Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 879: 881 Intimidation

Episode 879

"Why can't you guarantee?"

The Emperor Dong Huang was stunned for a while, and wouldn't he let the Yin and Yang family go, is it not Lin Tianyao's thing?

But the other party said that, he had more trust. Because Lin Tianyao would never deceive him if he really wanted to deceive him.

Faced with this rhetorical question, Lin Tianyao replied: "Now this battle is not just between me and the Magister, you should be very clear! If the Yin and Yang family continue to be obsessed, I will not hesitate to kill of!"

This answer made Dong Huang Taiyi fall into silence. What Lin Tianyao said was also clear in his heart. The Yin-Yang family has now been completely reduced to the great magister's running dog.

For a time, he did not know how to speak. He can't think of any trade-offs now.

In the silence, Lin Tianyao first broke the silence, because he suddenly thought of a wonderful method. In other words, this is an opportunity, an opportunity to make it more convenient for him to grow his power.

Although the Emperor Taiyi is the running dog of the Great Magister, he chose the latter in the choice of facing the survival of the Yin-Yang family.

If you use this breakthrough point to conquer Donghuang Taiyi, you may be able to seize the opportunity to hold the Yin and Yang family in your hands!

In this case, the Great Magister has lost the support of the Yin Yang family, and he is equivalent to a tiger with less fangs. Behind him, only the army of Qin State was left.

Nowadays, there are only two forces, hundreds of schools, and the army of Qin State.

After a hundred schools, there are many believers. This force is enough to turn things around.

If the Great Magister is in a hundred schools, without any dependence, it is simply the army of Qin State, which is not at all a fear.

Thinking of this, he began to lure the Emperor Dong Emperor: "Emperor Emperor, if I give you a chance to live, a chance for your Yin and Yang family to avoid danger, do you want to either?"

"what chance!"

Almost at the moment Lin Tianyao asked, Tai Huang Tai called out. There was excitement and excitement in his voice.

Lin Tianyao now gave him this opportunity, which is simply the best gift from heaven. If this opportunity can be grasped, then the Yin and Yang family will be completely saved.

Although the Great Magister pushed his Yin Yang family to the top, it was also him who pushed it into hell.

Now, Lin Tianyao is a turning point, allowing the Yin-Yang family to rise from **** and stand on the top of the pack again.

After listening to Dong Huang Taiyi's so excited tone, Lin Tianyao's heart burst into joy.

He replied: "Now that the Magister is repelled by me, it will take a while for him to restore his power. However, Qin Guo, who is standing on his side and acting on the world, still exists like an iron bucket. He wants to defeat him , Can only start from the hundred schools of Zhuzi!"

With that, Lin Tianyao narrowed his eyes: "If you can surrender me, and then persuade the Yin and Yang families to submit to me, then it is equivalent to saving them all!"

Dare to say this, Lin Tianyao's meaning is already obvious. He has absolute confidence that he can defeat the Magister. Lin Tianyao does have such confidence. Just want to defeat the Grand Magister, this is far from simple. That guy is from the real world like him, and he certainly has a hidden card.

But now it is the temptation of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Lin Tianyao naturally hides these concerns directly.

But unexpectedly, the Emperor Taiyi gave a negative answer at this juncture.

He sighed again and again: "This is impossible, Yan Dan has united with other families, and there must be the participation of Taoism. My Yin Yang family, since ancient times, and Taoism are incompatible, this is completely unworkable."

This answer surprised Lin Tianyao. He had never heard of this inside story, nor did he know it.

Immediately, he asked: "What the **** is going on?"

The Emperor Dongyi elaborated: "My Yin Yang family and Taoism are deadly enemies. We obey the Qin Kingdom, and the Taoism really anti-Qin in its bones! With such opposing positions, we naturally inevitably have battles. If there is a battle, there are deaths and injuries."

Speaking of which, Dong Huang Taiyi stopped talking. The meaning in his words is already obvious.

The Yin-Yang family and Taoism are fighting each other. Naturally, there are relatives of the doormen from both sides. This kind of blood feud is impossible to resolve naturally.

But after Lin Tianyao listened, the expression on his face suddenly became relieved. The fierceness he had originally revealed quietly disappeared.

Donghuang Taiyi's concerns were not worth mentioning in his eyes. This kind of thing, he is the most proficient in handling.

Turning the enemy into a friend, Lin Tianyao has not experienced it once or twice. No matter what, as long as you can make it clear, there will be a solution.

This kind of problem, as long as you firmly believe a sentence, the boat will naturally straight to the bridge.

If the Yin-Yang family and the Taoist have free peace talks, they will definitely start at the negotiating table. Because they can't let go of their inner hatred, they simply disdain to communicate with each other.

But Lin Tianyao is different. If he comes forward, both parties will talk if they don’t want to talk.

His forces can crush two schools, they have no ability to resist.

This is like a monarch fighting in the world, his general and the enemy generals are the same. With the coercion of the king, they had to accept coexistence.

"East Emperor Taiyi, if I can solve this problem, do you still have concerns?"

Lin Tianyao said in a deep voice.

"Do you have a way to solve it?" Donghuang Taiyi hurriedly said: "What way?"

Lin Tianyao's fingers flicked gently, shaking the soul of Donghuang Taiyi repeatedly: "Are you doubting me?"

"If you shake like this again, my soul will be gone!"

"I'm not doubting you, Lin Tianyao, I know you have that kind of strength." Donghuangtai's tone obviously eased down: "But I must have a clear answer to this matter!"

"You have no choice!"

Lin Tianyao's five fingers slowly moved closer to the palm of his hand. Immediately after that, the space for the soul of Donghuang Taiyi became narrower and narrower. ....