Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 846: 848 Great Magister's Trick

Chapter 846: The Great Magister's Trick

For a while, all these revealed by the Great Magister made a subversion of Lin Tianyao's cognition. He even started to have the urge to give up, this system, this copy, everything is a scam, such a blow, Rao is hard to bear his mind.

Deep down in his heart, he was against all that the Magister said. His heart told himself that none of this was true.

But even if it is not true, but there is no clue in it, in other words, there is simply no loopholes to be found.

Words that cannot be overthrown can be true even if they are fake. Lin Tianyao is now in such a state.

Thinking of Xiaoxian's tender and lovely face, Lin Tianyao felt a bit bored. That kind of simple and kind girl who is focused on her, is it also a liar, everything is cheating him with the system?

The more I think like this, the more Lin Tianyao feels too incredible. He couldn't believe this fact at all. When he was struggling in his heart, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

Then he hurriedly asked the Magister: "Old man, since what you said is true? How do you explain the temporary copy? The system stipulates that the temporary copy is still unstable because the space is too unstable. Only when the strength is sealed can you enter. A copy of that structure, if someone else enters it for the second time, it will definitely be unbearable!"

The moment this idea came out, Lin Tianyao was relieved in his heart. His reason was enough to overthrow what the Great Magister said. His reason told himself that nothing the Great Magister said was true.

Found a flaw, he naturally will not give the Great Magister any chance. If this old guy is really cheating him, then his purpose will naturally appear, this is psychological warfare!

However, the Great Magister did not have any slight tension. He looked up at the bull head abnormally and laughed: "Lin Tianyao, I thought you were such a clever person. You turned out to be a fool! Temporary copy, you would even believe This? Then I ask you, after the things are used, do you throw them away, or reuse the waste?"

"What do you mean?"

From the words of the Great Magister, Lin Tianyao gave birth to an unknown premonition, he asked seriously.

The Great Magister spread his hands and made a clear look: "A copy like Qin Shimingyue, if it has been experienced and destroyed by people like us for a long time, can the copy itself bear it? Once the load is exceeded, naturally it is Facing a collapse. And then, naturally it was thrown away as a temporary copy."

He said abruptly, "I think when you enter the temporary copy, you must come out of the ordinary copy, so you are eager to enter the next copy? There are many people selected by the system. Once the normal copy is not enough, The temporary copy was taken out!"

He explained it in such a simple way. After the ordinary copy is experienced and destroyed by many people, its structure cannot continue to bear, it will be regarded as a temporary copy.

And, according to what he said. After these copies are constructed by the system, there will be a situation where the copies are not enough because of too many experienced people. So use those temporary copies to top up.

Judging from the current appearance of the Great Magister, he is not lying at all. Obviously, the serious and relaxed appearance is obviously simply describing these things without any false elements.

If this is the case, then Lin Tianyao can't bear it. Those friends in his copy, the beloved women, are all props, which have been touched by people who have experienced them.

He also wanted to accumulate function points, summon these people, and then organize them together. Now this beautiful idea is completely defeated by the cruelty of reality. All of these are illusions, all are short-lived bubbles!

After a long silence, Lin Tianyao gradually digested these things. He kept breathing deeply to stabilize his emotions. When he raised his head again, what appeared in his eyes was not the kind of wisdom and confidence at the beginning, but an anger, an anger swallowed by the flames.

He asked the magister in a dark tone: "Old man, my mission props, what's the use of it after you take it?"

Seeing him asking this question, the Great Magister suddenly felt overjoyed. His huge claws pinched **** together and snapped his fingers: "You finally asked about the point. I was like you before. When I first learned about the disgusting setting of the system, I decided to take revenge. If you use other people's task props to deliver the task in the same copy, it will make the system messy, and then there will be some general existence similar to BUG, ​​so that you can get a lot of function points. Go faster."

"Then I will give you the mission props, what shall I do?" Lin Tianyao asked cautiously.

Hearing this, the Magister stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, making a helpless look: "Lin Tianyao, why are you so confused. I use your mission props, you use mine too! So we all You can use this BUG! After we have experienced the copy, everything we encounter is already illusory, so the only thing left is to improve the strength. Isn’t it good to increase the strength with this BUG?"

As he said this, Lin Tianyao was really excited. Now that he has been selected by the copy, he has no way to escape this fate. All the friends and women are now in vain, so it is the best way to improve your strength and finish the training as soon as possible.

Using BUG to block the setting of the system is not a practice full of feelings of revenge.

Thinking, he put his hand into his arms and pulled out the non-attack. Then he reached out to the Magister: "Old man, change one thing for another, bring your quest props!"

"no problem!"

Looking at the non-attack in Lin Tianyao's hand, a red light flashed through the bull's eye. ....