Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 864: 866 Your smug smile

Chapter 864: 866 You Smirk

Seeing Lin Tianyao disappear, the Great Magister suddenly opened his arms, and above his ten fingers, a magic mark was suspended. After his series of spells, those magical marks flew into the sky.

As the mark merged into the dark clouds of the sky, a violent coercion began to emanate from the clouds. Under that kind of pressure, even the mountains began to crack, as if there was an invisible pressure to completely crush this land.

At this moment, the Great Magister finally urged all the power of the curse of punishment. The next thing Lin Tianyao faces is the real terror strike.

But in Lin Tianyao's heart, he had to add a few words at the back, which he faced with the Great Magister.

Because the Great Magister completely urged the spell of prohibiting curse and punishment, he can start real action.

It seemed that hiding and hiding was a bit boring, and Lin Tianyao's body suddenly stopped. The position where he stayed was less than ten meters away from the Great Magister. At this position, you can almost touch the horn of Heart Grass devouring the beast.

Such a close position made Glaston feel a crisis. Lin Tianyao's strength was even stronger than that of the Great Magister.

Without any pause, Heart's head suddenly shook, and then the unicorn stabbed at Lin Tianyao.

But with this thorn, Lin Tianyao's figure disappeared again, and the next time he appeared, it was under Xin Grass's neck.

Lin Tianyao's body, compared with the huge body of Heart Grass, is simply the difference between a lion and an ant.

This big guy wants to attack him, it is still very difficult. Coupled with the instantaneous movement of Fei Lei Shen's technique, it can't touch Lin Tianyao at all.

Seeing Lin Tianyao at this time, the Magister even played such childish games, he could not help but ask coldly: "Boy, are you having a brain problem? The technique of heaven punishment is just above your head, and you still have thoughts Playful?"

Lin Tianyao flashed, evading Heart Grass's claw, and then smiled slightly at the Magister: "I'm not playing, everything is messing up in the sky, I can't resist it. But You are a big monster, so it’s good to cover me up!"

As soon as this statement came out, the face of the Great Magister turned green. He already knew Lin Tianyao's intention completely.

At the next moment, he hurriedly raised his head and looked at the sky. Sure enough, the dark clouds of the punishment of that day had already shrouded above his head. The huge body of Grass seemed to form a contrast with the dark clouds in the sky. Once and for all, perfect symmetry!

"Damn, you mean guy!"

A breath of blood from the Great Magister gushed out directly.

The technique of forbidden curse and punishment, the principle of which broke out, is to completely block an area, and then bombard it with punishment.

And Lin Tianyao now escaped from that area, and the natural punishment will naturally follow him and pursue him all the way.

If the Grand Magister has not released the final magic mark before, he can also remove the ban. However, all instructions have been issued now, and it almost always followed Lin Tianyao's bombardment before the power of the punishment.

How can human beings compare with Heart Grass? Lin Tianyao dodges everywhere with the technique of flying thunder god, with the help of Xin Grass's body to resist this day's punishment, then this banned spell completely lost its original intention.

In other words, the release of these powerful forbidden spells by the Great Magister is attacking his heart, Grass, devouring the beast!

The order was issued, it couldn't be stopped, this day's punishment can only make Xin Grass fully bear it!

He moved the stone himself and smashed the horses under his crotch. Such a stupid thing, the Great Magister could never think that he had made it himself.

Apart from being annoyed, his hatred towards Lin Tianyao was as uncomfortable as scratching his heart. He swears completely at this moment that he definitely wants Lin Tianyao to pay the price. Even if he is imprisoned in this copy world forever, he wants Lin Tianyao to be retaliated.

But no matter how much you think about it, the facts have already happened.


The dark cloud of the punishment of the heavens came to the top of the heart of Devouring Beast of Heart Grass, and began a crazy bombing. The sky fire, sky thunder, and meteorite that fell from each attack fell mercilessly on its huge body.

Faced with such a powerful bombardment, the hearts of the Magisters beat with rhythm. He really started to panic. If there was an accident with the Glass Devouring Beast, he would die next time. There is no doubt that Lin Tianyao and his head-to-head head-to-head singles cannot be resisted anyway.

Behind him, the unexpected happened.

Heart Grass devoured the beast while being bombarded by the elemental punishment, and there was no imaginary howling of pain. On the contrary, it padded itself, lying on the ground quietly, a very enjoyable look.

It seems that the bombardment of natural punishment is an extremely comfortable massage method for it.

At this moment, the Magister couldn't help but stretch his hand to pat his forehead. He almost forgot the key point because of his excitement, and the Heart Grass Devouring Beast can be regarded as a food supply for all kinds of energy. The punishment of the day bombarded it, it was all about putting fertilizer on the big tree!

The originally unexpected disadvantage, but did not expect to be clever. Not only did the technique of natural punishment pose a threat to the Great Magister, but it also brought benefits.

This matter can really be called a panic, even a good thing.

He reached out and patted the head of Grass's devouring the beast, and expressed a little stability, and then the great magister's complacent gaze passed to Lin Tianyao: "Boy, you can't think of it. For the Heart Grass devouring the beast, everything It’s a tonic. If you do this, I would like to thank you instead. Wait a minute, this big guy absorbs energy and bursts, I can’t help it!”

In his pride, he did not forget to sneer at Lin Tianyao, which contained a threatening tone, which made Lin Tianyao sound uncomfortable. ....