Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 856: 858 Arcane Awakening

Chapter 856: 858 Profound Awakening

The Great Magister finally knew where his negligence was. This little negligence made him almost in a state of utter neglect.

Lin Tianyao and he are all selected by the system, so the basic skills they possess are basically the same. The other party understood this, and made countermeasures to it, but he was still kept in the dark, unknowingly.

Immediately after hearing the words Hitomi, the Great Magister opened his demon eyes and began to observe the demons in the magic circle.

The eye of the devil can see through people's hearts and penetrate the thoughts of others. Another ability is the nightmare winding. Adding a nightmare to the other party’s mind makes it impossible to distinguish between reality and illusion, causing the other party to collapse.

Of course, such skills are completely useless against Lin Tianyao's enemies. For people of the same level, Hitomi will simply be seen through.

It was for this reason that the Great Magister had never thought of using Hitomitsu to attack, and this was Lin Tianyao's exploit.

After observing the demons of the magic circle with the eye of the demon, the magister awakened, and these guys were all in illusion!

After being hypnotized by the illusion, they were completely living in a dream. This move has the effect of a bottom draw. No wonder Lin Tianyao did not even have any movements, so he easily solved these demons.

Knowing the mystery, the Great Magister hurriedly paid attention to the spiritual power and began to brainwash these demons. The Demon Eye can directly pull them back to reality from illusion.

As long as this move succeeds, he can return to his advantage and trap Lin Tianyao again.

But the next moment, the Great Magister suddenly felt a sudden shock in the brain, and then a pain like a steel needle stuck in the brain came.

This pain directly interrupted his cast. The attack this time was not a substantial one, but a mental attack. The pain came from the soul, and he had no way to relieve it.

While the Great Magister holding his head kept crying, Lin Tianyao stood still and shook his head: "Old man, I said you are a fool? Since I told you what trick I used, I naturally have a way of restraint. Do you act like the devil's eye and treat me like air?"

Being so ridiculed by Lin Tianyao, the Great Magister had no temper at all. Before switching to him, he would definitely not do such a stupid thing.

The reason why he made such a mistake is because Lin Tianyao gave him a series of incomprehensible thrilling experiences, which caused his reason to gradually disappear, and even his basic thinking ability became low.

After the pain in the brain eased, the Magister shook his head fiercely to get rid of the feeling of dizziness, and then glared fiercely at Lin Tianyao: "Damn boy, even if you stop me How? Once I attack you, your illusion can't last. When the time comes, my demons will wake up naturally, and then you can't fly!"

With that said, the Magister directly reached out and patted Grass's head to devour the beast, and he was about to start a new round of attack.

Just then, Lin Tianyao suddenly reached out and made a stop gesture.

Then he twisted his arm, and the direction of his fingers began to point to those magic circles. The next moment, he slowly said: "Old guy, you can see clearly, this trick, but I just realized it!" After finishing this sentence, Lin Tianyao's hands gently folded together, and then crossed his fingers, making a strange handprint.

With the appearance of the handprint, the surrounding space suddenly began to tremble violently, and countless golden bright spots began to emerge quietly.

These highlights are like fireflies in the summer night, all over the air. The denseness of the situation and the magic array of the Magister just formed a contrast.


Lin Tianyao's mouth opened slightly, and he spit out such a word from it.

After his low growl, those golden light spots began to tremble at the same time, then gradually began to grow larger, and finally became a golden sword!

These swords are all transformed by Jian Qi. Just like when the fairy outside the sky appeared, it lighted up from the sword and then solidified into a long sword.

But this time, there is a clear difference between the two. Above these swords, there was a scorching breath, and in the golden light, there was a faint flame beating.

These flames formed a movable mark, which covered the sword body.

From a distance, the surrounding space seems to be surrounded by countless sword qi, surrounded by it.

The sharp sword is as if it existed in substance. The burning and sharp breath makes people feel no illusion.

After the sword appeared, Lin Tian slowly put his hand down, and he smiled slightly at the Magister: "The reason why this trick can be practiced, I have to thank you! I also gave a very nice name , Do you want to hear it?"

The Great Magister has been completely stunned by these sword qi and sword, almost subconsciously, he answered Lin Tianyao's question: "What's the name?"

"Meat grinder!"

Although it was to answer the words of the Great Magister, but after these four words appeared, the sword that had been floating quietly in the air suddenly began to move quickly.

Countless sharp swords quickly crossed in the air, as if strips of gold were dancing, gorgeous and elegant.

The long swords began to dance to the sky in a spiral shape, and they flew upwards while converging upwards.

In a blink of an eye, those swords completely disappeared into the sky, and there was no trace at all.

Just when the Great Magister felt they were about to disappear, suddenly the surrounding space began to violently oscillate.

In the shock, cracks began to appear in the transparent space, and in those cracks, golden light began to flash. These golden mansions are sword spirit swords that disappeared in the sky!

This piece of space seems to be a horse honeycomb in an instant. ....