Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 885: 887 Rescue Tianming

Chapter 885: Rescue the dawn

When Lin Tianyao was puzzled, Emperor Dongyi said aside: "Heroin Lin, the three of Tianming, I am afraid they are confused by the magic box."

This explanation made Lin Tianyao strange again. He questioned: "East Emperor Taiyi, what the **** is this, and is there any unique role for this magic box?"

Dong Huang Taiyi replied: "The structure of the magic sound box is based on the five-tone twelve-law. After the construction is opened, the internal gear rotates to make it show a tower-shaped pavilion. The pavilion has five floors, each of which is different from The five sounds of "Palace, Shang, Horn, Zheng, and Feather" correspond to each other. There are twelve cornices on each floor, and there is a window under each cornice. Each window is marked with the name of the temperament, and the corresponding is ten. The same law."

Speaking of which, his tone suddenly became a bit excited: "The magic box can play countless pieces of music. These pieces of music are also illusory and real, ever-changing, and there is a terrible and dangerous force. If someone who is destined to hear, You can improve your skills, and people who don’t have the chance to hear it may fall into mystery or even be crazy."

Gao Jianli, who was on the side, knew the truth, and after listening to it, he repeatedly exclaimed: "It's such a treasure, it's really a coincidence. Even my Mohist's organ skills, I haven't tasted such exquisite things!"

Having said that for a long time, Lin Tianyao is also a little vague, and he is not very proficient in the aspect of temperament. But the words added later by Emperor Donghuang were clear.

The music of Phantom Treasure Box can be chosen into myth and madness. Looking at the appearance of the three people, Tianming should be caught in a mystery.

Knowing what happened to the three little guys, Lin Tianyao also knew what to do.

He stepped forward, took the Symphony Treasure Box in his hand, waved his hand over it, and a layer of space seal was directly blessed on it.

The music of the magic sound box can produce sound for people, and it is naturally related to its body. If it is just music, it will definitely not reach this level.

The space seal can isolate the magic sound box in another space, and completely isolate the space in front of it, and its influence has been completely cut off.

Sure enough, the moment Tian Mingyao applied the seal, the three Tianming woke up.

Looking at Lin Tianyao in front of them, they still can't distinguish between reality and illusion.

Tianming stretched out his hands and rubbed his eyes, while confusedly said: "What's wrong with me, how dizzy? I was eating roast chicken just now, what about my roast chicken?"

With that said, he jumped up suddenly and his gaze returned to clarity from the blur. He shouted loudly while jumping.

Shao Yu's body shook slightly, and then he was confused for a while: "I was still fighting in the battlefield, why are the Qin troops disappeared, where am I?"

The performance of the two is similar. Only after Yue'er opened her eyes, she was not confused at all. On the contrary, she glanced at Lin Tianyao with joy in her voice: "Brother Lin, I just seemed to have entered the fairyland, and now I feel comfortable all over."

Lin Tianyao can see at a glance that Yue'er doesn't seem to be confused by hallucinations. On the contrary, she is sober, and she still has some adventures.

Phantom Treasure Box can not only lead people into myth, but also endow unique people with unique power.

Obviously, Tianming and Shaoyu experienced the former, while Yue'er experienced the latter. Now that she is destined to this magic box, Lin Tianyao handed it over to Yue'er Road: "Yue'er, since you are destined to this box, I will give it to you Now!"

At this time, Tianming also recovered Qingming. Seeing Lin Tianyao giving the magic sound box to Yue'er, he said with a lip: "Brother Lin, aren't you hurting Yue'er? This thing has hurt us so much." Misery, I almost got dizzy."

Shaoyu heard the words and reached out and patted on his head: "Boy, what do you know. Didn't Brother Lin say that Yue'er is related to the magical sound box? That's why you are the wood. Eight primes."

Tianming spit out his tongue and said, "Huh, you are so kind to say me, you are not like a fan and almost turned into an idiot!"


Shaoyu was choked by Tianming and didn't know what to say. He simply turned his head and ignored him.

Then he asked Lin Tianyao: "Brother Lin, fortunately you came to save us. Otherwise we will almost die here!"

Lin Tianyao smiled slightly, then ticked his finger at Tianming and said: "Little guy, come here, I mainly came to you this time!"

Tian Ming pointed his finger at himself and said, "Look for me? Brother Lin, did you decide to accept me as a disciple and teach me kung fu?"

This is how a child's heart is. He almost lost his life and forgot in a blink of an eye.

However, Lin Tianyao was still very pleased. This kid had a very miserable life. Such a happy temperament was also a good thing.

When Tianming jumped in front of him, he said to Donghuang Tai: "Donghuang Taiyi, the Six Soul Horror Curse, you come to solve it!"

When Tian Ming saw Lin Tianyao talking to Emperor Dong Huang, he could not help but said strangely: "Brother Lin, are you also confused by the broken box, how did you speak to the stone?"

Before he finished speaking, the Emperor Donghuang replied: "Lord Lin, leave it to me!"


The Emperor Dongyi talked in such a way that Tianming was so scared that his hair had to be put up. He didn't know the situation yet. If a stone suddenly spoke, how could he not scare him?

Shao Yu shook his head helplessly: "Oops, we are still in the illusion, Brother Lin is also fake!"

Lin Tianyao is full of black lines on his head. These little guys can really think of anything in their heads.

But he was not surprised, after all, Tianming is such a clever temperament.

At the next moment, he directly extended his hand, grabbed Tianming's shoulder with his right hand, and then formed a claw with his left hand. I placed it on Tianming's small head, and a pure internal force entered his body.

"Oops, you bastard, what are you doing?"

It seemed that he thought it was an illusion, and Shaoyu and Yue'er thought Lin Tianyao was going to shoot at Tianming and screamed together. ....