Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 855: 857 pupil surgery

Episode 855

Seeing Lin Tianyao stopped, the Great Magister was relieved. He had already begun to give orders to the magic circle, and he stopped.

He frowned and said, "Lin Tianyao, if you continue to take a step forward, I will issue an order. Then even if you regret, I can't save you."

He said that Lin Tianyao was not relieved as he had imagined, and made the posture for the rest of his life.

On the contrary, Lin Tianyao suddenly raised his head at this time, looking at him with a playful smile in the corner of his mouth. Then he ticked his finger and said, "You mean, I should thank you for taking my life?"

This action made the heart of the Magister suddenly sink. At the next moment, he suddenly shuddered and shouted: "Lin Tianyao, what conspiracy do you play, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"Kill me?" Lin Tianyao laughed and said: "If I die in the copy world, my mission will disappear. The punishment for the failure of the mission is just to deduct the function point, but you, you still have a chance Go out?"

The sharp words seemed to pierce the heart arrow, and shot hard at the heart of the Great Magister. Yes, he did not dare to kill Lin Tianyao. On the contrary, he could only choose to surrender instead of killing.

In fact, there is no such thing as concealment. Lin Tianyao moved his mind a little, and he could think of it. The Great Magister will not be shocked even if his mental endurance is poor.

What he was trembling about was that Lin Tianyao knew this, so he didn’t even need to consider the danger of his life in the next battle. Without any worries, his battle is definitely a madman-like bombing. In this way, the Great Magister completely fell into a passive state.

Fortunately, the Magister still has the capital to maintain his superiority. Those magic arrays are in place, and the infusion of magical energy has been completed.

The stronger the magic circle, the stronger the summoned demon. The reason why he sketched these small spatial arrays was to save time. Then, by instilling magic power, these magic circles will be completely inspired to the effect of self-improvement.

Now the Great Magister's hands seem to be holding a nuclear bomb. As long as he orders, more powerful demons will appear in these space circles, and Lin Tianyao will definitely not have the opportunity to escape.

Since Lin Tianyao did not come to die, as long as he does not die, then the task will not be canceled. After the Great Magister learned this, he immediately gave up his previous thoughts. He suddenly drew a magic mark on his hands and completely activated those strengthened space circle.

With the activation of the magic mark, the strengthened space circle began to glow light blue one by one, and then the space channel, which was originally the size of a washbasin, instantly expanded to the size of the door.

Through these doors of space, we can clearly see that there is a demon with open teeth and claws. However, the demons showed no signs of movement, and they seemed to have turned into statues, standing quietly and keeping their postures motionless.

"This is... what's going on?" The Great Magister was dumbfounded, because no matter how he gave instructions, the demons showed no signs of obeying. On the contrary, they seemed to be sculptures, standing there stupidly.

Although they don't move, their vital characteristics are clearly displayed.

After repeated dozens of attempts, there was still no response. The Great Magister felt that his whole body was not good, and there began to appear a lot of cold sweat on his forehead.

After a flash, he handed his eyes to Lin Tianyao. In his eyes, an obvious inquiry was revealed.

This magic array skill has been used countless times by the Magister himself, and there has never been such a phenomenon. If there is a problem with the skill itself, he cannot accept it anyway, because this is impossible.

However, if Lin Tianyao did this, then there is no basis at all. Because he never shot from start to finish. Without making a move, all the demons in the tens of millions of magic circles are turned into vegetatives, which is simply not realistic.

There is no reasonable explanation in mind, and the Magister can only cast such a questioning look on Lin Tianyao. He did not choose to speak, but had nothing to say at all.

If he wants to ask if it is Lin Tian’s remote hand, does this behavior seem to be a silly comparison?

But what made the magician completely dumbfounded was that Lin Tianyao nodded. He nodded like that with a playful smile.

At this nod, everything went without saying. Lin Tianyao admitted, he even admitted that these were the ghosts he made, but he did not do anything at all, how did he do it?

Space is still? If this is the trick, as the Magister, he can definitely see it.

At this moment, he could not understand at all. If Lin Tianyao has such a BUG general move, why doesn't he use it? He had been hiding before, and even after being surrounded by the magic circle, he almost collapsed. Is this all disguise?

At this moment, the Great Magister felt a deep sense of fear and powerlessness. Lin Tianyao was not as simple as he had imagined. On the contrary, this scheming city was too deep, and it felt like A black hole that can swallow everything! It was more terrifying than his heart, Glass, devouring the beast.

"You... how did you do it?"

Although the Grand Magister couldn't understand it, he asked with a stern daring. No matter who is there, curiosity will exist, especially under such a mysterious move, he has to figure out why he failed anyway.

The Great Magister was so unwilling, Lin Tianyao would just think about it, and simply let him lose.

He pointed his finger to his pair of pupils with flames beating: "You are the devil's eye yourself, so can't you think that I will also pupil surgery?"

Hitomi! The simple two words made the Magister completely petrified. He even ignored such an important point! ....