Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 883: 885 Too Unreal

#883 885 too unreal

Unlike the feelings of the two women, Gao Jianli was in admiration for Lin Tianyao with a trace of ashamed.

He lowered his head and shook his head again and again: "I'm still good at piano chess, calligraphy and painting, but I don't think there are days outside, there are people outside. Lin Shaoxia, you just look at it, you can see the true meaning of black and white chess, admire."

Gao Jianli said this from his heart. Even if he saw the present, he still did not understand the mystery. And Lin Tianyao was the first time he saw him, but he was able to do so perfect, how could he not be ashamed?

He said this, Lin Tianyao passed by with a smile. He has played thousands of times in the real world in black and white chess. If there is no way to deal with this rigid organ, he doesn't have to mix it up.

He smiled at the admiration of Gao Jianli. Can't he confess that he doesn't belong to this world?

Now that the game is broken, the obstacles of this level are also disintegrated. After the central chess game stopped for a while, it began to shake violently.

Then, at an important place in the square, a depression began to appear suddenly, and a large area of ​​ground, including chess, collapsed. Then, a secret room-like passage appeared in front of everyone.

The trace of the magical energy of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi used to stop at the center of the square. It turned out that it was a sealed institution. It was impossible to reach the next level without passing through.

When entering the forbidden area, Emperor Dongyi said that the breath of several people in Tianming became weaker and weaker. It took so much time to crack the chess game, and everyone couldn't continue to lose it.

Without further ado, Lin Tianyao winked at everyone, and then jumped into the secret path first.

Following the traction of magical energy, Lin Tianyao moved quickly under his feet, and the small machine he encountered on the way, he directly destroyed it. Finally, in order to save time, he directly sent a flame to sprint forward to open the way.

The secret road is at least three miles long. Lin Tianyao and others quickly spent nearly half a cup of tea. At last it came to the end of the secret road and appeared in front of everyone, it turned out to be a huge black void.

This void is a dark and void space, as if it were a universe without any stars, empty, and nothing.

This situation is very similar to the scene when Lin Tianyao finally encountered the Supreme Emperor in the copy of the pupil of Chonghonghong.

"Too unreal..."

Seeing this area, Lin Tianyao's mouth popped up with these words.

This too illusory realm, said to be a magic circle, is actually not entirely composed of magical energy. It also contains other energy elements.

Moreover, when entering here, Lin Tianyao can clearly feel a cold feeling, this kind of breath is very evil, very old and vicissitudes.

This feeling, Lin Tianyao had encountered once before, that is when playing against the Magister. He could clearly feel this breath from the other party's magical energy.

The Great Magister had already admitted before that the fairy tail, the crimson pupil, and even the three copies of Tokyo Ghoul, he did all the things related to the magic circle.

In this case, this piece is too illusory, and the breath is so similar to his magical energy, obviously he also made it.

However, this series of copies, the Great Magister's own abilities have also improved a lot. It can be clearly seen from this magic circle that this time the illusion has reached too unreal.

At this moment, Lin Tianyao's heart seemed to be touched, and his eyebrows were locked.

In this unreal world, there are other energy elements besides magic energy. According to this reasoning, the Great Magister must have other skills.

When he played against Lin Tianyao, what he showed was only magic ability after all. He did not reveal the skills of other energy elements at all. Therefore, his previous failure could not be called failure at all, but deliberately!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyao was a little shocked. The Great Magister was deliberately defeated, so what is his purpose? What is the purpose of this?

Originally, my mood began to relax, and even with most confidence that Lin Tianyao, who could defeat the Magister, was now caught in the alert again. He slacked off, and he started to slack off after repeling the Magister.

He was not even vigilant at all. Thought that he had pushed the Magister into a desperate situation.

Such carelessness is deadly. If he still keeps his mind to deal with the Great Magister, the consequences will be disastrous!

The more I think about it, the more Lin Tianyao's heart palpitations. Fortunately this time, he came to the forbidden area and found this piece of illusion. If not, he would have to suffer a big loss, and he would even lose the battle.

If you follow this reasoning, the previous loss of the Magister Mago is likely to deliberately let Lin Tianyao be stunned by victory, thus relaxing his vigilance. In that final battle, give him a fatal blow!

"Damn, how many conspiracies do you have, and how many cards do you have?"

Looking at the illusory realm in front of him, Lin Tianyao's heart seemed to be integrated into the darkness, and then gradually subsided. He increasingly felt that this was a trap, even the entire copy was a trap.

The Great Magister always left a magic circle on the road he must pass through. Is this revealing a message, or rather, it is a warning to warn him not to resist again?

If he was really sure to defeat Lin Tianyao, he attacked the Mohists this time, but failed to retreat. What on earth was this for?

Lin Tianyao's brain became confused at this moment. Obviously it is his unique copy, why the Great Magister can leave a magic circle in it. Such information revealed that he must have existed in that copy!

What is the secret of all this, is it really a loophole of the system as he said? ....