Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 853: 855 show the enemy weak

Episode 853

Lin Tianyao is now facing a good example, or an opportunity. The reason is these moves released by the Magister.

His magic array is so dense that it can even be calculated by thousands. These, and his Tianfei Feijian Jianqi, are almost exactly the same operating principle.

And the magic array of the Great Magister, his effect is much better than the flying fairy. The reason is that these magic circles do not need their own control after they are released. In each independent magic circle, there is a separate demon to attack.

In this way, the Great Magister is equivalent to being a leader, and the demons are his men. All he needs is to issue instructions to allow these demons to divide and attack.

In other words, although Lin Tianyao's flying fairy outside the heavens, he is also the leader of control and launching attack commands, but those sword qi are dead, and there is no single modification at all. This is his long-standing drawback.

Through these magical arrays, he gradually began to understand this attack mode. Jian Qi was originally condensed by his internal force, and there could be no separate thought. If you want it to achieve the same effect as the demon in the magic circle, then Lin Tianyao can only be divided into happy gods, separating all the sword qi and controlling them separately.

And this point, now has a way to make up. This method of making up is the exclusive skill that Lin Tianyao realized some time ago, and he is dedicated to two purposes.

The so-called dual purpose is just a general term, in the sense, it is multi-purpose.

One's mind cannot be divided into several, or even thousands. In that case, in the words of the real world, it is a split personality, a person has multiple personalities.

But multi-tasking makes up for this shortcoming. He can use his only mental power to make many kinds of thought manipulation separately.

In this way, the trick of flying fairy outside the sky, even if it is completely completed. Those sword qi can be a whole, and they can be completely divided. From the beginning to the end, Lin Tianyao can control them in all directions.

Although this does not have any improvement effect on Jianqi's strength, the significance of this is simply not comparable to trick strength.

This is like a general leading a unit. Every time he strikes, whether it is a large army or a small force, the instructions he plays are as one. After being controlled separately, the unit can be divided into separate parts to fight. The difference between the two is qualitative.

However, the Great Magister is still blindfolded. He didn't even know that his unconscious action played a role in boosting Lin Tianyao. He is even living in his hotbed now, and feels that these magic arrays will control Lin Tianyao.

Obviously, the defense shield formed by Lin Tianyao with Jin Wuyan is indeed just a conservative action. So far, there has been no tendency to attack. It is because of this simple action that the Grand Magister was paralyzed by this superficial phenomenon.

In his mind, Lin Tianyao has already begun to simulate the attacking moves of Fei Xian.

Almost half an hour later, his body was completely shrouded in sweat, and his whole body fell like a rain.

This scene was seen by the Magister, and he almost jumped up without excitement. Because he felt that Lin Tianyao's sweat was due to the internal force overdraft caused by the release of the shield, and he began to be unable to support the signs.

With such a thought, his magical array attack completely worked. Lin Tianyao did not fight back. He couldn’t fight back. More importantly, once he couldn’t support it, he lost!

The Magister began to regret it now. If he showed his full strength from the beginning, the situation may not be so bad. He may have successfully defeated Lin Tianyao in the beginning.

Well, this plan will not be reduced to the situation that is about to fail now. At this moment, he was even in the Mojia government city, and got all the mission props!

The more I think about it, the more regretful the Grand Magister feels. Subsequently, the magical power in his body began to flow insanely, and the speed of the magic circle outlined began to slow down.

The magic circle he sketched at the moment is obviously much stronger than before, and the demons appearing in it are also several points higher in strength. If the demon strength that appeared in those magic arrays before is only similar to that of Wei Zhuang and others, then the current demon is already stronger than the East Emperor Taiyi.

The current Magister is like a chapman. All he has to do is to summon the demons in the magic circle endlessly. The ants often bite the dead elephant, which can only be regarded as ordinary in his eyes. What he wants is to use these demons to see Lin Tianyao drown completely, and never think of it!

With the addition of these more powerful demons, Lin Tianyao's shield gradually began to be unsustainable. He made this shield before, just to get the time to comprehend the meaning of Kendo. His more thoughts are used to evolve moves in consciousness.

If it is placed before, he may really want to interrupt the comprehension of the moves, and then re-bless the shield to defend.

However, after using this exclusive skill twice, these can no longer be called a problem. He can not only understand the moves, but also pay attention to the changes of the great magister, so as to defend.

I didn't know how long after that, the sweat on Lin Tianyao's body suddenly stopped flowing out, and at the next moment, as if it was blown by a hair dryer, his damp body gradually became dry.

The sweat was completely evaporated at a rate visible to the naked eye.

With this incident, the Magister's eyebrows wrinkled up involuntarily. He could clearly feel that Lin Tianyao's momentum had become weak before, like a river after the rain, and gradually began to recover.

With the restoration of momentum and strength, Lin Tianyao's closed eyes also suddenly opened! ....