Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 865: 867 Strangles You

Episode 865

In Lin Tianyao's eyes, this guy is a 24K pure fool, and he is clearly approaching the danger, but he is unaware and feels good about himself.

For this kind of person, he just wanted to send a sentence: not to break out in the silly ratio, just die in the silly ratio.

The Great Magister obviously chose the latter. Because Lin Tianyao laughed more proudly and happier than him!

"Why are you laughing?"

The Great Magister is about to become neurotic, and he is really broken by Lin Tianyao's brain nerves.

Lin Tianyao laughed every time, especially the kind of almost soft smile. Hidden behind that is a conspiracy. And the conspiracy was almost always successful, causing tons of damage.

The Great Magister could obviously feel the kind of calm threat from Lin Tianyao. Every time there is basically no probability of occurrence, he can do things that are puzzling, even unacceptable.

This time, Lin Tianyao did not let the Grand Magister continue to suspect, anyway, the matter is here, the outcome is fixed, and he does not need to sell the game. For the loser, it is indeed necessary to beat the falling water dog, but the Great Magister has been bullied like this, he is somewhat unbearable.

Immediately, Lin Tianyao moved to Xin Grass's head in an instant, and stood face to face with the Great Magister: "Old man, don't be afraid to say it. Your big man has been scrapped!"

In this way, in the ear of the Great Magister, the jokes are generally not serious enough. Even if Lin Tianyao can solve many troubles, he is absolutely unable to deal with it.

So many moves have turned into clouds before, what else can he do?

Thinking about it, the Great Magister sneered: "Boy, no matter how great you are, this heart Grass is your natural nemesis. With it, I will be able to stand in an invincible position. You can bear me. what?"

The two stood face-to-face, and the provocation of the Magister's sentence meant a lot. It was just two tit-for-tat people, and suddenly one of them started to use his arms to push people.

The bully lowered his eyelids, and Lin Tianyao's smile gradually solidified. At the next moment, he stretched out his hand and suddenly grabbed the neck of the Magister!

This action is too shocking. The Great Magister didn't expect that Lin Tianyao would dare to attack him on his site.

You know, the position where they stand now is above the body of Xin Grass, this big guy comes to attack casually, Lin Tianyao will definitely suffer a big loss.

But something unexpected happened just so straightforwardly. Heart Grass is still a lazy look, completely meaningless to want to control Lin Tianyao. Even if the Great Magister urged him, he didn’t react. It looks like the **** demons after Lin Tianyao was hypnotized by pupil surgery.

"This...what the **** is this, who can tell me!"

The Great Magister is about to collapse. No matter what method he uses, he can't control the Heart Grass devouring beast, but the connection between the two still exists. In such a case, why is it possible that the summoned beast that is summoned will not obey the master's command?

If that's the case, Heart Grass should fight back against the Magister, and then disappear completely.

At this moment, the Great Magister was completely blinded, and he simply could not understand or explain this phenomenon. But he can see that it is absolutely Lin Tianyao who is playing tricks. If he does not know the situation, it is impossible to rashly attack.

However, Lin Tianyao was now buckling the Great Magister's neck so that he could no longer speak. As if his throat was stuck alive with stones, even breathing became extremely difficult.

The body of the magician has been a representative of fragility since ancient times. Although the Great Magister has also learned the skills of strengthening and melee, for Lin Tianyao, these are simply insignificant.

"Don't you find it difficult to understand, that Glass has devoured the beast and is not listening?"

Lin Tianyao laughed, looking at the blushing face of the Great Magister.

Lin Tianyao was so sighed that the guess of the Great Magister was confirmed at once. Sure enough, he was making trouble! But what method did he use?

At this point, the Great Magister wanted to ask, but his neck was pinched and there was no way to speak at all. He could only stare at Lin Tianyao with unwilling eyes.

Those eyes were so big that Lin Tianyao looked straight at the hair. If the Magister still has the ability to move, he must bite with his teeth, and he will let the opponent drop a piece of meat.

Obviously it was a winning situation before, but in a blink of an eye, it turned into a failure. Such a complete failure made the Magister completely into a state of madness.

Lin Tianyao removed his gaze from the Great Magister, and then glanced at the heart below: "I tell you the truth, your baby pimple is now full and can't move!"

The Great Magister heard the words and almost glared out of his eyes. Heart Grass devoured the beast? How is this possible, how can this guy have such a huge absorption and digestive capacity, how can he absorb too much energy? Besides, Lin Tianyao didn't use many tricks, how could he sustain it?

Faced with the Big Magister’s incomprehension, Lin Tian slowly explained: "Your curse of forbidden curse and punishment, the magic energy contained in it, is really not enough to explode the Heart Grass, but you don’t forget Yes, I have done it before!"

His explanation was clearly unacceptable to the Magister. With Lin Qingyao's few moves, he can fill the stomach space of Xin Grass, how is this possible?

"You don't have to doubt that the previous Flame Slash did not have much internal force. However, the subsequent fireball and moonlight, the internal force contained in it, is not much less than the magical energy of your penalty art!"

Lin Tianyao's mouth began to sneer. ....