Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 880: 882 saving people

Episode 880

Lin Tianyao has done so, it is already an ultimatum. If Donghuang Taiyi still refused, he would be dead.

Once the palm is held, the space in it will be destroyed naturally.

Explained enough. If the East Emperor Taiyi is still obsessive, he is also responsible for it.

As the space became more and more narrow, the soul of Donghuang Taiyi was also compressed and contracted, and the original human-shaped soul had become a narrow slice.

"Stop, I promised!"

Just as Lin Tianyao's hand was about to shake, the emperor Dongyi compromised.

If he continued to let his hand hold, his soul would be crushed directly.

As soon as he said this, Lin Tianyao's hand opened instantly.

The space expanded again, and Emperor Donghuang felt everything became relaxed in a flash. The sense of explosion that the soul was about to squeeze before disappeared.

This guy really didn't reach the last moment, he would not compromise. If Lin Tianyao continued to talk to him about the conditions, it would still not reach such a result.

Sometimes, the necessary means must be taken out.

"Now that you agreed, don't hurry up?" Lin Tianyao glanced at the forbidden ground and gave a glance at Donghuang Taiyi.

When the Emperor Dong heard the words, he said bitterly in his tone: "Lord Lin, my skull has been destroyed by you, and my soul has been burned by the golden black flames.

He said it was Lin Tianyao's fault. But this is also true. Once the soul has no boarding body, it will naturally dissipate between heaven and earth.

"This is easy to handle!"

Lin Tianyao relaxedly said: "You want a boarding house, here is everywhere!"

With that, he reached out a hand, and a small stone on the mountain wall was directly recruited by him.

Then, in the nearly frantic scream of Dong Huang Taiyi, Lin Tian's hand suddenly shot at the stone.

The soul of Donghuang Taiyi was directly photographed into the stone by Lin Tianyao.

"Diamond Lin, are you crazy? It's not my body. I can't accommodate my soul at all. How can this stone be my boarding body!"

After draining the soul of Emperor Taiyi into the stone, Lin Tianyao said to him: "Can't this stone accommodate your soul?"

When he asked this question, Emperor Dongyi suddenly shouted in a surprised tone: "Well, what is this situation, Da Lin Lin, how did you do it?"

East Emperor Tai Yi could not have imagined that his soul could actually be contained in the stone. He could clearly feel that outside the stone, he was surrounded by a layer of blocked space.

This blocked space is similar to Lin Tianyao's previous control of his soul in the palm of his hand.

At this moment, Emperor Taiyi finally knew Lin Tianyao's horror.

The Great Magister has always felt that Lin Tianyao is only half-hanging about magic, and he doesn't know much about space magic.

But now, he has finally experienced for himself that Lin Tianyao's ability to control the space is almost several times stronger than the Great Magister.

It is to create a space to accommodate the soul alone, which contains the dead space similar to hell.

The Grand Magister can communicate with Hell, so that he can summon demons. But he can only use the magic circle to maintain the demon's shuttle, but the time cannot last long.

The independent death space created by Lin Tianyao, which looks like hell, can allow the soul of Donghuang Taiyi to survive.

In a straightforward way, Lin Tianyao created an independent small hell.

This kind of power has almost existed against the sky.

After being shocked, Emperor Taiyi was even more confused. Since Lin Tianyao has such strength, why didn't he show up when playing against the Magister?

Although he would like to ask this question, it is unknown whether Lin Tianyao will answer him.

However, he couldn't help but ask: "Da Lin, your strength is so strong, why didn't you use it before?"

Lin Tianyao smiled and said: "When you play against people, you know that the battle will not end there, will you still show all the cards?"

When the Emperor Dong heard the words, he finally understood it. At this moment he finally knows what it means to be lucky.

Lin Tianyao hides such a strength, which is clearly the nightmare of the Great Magister.

He chose to stake his chips on Lin Tianyao. This decision was just fortunate!

"Since it's clear, why are you still stunned and don't know where Tianming is?" Lin Tianyao reached out and flicked the stone path boarding East Emperor Taiyi.

When the Emperor Dong heard the words, he did not hesitate and began to release the magical energy in his body.

After this magical energy was released, it seemed to be like a smoky smoke, following the entrance of the forbidden area, and began to drift towards the inside.

After a kung fu of tea, Emperor Dong Yi suddenly said: "Lord Lin, I have found Tianming's place, but they are not in a good condition now!"

"what happened?"

Emperor Dongyi explained: "Lord Lin, we have to rush to the depths of the forbidden ground. Because of their current situation, I don't know very well. I just feel that their breath is a little weak."

Before he had finished speaking, Lin Tianyao waved directly to the crowd and rushed into the forbidden ground first.

Lin Tianyao has already experienced the three levels in the front section of the forbidden area. So everyone passed quickly.

When we came to the three passages after the square gate opened, the magical energy emitted from the Eastern Emperor Taiyi clearly pointed to the middle one.

Without hesitation, Lin Tianyao and others quickly entered the channel.

The passage is about 500 meters in length, and there are no organs in it, and Lin Tianyao and others have no obstacles.

After reaching the exit, a huge square appeared in front of everyone.

In the center, the floor of the square is composed of a special stone. The pattern constructed in it is a huge chess board.

In the center of the chessboard, there are many chess pieces falling on it. ....