Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 854: 856 Comprehension

Chapter 854: Comprehension

At the moment when Lin Tianyao's eyes opened, a golden light suddenly shot out of his eyes. The golden light seemed to turn into substance. Wherever it went, the demons in the magic circle stopped attacking directly.

As if they were frozen in space, they kept their original posture and did not move at all!

This scene seems so strange. Even the Great Magister was stunned, because he could see that Lin Tianyao did not perform any moves like space freezing.

Since there are no moves, why did the demons stop attacking?

The Great Magister clearly felt that the moment Lin Tianyao's momentum recovered, there was a stronger feeling than before. This feeling made him feel a kind of oppression vaguely.

Prior to this, the Great Magister did not feel any pressure from Lin Tianyao, even when he did not exert his true strength, he had never felt this way.

For this change, the Magister is not a fool. He is very clear that Lin Tianyao has made a breakthrough, and he must have achieved breakthrough development in what skills.

However, it was only after he was clearly trapped by the magic circle that his own defenses were so threatened that he would almost collapse. How quickly became a breakthrough?

If Lin Tianyao's understanding is good, this is simply impossible. Even people who are sensible can't make a breakthrough at the moment of life and death.

For all this to happen, the Great Magister did not know how to explain it. Similarly, he did not want to continue to struggle with this issue at all. What he has to do is to quickly respond to Lin Tianyao's changes.

Otherwise, if Lin Tianyao is the main anti-guest and turns from passive to active to attack, wouldn't he become the passive situation again?

If the two tigers compete, that advantage cannot be lost. Opportunities are fleeting, and it is likely that a mistake will lead to a huge disaster.

Not daring to think about the horrible results behind, the Magister hurriedly made a spell mark in the air, and then a huge magic energy spewed out from the single horn on the top of the beast that devoured Heart Grass.

After the magical energy spewed out, it turned into a black magical cloud in the air, and then it seemed to rain, dispersed into countless small energy groups, and instilled into each magic array.

Such a separate and average magic allocation fully shows that the magician's understanding and control of magic has reached the point of fascination.

However, this is only a simple control, and it is still not multi-tasking. Because those magic circles have individual marks on them, they can freely absorb the magic energy distributed by the great magister.

In the past, Lin Tianyao pursued the trick of the Great Magister. Because his control of the flying fairy outside the sky is also marked by his own spiritual imprint. However, the effect of this is not so perfect. It is almost like drinking a bird to quench thirst, but it is manipulated on the surface, and in fact has no effect at all. The Magister is just above this move, and the proficiency is more powerful.

Now, Lin Tianyao has completely transformed. After using this skill twice, his control has completely changed from the surface to the essence. For a single sword energy control, he has completely mastered it.

"Old guy, it seems that you, many of you, are very skilled in control, have you practiced for a long time?"

Lin Tianyao stood on the spot, and the two golden flames in his eyes were beating, making his expression very strange.

While controlling the magical energy in the sky, the Great Magister sneered: "You don't need to envy me, you can reach it with enough time. I have seen your magical flying fairy, you have reached the entry control level. "

"Enough time?" Lin Tianyao pretended to be surprised: "You are going to kill me now, where else do I have time?"

Hearing this, the smile on the face of the Magister was even stronger: "Lin Tianyao, this can't blame me. You can only blame yourself! When I was good at talking, but you are obsessed. Since you are not willing to lose skills Click, then save your life. I definitely want to get out of this copy time!"

After he finished speaking, he found that Lin Tianyao had put away the golden Wuyan shield. Such a scene made him unbelievable.

Surrounded by so many magic circles, and each magic circle is receiving the instillation of magic energy. Lin Tianyao is not busy now to increase his shield energy, but to withdraw the shield, is he looking for death?

Even if the Grand Magister does not believe that he will take the initiative to seek death on his own, there is no other way to explain this behavior of death.

Does it mean that Lin Tianyao really did not see the hope of winning and gave up on his own initiative?

But the immense momentum of his body showed that he didn't look like he had nothing to do.

Unable to understand it, the Great Magister's tone was quick to Lin Tianyao: "Boy, what is this for? With your temperament, shouldn't you give up so easily?"

Lin Tianyao didn't seem to hear him. After putting away the shield, he slowly walked in the air and walked towards him.

Seeing this scene, the Magister could not help but start to be alert. But Lin Tianyao did not have the slightest tendency to attack, making him feel that the previous guess was right, this guy really gave up resistance.

With a tentative mind, he continued to ask: "Lin Tianyao, I still say that. If you are willing to lose function points and give me mission props to help me out, I can save your life! Kill you, It’s not good for me."

When it comes to this, the Magister also feels that he has done his best. If Lin Tianyao is willing to obey, then he will definitely reply.

If he doesn’t talk back, the Magister has decided that he will definitely attack. Because bringing him close, there will definitely be no good results.

Finally, when the tense heart of the Great Magister was about to erupt, Lin Tianyao stopped. ....