Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 881: 883 Othello

Chapter 881: 883 Othello

The chess board that appeared in front of him completely blocked the road of Lin Tianyao and others. This made him somewhat incomprehensible.

The three hurdles before the Mojia banned land were basically not restored after passing. Here, it is clear that they have passed at dawn, but the level remains.

It seems that these levels after the gate of the square have completely changed from the previous levels. If you want to pass here, everyone needs to go through it once, instead of opportunistic.

Playing Go, Lin Tianyao really does not have much ability, this kind of thing, it is difficult to comprehend without a certain amount of time to learn.

Therefore, he was a bit difficult. Such puzzles can be passed without being destroyed by force. Hasty actions may backfire.

Thinking about it, Lin Tianyao turned his gaze to Gao Jianli and asked, "Xiao Gao, among the Mo's, you are the best at piano chess, calligraphy and painting. Can you pass this Go?"

Gao Jian walked away and said: "Lin Shaoxia, if it's Go, then it's natural to fall down, but unfortunately... this is not Go!"

He said Lin Tianyao was a little puzzled. Is this checkerboard, black and white pieces, not Go or chess?

Despite his doubts, he stopped his eyes on the chessboard and stared at it for a while, then he suddenly realized. This game is really not Go.

Although Lin Tianyao did not have a great research on Go, he had never eaten pork and always saw pigs running. The game of Go is that the black and white sides use the pawns to open the position, and then divide the area on the board to win. To put it bluntly, it is the two sides grabbing the ground.

But this chess game, although it looks similar to Go, but the double-reverse game, there is no Go-style routine, the distribution of the pieces is simply as chaotic as the stars.

"Can it be... this is a backgammon?"

Lin Tianyao seemed to have discovered something, he whispered unconsciously. The black and white chess pieces on the chessboard are indeed very similar to the rules of Gobang, and there is a tendency to contain each other.

"Tianyao, what is backgammon?"

Lin Tianyao said this, but lifted Duan Murong's curiosity. She leaned over and asked curiously.


Lin Tianyao was even more puzzled by her questioning. Seeing her like this, I don't understand what is called backgammon.

As a medical immortal, Duan Murong is naturally an exploratory group of books, and her knowledge is also vast. She doesn’t even know about backgammon. The ancestor of the Mo family has been dead for so long, and people now don't know anything. He certainly didn't know at that time, let alone made it.

Since this is not Gobang or Go, what is it? Lin Tianyao reached out and touched his chin, and began to think about it.

When Duan Murong saw him like this, he did not continue to ask questions, but waited quietly. At this time, Gao Jianli stepped up and interjected: "Lin Shaoxia, I have never seen this game, but I heard the giant once said that it seems that one side of the chess piece forms an angle and turns the enemy. Chess pieces are in the middle, and then a transformation can be formed!"

He said, pointing to one of the oblique white pawns: "The Mo family's proposition is both attack and love. Although this is a battle between pawns, the grandfather and his elders did not want to have a fight. Game of chess."

Non-attack and love!

These four words made Lin Tianyao suddenly understand. He glanced in the direction of Gao Jian away from his fingers, and the guess in his heart was instantly confirmed.

This game is neither backgammon nor Go. It's out-and-out chess!

The so-called black and white chess is actually similar to Gobang. Backgammon is achieved by blocking the first piece of one piece and blocking the opponent piece into five pieces before winning. This black-and-white chess, on the other hand, is exactly the opposite. After a piece of chess is enclosed by an enemy piece, the piece in the corner can be transformed into a piece of one's own.

This is precisely the proof of the Mohists. A chess piece wins, not by eating the opponent's chess piece similar to a kill. But through transformation, there is no killing, only persuasion.

With such a thought, Lin Tianyao clapped his palms involuntarily. Knowing what the game is, it is a breeze to crack it.

This black and white chess is not as cumbersome as Go, as long as the pieces are used to hold the position and then the enemy is transformed step by step, it is enough to win.

Without continuing to stay, Lin Tianyao jumped directly into the control position on the board.

However, at the moment when he jumped into that position, an iron yoke suddenly appeared on the console, locking him firmly in it.

After the shackles appeared, the walls on both sides also began to boom, and then slowly struck Lin Tianyao. On top of that wall was a dense iron pointed cone.

Such sudden situations leave everyone around in a daze. Mo Qilin and Duan Murong were the most excited, and they almost screamed.

Lin Tianyao looked up and smiled at them: "Don't be excited, this is just a test!"

For this unexpected situation, Lin Tianyao did not feel surprised at all, but took it for granted.

If the Mo family is in a forbidden place, it is too boring if it is just a puzzle. A little punishment, that's enough.

At this time, the situation on the field began to change. The squares on the board began to dent one by one, swallowing the previous pieces into it.

As if it were a reopening, after the pieces have fallen into the grid, the chessboard is restored again. At the center, a white man suddenly jumped out.

It seems that this institution obviously did not make the challenger mean, on the contrary, it started directly.

Lin Tianyao looked at the small chessboard on the console in front of him, and then took a black spot from the side and put it next to the white spot.


The sound of the organ followed, and a black spot in the same position as Lin Tianyao pressed down appeared on the chessboard. ....