

Andrea, who usually looked carefree, seemed very respectful and polite at this time, his translucent soul body saluted the silver light ball in front of his chest.

"Thank you for your gift, which allows me to have the most basic ability to protect myself in this crisis-ridden world."

The soft female voice came out again from the ball of light, "Don\'t thank me, I just use pure energy to wash your body with high intensity, so as to get rid of the impurities in your body and guide out the talents you originally possessed."


Andrea was taken aback for a moment, and then said in a daze, "So, I was born with a shadow-friendly physique?"


Elune said with a smile, "On the contrary, like the other two night elves with golden eyes, you are born with a very high talent for the power of light."

"Because of the mutual transformation characteristics of light and shadow, and the special features of your soul, you also have the same powerful shadow talent."

Andrea\'s smile was fixed on his face, and he uttered a questioning voice with a confused face, "...huh?"

Elune didn\'t care about Andrea\'s distraction, she continued with some regrets, "If you continue to follow the bright path, you will surely grow to a height beyond the reach of other mortals, unfortunately..."

"Azshara was attracted by the Well of Eternity and chose the arcane path."

"In order to win Tyrande\'s heart, Illidan Stormrage blindly pursued great power, and even turned to the Burning Legion to go deep into the enemy\'s rear to spy on intelligence. He naively thought that he could regain Tyrande\'s heart by making great achievements. .”

Hearing this, Andrea frowned slightly, "Has the Demon Hunter been born yet?" \'

Elune\'s style changed, and she said to Andrea with a deep meaning, "And you, it\'s another situation."

"The foreign soul merged with the broken soul of the body itself, forming a new soul form, and even began to affect the body in reverse. Even I have never seen such a situation."


Andrea looked at the big silver ball of light in horror, "Dear Elune, do you...know my true origin?"


Elune chuckled and said, "I noticed you as early as when you came to Azeroth, my outsider family."

Andrea stepped forward and approached the big ball of light and asked anxiously, "Then can you send me back to the original world?! My parents must be very worried about my situation!"

Elune was silent for a few seconds before replying regretfully, "I\'m sorry, child."

"Not to mention that I can\'t trace which world your soul came from and how to send you back. Moreover, since you entered Azeroth in the form of a soul, it means...your body has already disappeared in the original world. die."

"Even if you can return to your home world, your body cannot be resurrected, unless you use death spells to turn your body into an undead, can you accept that?"

Elune\'s explanation made Andrea\'s brain go blank, and the folklore of not being allowed to become a master after the founding of the nation repeated in his mind.

It took a while for Andrea to twitch the corners of her mouth, and murmured with a weird expression that couldn\'t help but ask, "So, I can\'t go back?"

"I\'m afraid so, son."

Elune comforted her softly, "Although I can\'t be sure why your soul was attracted to Azeroth, I think it should be related to the Burning Legion breaking through the dimension and building a large-scale portal through the Well of Eternity."

"Spatial disturbance?"

"Yes, in the absence of sufficient evidence, this guess should be the closest to the truth."

Andrea clenched her fists tightly, and the blank expression on her face gradually became firm and ferocious.

"The Burning Legion...another reason to destroy you!"

Elune comforted softly, "Son, don\'t let hatred fill your life."

"Destroying the Burning Legion is certainly a lofty ideal, but I hope you will not give up other good things because of it."

"First of all, I want to apologize to you, because the secrecy of your soul is too low, and I accidentally read the flashing picture in your memory just now."


Andrea asked with a painful face, "Dear Elune, that is to say... I have no secrets at all in front of you, and even what is in my heart can be easily perceived?"

"Yes, although I will not take the initiative to read your thoughts, but when your mood swings are more intense, certain memories will naturally emerge."

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Andrea sighed and said, "Well, it seems that how to improve one\'s mental closure is also a topic that needs to be studied in the future."

"So, which piece of memory did you read just now?"

"About Illidan Stormrage. UU Reading"

Elune said with some emotion, "Although I don\'t know where you got the fragment of the future, I have to say that the ending of that demon hunter fits his character and behavior style very well."

"After completely losing hope of winning back Tyrande\'s heart, Illidan regarded the destruction of the Burning Legion as his only belief in his life."

"In order to achieve this goal, he is willing to give everything for it, and he can also be ruthless to make cruel orders that no one else can give."

Elune said earnestly, "Andrea, I don\'t want your future to be as empty as his. Try to embrace the world. There are more beautiful things in Azeroth waiting for you to discover and touch."

Andrea smiled wryly and rubbed the center of her brows, "I will try my best, thank you for your enlightenment, great moon **** Elune."

Elune\'s words revealed a sense of relief, "It\'s just that you are willing to accept my suggestion... Time is running out, and my consciousness cannot be projected into the material world for a long time."

Elune\'s "voice" became more and more distant, and she finally left a request.

"Andrea, another of my family members, Tyrande, is in big trouble. I must leave her with the last bit of strength left in this world."

"My strength alone is enough to protect myself, but I can\'t get her out of trouble. I hope you can help her."

"I know Tyrande. She is a person with clear grievances and grievances. One day in the future, she will definitely try her best to repay your kindness."

After Elune\'s consciousness faded away from the material world, Andrea\'s body standing in the courtyard of the Great Temple opened her eyes.

"big trouble?"

Stretching out his left hand and stroking the beard on his chin, Andrea said thoughtfully, "Is it this time? It seems that we must act as soon as possible."