Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 862: 864 opportunities come

Episode 862

Lin Tianyao, at this moment, seems to be the child who did the wrong thing, for fear of facing accusations and ridicule.

He looked down like this, looking at the high mountain under his feet, his thoughts seemed to have flown into the distance.

When the Magister saw him like this, the last suspicion in his mind dissipated. He can even be sure that Lin Tianyao has suffered too much and has lost his confidence.

In the copy, no enemies that are too powerful have been encountered. From beginning to end, they all played the role of top masters. Lin Tianyao has certainly not tried how taste failed.

Now Qian Qian is poor, under such a severe setback, it will definitely hit his mind.

This result is simply what the great magister dreamed of. Before that, he also felt that Lin Tianyao was a sturdy and **** person, and he even refused to accept any negotiations.

Now, he can see that it is because Lin Tianyao has not been really hit.

The Great Magister now finds himself a bit ridiculous, and he has even had the same desperate destiny before. Looking back now, he felt that he was a bit fragile.

If Lin Tianyao's mind is destroyed to such a degree, then it is not far from victory. What he had to do next was to defeat him completely. Then grab the quest props and successfully leave this copy world that he has been sick of for many years.

As for Lin Tianyao, the Great Magister could not control it. Previously it was because there was no way to discuss how to compromise. Now that he is standing here as a victor, the others are all ants, and he has no reason to take care of it.

The more I think about it in my heart, the more excited the Great Magister sees Lin Tianyao's frustration. He now sees that the opponent is no longer an opponent, but a loser, a scum that can be destroyed at any time.

The victory and defeat have been divided, and the Magister does not want to continue to waste time. This place he hated, he didn't want to stay longer.

Almost at the same time, his hand behind his back gently squeezed out a magic mark, and then gently threw it forward, and the magic mark disappeared into the space.


At the same time that the magic mark disappeared, the sky suddenly dimmed. The original clear sky instantly seemed to be pulled apart by a huge shady curtain, completely enveloped by dark clouds.

The whole sky seemed to fall into the night instantly.

Under this dark scene, the rumbling sound in the sky became louder and louder. The sound was very messy, like thunder, like wind, and like the whistle of a volcanic eruption, which made people simply not understand.

With such a noisy loud noise, the Great Magister laughed and said: "Lin Tianyao, this trick is one of my most powerful tricks. You should know that the greatest skill of the Great Magister is that The ultimate ban on curse. My move is the legendary ban on curse!"

When listening to the words of the Great Magister, Lin Tianyao had already blossomed in his heart, and this old guy was finally in the middle.

However, he did not reveal the pleasure in his heart, but pretended to be a nervous look: "Forbidden curse, you cast a forbidden curse? Are you not afraid to kill me?"

When the Grand Magister saw him so nervous, his laughter became more arrogant and said: "It's natural not to kill you. My curse of punishment is a kind of existence like purgatory. It It will destroy your body and mind, but it will not let you die. Because the curse is under my control, you can rest assured!"

This reassuring word really makes people love and hate, but the irony in it can be described as poisonous!

From this speech, it can be clearly seen that the Great Magister is already inevitable! This time, he wanted to completely control Lin Tianyao in his palm.

Lin Tian is not allowed to die, but he has not been told not to suffer. Such a battle will make the Magister instruct physically and mentally exhausted. The next moment will belong to him alone, and it will be time for him to vent his inner anger and the joy of being released.

He had even begun to fantasize in advance that Lin Tianyao was struggling with the ban on curse, the scene that made him relaxed and happy.

The curse of curse and punishment, which is mixed with several magical elements. Sky fire, sky thunder, sky-falling meteorite, these things, if only a single attack, may be encountered by people with the same attributes, but they will not play a big role.

For example, Lin Tianyao’s Jinwu bloodline has immunity to fire skills. This day the fire would not have much effect on him.

However, the power of the next Sky Thunder and Skyfall meteorite was enough to affect him.

But don't you have to enter the tiger's hole to get the tiger? Lin Tianyao wanted to seize this opportunity to gather the energy of the punishment technique and then use it to attack the Magister.

The so-called forbidden curse, no matter how powerful, is just a magic skill. Such a dead object will only act according to instructions, without subjective judgment.

Lin Tianyao knew the instructions that the curse received now, without guessing, the Great Magister must have directed him.

However, if Lin Tianyao and the Great Magister stood together. Does the ban spell also distinguish characters and then attack them separately?

The answer to this question is obvious and absolutely impossible.

Lin Tianyao has already begun to consider these issues before. If he wants to use the magic array of the Magister to attack himself, he must learn to guide.

Because of the control of this banned spell, Lin Tianyao couldn't do it. His magical practice is far from that of a magician who specializes in magic.

Now that he was guided, Lin Tianyao's face, which had been pretending to be dull, finally showed a smile.

Seeing him suddenly laughing, the cold sweat of the Great Magister came out almost instantly. He knew very well that when Lin Tianyao appeared this kind of expression a few times, what terrible things he did afterwards!

"You... is this your trick again?"

The Great Magister tremblingly pointed at Lin Tianyao, and the tone of his words began to tremble. ....