Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 878: 880 is up to you to choose

Chapter 878: 880 You Can't Choose It

From the conversation between the two, Gao Jianli and others heard the inside story. Tianming was hit with the Six Soul Horror Curse, and he needed the Emperor Dongyi to lift it.

But they are completely stunned now. Since Donghuang Taiyi is needed to lift the Six Soul Horror Curse, why did Lin Tianyao squeeze his skull directly, which is equivalent to killing him!

"Shaoxia Lin, are you a little...excited?"

Gao Jianli glanced at him with a strange voice. But he didn't dare to say much, because he saw anger in Lin Tianyao's eyes.

Lin Tianyao has always been synonymous with calmness and calmness. Nowadays, the killer is hurt because of a disagreement. Is it because of the Mo family's affairs that his emotions have fluctuated?

This is the only possibility. As a disciple of the Mo family, Gao Jianli naturally dare not say much. After all, Lin Tianyao's mood changes are also because of them.

While the three were silent, Lin Tianyao suddenly smiled.

The laughter seemed to be a silver needle that fell in silence. Although the sound was slight, a stone stirred up thousands of waves, making them tremble.

In their eyes, this should be an angry smile.

But Lin Tianyao laughed and became happier. In the end, he even started to laugh.

"Donghuang Taiyi, do you only worry about yourself? Indeed, you want to die, it's just a matter of my finger, but Yin and Yang family, have you ever considered?"

During the speech, Lin Tianyao suddenly turned his hands into claws, and in his palm, there was a black mist.

In the dark mist, there was a small figure shaking among them. The figure seemed to be a reflection in the water, rippled like ripples.

The figure, although blurred in face, can be seen clearly, and is a middle-aged man with a heavy appearance.

This is the soul of Emperor Taiyi. Although his body became a necromancer, his body became dead. But his soul is still intact.

"Lin Tianyao, what did you do, why can't my soul escape?"

After becoming a soul, the Emperor Dong Huang seemed to be crazy, and began to bump around in Lin Tianyao's palm. But no matter how hard he tried, there was no way to leave.

Lin Tianyao's hands seemed to be like the five-finger mountain of the Buddha. Between the fingers, an invisible barrier formed a prison, trapping the soul of Donghuang Taiyi in it.

"Huh, I told you, your tricks can't hide my eyes!" Lin Tianyao gritted his teeth, and then a small flame of gold burst into his palm.

After the flame appeared, it was evenly distributed in the palm of your hand, as if it were a small sea of ​​fire.

The Emperor Dong, who was above the sea of ​​fire, suddenly issued a heartbreaking scream, even Gao Gaoli, who was on the official website outside, heard this voice and felt that his scalp was tingling.

Jin Wuyan has a natural restraint effect on evil and evil things. Eastern Emperor Taiyi's soul is now even more painful than deep purgatory. The kind of pain that flows from the depths of the soul is thousands of times more painful than the physical.

He screamed and twisted the soul frantically, but Lin Tianyao's palm space was completely blocked. No matter how he twisted, he just struggled in vain.

After a while, the screams of Donghuang Taiyi began to get smaller. His soul also began to become more transparent and weak to the extreme.

Seeing such circumstances, Lin Tianyao took Jin Wuyan back into his body. If you continue to burn with flames like this, the soul of Donghuang Taiyi may be completely reduced to fly ash.

Jin Wuyan disappeared, and the Emperor Taiyi took his time. But his voice was so weak that he could barely hear it.

He shouted weakly: "Lin Tianyao, how about you torturing me. Anyway, I won't promise you, don't you want me to compromise!"

He released Yan Dan before, but he just wanted to play a blinding way to make Lin Tianyao mistakenly think he surrendered.

His real purpose is still in Tianming. And now, the final task has been seen, and he has revealed his heart.

He refused to surrender, Lin Tianyao did not worry, but laughed: "Emperor Donghuang, you don't surrender. It doesn't matter. But after you die, everyone in your Yinyang family will taste Jinwu in my hands. The taste of flame."

As soon as these words were spoken, Emperor Taiyi, who was already weak and had no strength to move his soul, began to shake violently.

With his last energy, he screamed: "Lin Tianyao, you can't do that. I offended you, but my doormen haven't done anything to you!"

Lin Tianyao said, "The Mo family did not provoke your Yin and Yang families before. Why did you attack the organ city? After all, as long as I have the strength, what round would I want you to take care of?"

This sentence tells the true meaning. In today's world, the fist is the last word.

Eastern Emperor Tai Yi fell into silence. He had no way to refute Lin Tianyao's remarks.

There was a little silence, and his voice said cruelly: "Lin Tianyao, if I promise to lift the Six Soul Horror Curse for you, can you spare my Yin Yang family?"

Donghuang Taiyi has no choice. He can't even die now, and he will face it all.

He knew very well that in the battle between the Great Magister and Lin Tianyao, the former's chance of victory is getting slimmer.

To Lin Tianyao, Emperor Tai Yi felt more and more that he did not look like a savior in the eyes of the Mo family.

On the contrary, he is a owl, an ill-wisher with no means to achieve his goals.

In fact, Lin Tianyao also began to realize his own changes. But all this is forced by the situation, people will change, and no one's character is the same as before.

However, Lin Tianyao's methods are only for outsiders. For himself, he is still as gentle and friendly as before.

"If you lift Tianming's Six Soul Horror Curse for me, I can consider letting go of your Yin Yang family. But I can't give you a guarantee!"...