Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 861: 863 Academy Award

861 863 Oscar Film Emperor

Lin Tianyao now does not have so much power to fill the stomach space of Heart Grass devouring the beast, but this does not mean that there is no ability to flood.

And this opportunity is the magic array outlined by the Great Magister before. If you can use the energy of this magic array to attack Heart Grass and force it to swallow, then Lin Tianyao can save such a huge consumption.

As long as the defense of Heart Grass devouring the beast is broken, then the great Magister Lin, Lin Tianyao has dozens of ways to put him to death. Then this crisis can be completely resolved.

Such a tired battle finally found a chance to end, Lin Tianyao could not let go anyway.

However, the difficulty of this plan is huge. Not only did he have to force the Magister to force the magic circle hidden in the space, but he also had to find a chance to devour Heart Grass.

Using the knife of the Great Magister, insert it into his own heart. How difficult is this to implement it?

Thinking, he simply stood upright and shouted to the great magister: "Old man, what did you just say? Sugar beans? Believe it or not, I will hold this big guy alive?"

If you want to deal with the Magister, you can't choke, but follow. Since his purpose was to lead Lin Tianyao to take the bait, why didn't he do what he meant, and count it?

If Lin Tianyao continues to take a smart posture, then the Great Magister will certainly not easily do it. With his deep city, the forbearance is naturally not a matter of course.

And now, Lin Tianyao deliberately came out angry, and seemed to be really irritated by his words.

Speaking of performances, if in the real world, Lin Tian is far enough to get an Oscar. After so many copies and confrontation with so many people, the forest is big and he has seen all kinds of birds.

It seems that it has gradually been on the track. The magister sees Lin Tianyao with such a serious attitude, and he can't help but subconsciously choose to believe. After all, there are countless moves, but they often fail to work. Even a person with a good heart will involuntarily become irritable.

At the moment, the hand of the Great Magister was quietly hidden behind him, and he was waiting for an opportunity. Wait for a chance to use the magic circle to kill.

Lin Tianyao didn't find this tiny movement. After all, the strength is similar, so the secret movement of the Magister is enough to cover his eyes and ears.

However, Lin Tianyao could see that under the somber expression of the Great Magister, there was a conspiracy and scheming poised. As long as a suitable opportunity is given, he will definitely shoot without hesitation.

In this case, Lin Tianyao also had a bottom in his heart. The next moment, his body suddenly vacated, originally in parallel with the Great Magister, and was instantly elongated by a diagonal line.

If the aerial position where the two stood before was a line, then Lin Tianyao is now dozens of meters higher than the Grand Magister.

After flying up, Lin Tianyao opened his mouth wide, his hands in front of him, a pinch of index and middle fingers, like the rubbing of a fire knife and flint, a small golden flame appeared. "Fire escape, the art of fireball!"

With a loud cry, Lin Tianyao opened his mouth wide, as if he were a circus acrobat, and he spouted a huge flame directly.

That flame is not comparable to the previous Hao Huoqiu technique. He is now able to freely integrate Jinwuyan, and Jinwu bloodline has a 300% skill power increase for fire type skills.

This time, the huge fireball formed by the holy fireball technique can be said to be a small sun.

Such a pure and powerful golden black fireball, the terrifying temperature directly swept a large area around it. The stone on the top of the mountain, which was directly baked and cracked, and the original yellow soil, also directly turned into a powder-like color.

As for the green trees and grass, as if it were water in a pothole, it was directly evaporated, turned into a mass of fly ash, and then disappeared with the wind.

What Lin Tianyao has to do now is to confuse the Magister and make his original judgment become dull.

In the eyes of the other party, he is now in a state of rage. The use of such a powerful skill further complemented the anger in his heart.

The fireball spewed out like a cannonball and shot directly at the Magister.

Such an attack, even with great power, but the Great Magister has the protection of the heart-swallowing beast, don't worry about it at all.

Sure enough, when the fireball was about to fly to the Great Magister, Heart Grass's head suddenly flicked, and then he swallowed the fireball with his mouth open.

The fireball disappeared completely, as if it never existed. These results made Lin Tianyao stunned. He seemed to be unbelieving and he moved again.

I saw his hands suddenly raised above his head, why the wrists of the two hands together, made a star-shaped hand. Then in the middle of his palm, a golden, dark, dark flame appeared.

After the flames condensed, Lin Tianyao seemed to be holding a big ball above his head, and threw the flame toward the Magister.

When the flame fell, it dispersed instantaneously, as if it had turned into a sky of fire and rain, and then spattered around the body of the Heart Grass devouring the beast.

This skill is just another trick to write chakra eyes-Moonlight!

This kind of flame is simply a tarsal maggot, as long as it is contaminated with a little, it cannot be removed at all, until the contaminated person is finally burned to ashes.

However, Lin Tianyao was disappointed again. After the rain of fire fell on the body of Heart Grass devouring the beast, it was directly absorbed into its body. As if it were a big tree in itself, and the flame formed by the moonlight was nourishment.

Both moves were empty, and Lin Tianyao was upset in the air with some heads down. He not only couldn't understand, but also felt a head down. No matter what kind of attack, it will eventually turn into a bubble, and the defense cannot be broken.

He was so ashamed to look at the face of the Great Magister. ....