Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 863: 865 plan success

Episode 863

Shocked by the Great Magister, Lin Tianyao gently extended his index finger and shook it in front of him: "The soldiers are not deceitful, they can only blame you for your brain!"

"Damn, what the **** are you thinking about?"

Although the Magister was shocked, he didn't feel too nervous. Because the punishment technique is still successfully gathered, the attack can be launched in the next moment.

The ban was not stopped, and even if Lin Tianyao had any hole cards, he would definitely not be able to defeat. At best it is just trying to resist it.

As long as he is within the forbidden curse, the Great Magister firmly believes that even grinding can kill him!

"Are you thinking now, maybe I'm cheating you, in fact, there is no chance to escape this day's penalty ban?"

Lin Tianyao narrowed his eyes and stared at the eyes of the Great Magister, as if he wanted to see through him.

The Great Magister was a little dumbfounded. If Lin Tianyao would read mind surgery, it would be absolutely impossible. Both of them will be able to perform pupil surgery, and it is impossible to spy on each other's thinking. So he must have guessed what he said.

Guessing it can be seen at a glance, the meaning is obvious. Lin Tianyao really has a conspiracy, and he has been speculating on the idea of ​​the Great Magister.

With such a thought, the Great Magister suddenly felt terrified. The unforeseen hunch in his mind became more and more intense. Even he felt that Lin Tianyao might have a way to counterattack or even kill him!

But the facts in front of him made him unbelievable. He didn't think Lin Tianyao could break his banned spell. Such a powerful skill could not be broken.

The Great Magister stretched out his hands and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said to Lin Tianyao cruelly: "Boy, you come to frame me less. If you can break my curse, you will not stand still. Don’t dare to move your footsteps! You want to bluff me, you are a hundred thousand miles away!"

"Is it?"

Lin Tianyao smiled and said: "Since you say so, then I really want to move, otherwise you think I will only play tricks!"

After saying this, Lin Tianyao's body suddenly disappeared. As if it were a ghost at midnight, it disappeared out of thin air!

Seeing this scene, the Great Magister froze completely. The space where the curse is banned is completely closed. How could Lin Tianyao use the trick of space movement?

This time, he completely misunderstood. Lin Tianyao's flying thunder god's technique, although it is a teleportation move similar to space movement, does not belong to space movement.

In other words, this is a body method that can be compared with the speed of space movement.

For this reason, when Lin Tianyao broke into the Mo's forbidden ground, everything became obvious. When the kite is flying, he is only blocked by things, and his flying thunder spell cannot be performed. If it is space movement, it is just a barrier, and what role can it play?

However, in this way, there is no space for mobile and convenient body skills, but at this time it played a role in resurrection.

The closed banned space was easily moved away by Lin Tianyao. He was like a ghost, so casually traveling in the closed cell as relaxed.

The so-called closed space is just to completely block off this space and separate it from the outside world.

But the people in this space, as long as they have been in the outside space before, the information in them is still preserved.

In other words, the closed space is a wall, separated in the middle of an empty house. Although the two can't pass through, they are still connected.

This truth was discovered by Lin Tianyao a long time ago. He can summon a person in the real world from the copy world, or a person who summons the copy world in the real world. He can use the function points to call the system. It is this principle that is used.

Therefore, the curse can close the space, but Lin Tianyao's connection with the outside world still exists. He can't go back and forth through space, but he can move by the simplest body method.

Fei Lei Shen's technique is a teleportation method that is free of space limitations. Only real substances can stop him from progressing.

When he first acquired the skill of flying thunder god, Lin Tianyao even thought it was a burden. Obviously, it is the same skill as space movement, why is it still affected by material barriers.

Now, he finally understood that this is simply a divine skill. The material barrier can be bypassed, and the space barrier, but there is no other way to bypass it.

The flying thunder god's technique just made up for such a defect. And this trick, even the Great Magister, is unthinkable anyway.

When Lin Tianyao easily flicked out of the closed space of Heavenly Punishment, the Magister finally could not bear the kind of blow, and he almost roared wildly.

Then his hand suddenly turned from the back to his chest. Since the closing of the space is no longer useful, he has no meaning in hiding?

The technique of cursing and punishment has been successfully condensed, even if Lin Tianyao cannot be trapped, the effect of hitting him can still be achieved. With such a large envelope, even if Lin Tianyao teleports, it is not so easy to escape.

Thinking, the Great Magister hurriedly released the magic mark and urged the banned spell.

As the explosion of "Rumble" came out, a very strange rain began to appear in the sky. These rainwaters are mixed with sky fire, sky thunder and meteorite.

Such intensive bombing is like the bombing of German bombers during World War II. The bombing of the three substances condensed from wave to wave of magical elements, even Lin Tianyao, dared not pick it up easily.

But he didn't worry, but felt comfortable. Forbidden curse began to attack, then the opportunity came completely.

Instead of looking at the sky, his eyes turned to the Great Magister. It's finally time to rule his own way with his own way.

The Great Magister was covered in hair by Lin Tianyao's eyes. What he just wanted to say, Lin Tianyao's body disappeared again in place! ....