Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 884: 886 Magic Treasure Box

Chapter 884: Magic Treasure Box

This kind of illusion will appear in the forbidden land of the Mo family in the last part of the forbidden land.

This illusion is undoubtedly the structure of the Great Magister. But this also exists in the forbidden area created by the Mozu ancestor.

In this way, could it be that the Mozu ancestor had had trouble with the Magister before?

However, this argument is somewhat unreasonable. Even if this is a copy world, time has a proportional relationship with the real world, but the Grand Magister cannot appear in the same era as the Mozu ancestor.

Because the set time of this copy is the time when Lin Tianyao appeared. Even if the Great Magister has great powers, it is impossible to appear in the time that the copy world does not have.

However, although Lin Tianyao does not agree, he cannot find a reasonable explanation. Because the Great Magister has broken his mind, one copy can indeed appear with two experienced players.

Perhaps the secret of all this can only be told by the Magister. He wondered this way, there was no way to find the secret answer. Because there is no clue and evidence, he can give him a hint.

Lin Tianyao secretly clenched his fists, Lin Tianyao said: "Great Magister, even if it fails to complete the task this time, I want you to tell the truth."

He already had a decision in his mind. This copy may be just the beginning.

Since the Great Magister and Lin Tianyao are both members of the thousands of experienced practitioners, such a situation will definitely not only appear on him alone.

Lin Tianyao had a hunch that even if he won this victory, he crushed the conspiracy of the Magister. However, in future copies, it may be possible that this will happen again. There will also be the same experienced person, and he appears in the same copy.

"The boat is straight at Qiaotou. Let's go step by step! Let's save Tianming first!"

If you can’t think of it, you just don’t think about it. Lin Tianyao used this method to deal with this difficult problem before.

However, what everyone sees right now is only the dark endless void. How many people are there in the sky?

Duan Murong and others have never encountered such a situation, and they were all stunned on the spot, watching Lin Tianyao, who was caught in thought, waiting quietly.

Returning to reality from his thoughts, Lin Tianyao raised his head and looked around. Then he reached out his hand, condensed into claws, and gently handed it out.

"This too illusory state is just to confuse ordinary people. It is impossible to stop me!"

There was a low growl in his mouth, which seemed to be an invisible declaration of war against the Magister. In the palm of Lin Tianyao's claws, a golden flame suddenly burst out.

This time, Jin Wuyan, violent than before, did not know how many times. After this flame appeared, it was as big as a dustpan. The golden light radiated from it illuminated the surroundings for a while.

"Break me!"

As the flames grew fierce, Lin Tianyao's hands were fiercely lit, as if the head of the Magister was in his palm at this moment, and he was pinched hard. His hand was fisted, and the huge golden fireworks exploded violently. Mars scattered all over the sky, as if it were fireworks in the sky, gorgeous and dazzling.

This scene is simply beautiful and confusing. The black space and the shiny golden black flames are like countless fireworks rising suddenly in the night sky.

A little bit of sparks after Jin Wuyan exploded, instantly spilled over every corner of Tai Unreal Realm.

After the spark fell to the ground, it seemed that the match had met the pile of wood, and the surroundings were ignited.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the entire unreal world was enveloped by flames. The endless black void was gradually swallowed by the flame.

It was like a daybreak before dawn. The golden sun suddenly appeared, gradually dispersing the mist of the night.

As the illusory realm was burned by the gold and black flames, there was finally a bright light around it. After that light, it began to show its original appearance.

Here is a space of less than twenty square meters, standing three meters away in front of everyone, these three petite figures are standing.

Those three people are the three people in Tianming!

In front of them, there is a stone platform more than one meter high. On the stone platform, there is also a mini-loft with a gorgeous appearance.

The structure of the pavilion is very similar to that of the Rubik's Cube, and the gully that divides it neatly is the track used to move it.

When I saw the pavilion, the soul of Donghuang Taiyi, who had been hidden in the stone, couldn't help but screamed: "That's... a magic box?"

"Phantom Box?"

Everyone's eyes, with the voice of Donghuang Taiyi, all looked at the stone that contained his soul.

Lin Tianyao first asked: "What is the situation, do you know that box?"

Dong Huang Taiyi said with surprise in his voice: "How can I not know this thing, this is clearly the secret of my Yin and Yang family."

Why do the secret treasures of the Yin and Yang family appear in the Mo's forbidden land?

Lin Tianyao continued to ask: "Clarify me clearly. Since this thing belongs to your Yin and Yang family, why did it appear here?"

This question actually stumped the Emperor Dong. He didn't know how to explain it, he could only simply say: "This thing, our Yin Yang family used to be the treasure desperately sought by dozens of generations. It's just the secret, we don't know. As for why it falls on Here, it should be the first people to do it!"

Although his explanation is very general, it is easy to hear the meaning. This thing is the secret treasure of the Yin and Yang family, but afterwards it is also the behavior of the Yin and Yang family.

It was only when this happened that it was before Donghuang Taiyi, so he had never been informed.

Putting this question aside for a while, Lin Tianyao's eyes returned to the three Tianming. These three little guys, as if they had been immortalized, stood motionless and did not even have any consciousness.

"Too illusory has been broken, why are they still like this?"...