Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 852: 854 is happy

Chapter 852

Looking at the position where Lin Tianyao was standing, he could not see him at all. Around him, he was surrounded by dense magic circles.

From a distance, the area seems to become a horse's honeycomb, and the magic circles on it are small honeycombs.

Even so, the Great Magister still didn't mean to stop. He was still standing on the top of Xin Grass's head, his hands were constantly dancing, and he was constantly sketching a magic array against Lin Tianyao.

Although the demon summoned in the magic circle is not powerful, the great magician firmly believes that the ant bites like this. Even if it can't cause much damage, Lin Tianyao's headache is a good containment effect.

Lin Tianyao, who was in the encircling circle at the moment, was secretly doing another thing.

Around his body, the golden black flame was blessed with internal force, forming a flame shield to wrap itself. The attacks of demons drilled out of the magic circle can't break this layer of defense at all.

Those demons are originally evil and evil things. The golden black flames are from yang to gang, and they have a natural effect of restraint. As long as the devil touches the shield, even the slightest bit will be directly reduced to ashes.

With the existence of the shield, Lin Tianyao does not need to consider his own security at all. But he did not rush to get rid of these magic arrays, but made such a defensive posture. The purpose of this is to save time and complete the trick he always wanted to try.

The sword of prosperity of the sword, Lin Tianyao only cultivated a prototype, just the stage of entry. He wants to make breakthroughs, not just by upgrading function points. Moreover, he has other functions for function points, which is a waste of skills.

Regarding the practice of Kendo, what Lin Tianyao can have now is to release Jian Qi and a trick to fly out of heaven. Such a move has no effect on the Magister. His heart, Glass, devoured the beast, and he could directly devour his sword.

It is obviously not feasible to defeat the Magister with such a move. But these moves are Lin Tianyao's most powerful attack moves. If he does not use it, there is no way to attack.

Of course, it is also impossible for the Great Magister to deal with him. Flying Thunder God's Art, Golden Black Flame, these life-saving skills can make him invincible.

If this continues to be prolonged, there is probably no way to decide between the two sides, so there is no such thing as victory or defeat.

Can't defeat the Great Magister, then this guy will be a terrible future. How can Lin Tianyao's main mission be completed?

It is completely impossible to lend him mission props, so the result of the Great Magister's anger now is that he dragged Lin Tianyao and left the two together in this world!

Lin Tianyao naturally cannot accept this result. He still has so many secrets waiting to be uncovered. So many people are waiting for him to summon. He cannot stay here because of this.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to evolve the Kendo myth through his own ability again. At that time, Jian Sheng had told him that if he wanted to make a breakthrough in Kendo, he had to show his sword intention to the point where he could do it easily.

This handy does not mean that the casual sword qi can be relaxed and relaxed, or that it is proficient in the use of sword moves. It is the fusion of sword meaning, and it is completely integrated into itself as if it were your own body.

Before this, although Lin Tianyao understood this truth, he had never succeeded in experiments. As if there was always a thin wall in front of him, he could not open it even if he wanted to pass.

But just a few days ago, there seemed to be a flash of light in his brain, and the wall burst into a crack, allowing him to spy on the subtleties behind him.

In fact, I would like to thank Mo Qilin for this opportunity. If it were not for her attitude to treat her face and excessive consumption of internal force, Lin Tianyao would not be able to enter that state.

Long-term comfort will only make people satisfied with the status quo. When Lin Tianyao experienced these copies, he had never encountered the threat of overload. If you want to break through, you must push yourself to a critical point, so that you can understand your own shortcomings, instead of lying in a hotbed, and always feel that you are invincible.

That time the mental energy was excessively consumed, so that Lin Tianyao realized his exclusive skills and dedicated himself to both. After that, he began to feel that his mind was like a cell, and he could divide freely.

And this result, when using other moves, the role played is not obvious, and even Lin Tianyao feels that this skill seems a bit tasteless.

However, just when he used Tianwai Feixian, he felt the dual purpose, as if the child saw his mother, showing a special match.

The trick of flying fairy outside the sky is to transform one's own internal power into countless sword qi and then impact the enemy. This trick has almost the same attack mode as the magic array of the Magister. A single sword energy can definitely not achieve too high an effect, but if the number is more, the power is increased in multiples.

But this trick has always had a drawback, a flaw that Lin Tianyao cannot solve. It is the control of Feixian in the outer space that all he can do is to attack all the sword qi in the same direction.

This is like missile control in real-world warfare. The launcher can only control the missiles to bombard an area, but it cannot achieve this group of missiles alone to disperse the attack target.

Lin Tianyao has been thinking about ways to solve this problem. However, he obviously couldn't do it, because the mental energy consumption for controlling Jian Qi was too large. If he forcibly controlled it, he didn't even achieve half of it, and he immediately fainted.

But after realizing the dual purpose, he clearly felt the difference. This difference is that he can control the sword energy separately.

It is not enough to rely on his own insight. Lin Tianyao lacks an opportunity, or rather, a living example to demonstrate this. ....