Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 845: 847 Earth-shattering secret

845 Chapter 847

After jumping out of the cave, the two were just above the top of the mountain.

With the gentle breeze blowing gently, Jane's situation of tension was seemingly relieved.

After seeing Lin Tianyao coming out, the Grand Magister stepped **** the ground and directly destroyed the magic circle that had been arranged before then. Obviously, after being seen by Lin Tianyao, this circle is no different from waste.

Immediately afterwards, he sneered: "Lin Tianyao, if the old man loses in your hands today, I may be able to give you an answer to your question. But I want you to remember that the final victory will definitely belong to me! "

"It belongs to you?" Lin Tianyao almost smiled and said: "Old man, you are too self-deceiving? Are you qualified to think you can win me? But rest assured, I will not kill you!"

"Of course I know you won't kill me!"

The Great Magister smiled and said: "Because of me, there are secrets that you crazy want to know. Of course, if I fail, then I will not choose to live, because if I lose, I will not have to live. Now!"

These words made Lin Tianyao's heart suddenly sink. Obviously, the Great Magister has been craving crazy for his mission props. Undeniably, these things must also have a very important role for him.

It can even be said that if he fails, he will not get these things. So he didn't need to live.

Therefore, these things are related to his life.

At this moment, Lin Tianyao suddenly had a strange idea. Will this great magister be an outsider set in the system? He is also a BOSS level existence, is used to increase the difficulty of the copy. If this is the case, it will work if you enter the copy and experience it.

However, there is no notice in advance before the system, if there is such a task, there will definitely be a hint.

Even if the system does not say, Xiaoxian will definitely tell her. Such a message was completely blocked, and then this person appeared, completely inconsistent with the system's settings.

But if these are not the same, is this guy like himself, also entered this copy to experience?

Then both people need task props, and it is likely that they received the same task. This guy came early, did he know Lin Tianyao's identity through other methods?

With these doubts, Lin Tianyao bluntly said: "Old man, you tell me the truth. Did you come to this copy world to experience like me? Or, we received the same task, and my task props are also yours. Mission props?" After such a question, the Magister began to be silent. The previous words and gestures used for the show are completely put down.

He took a deep breath and said, "Lin Tianyao, if possible, I really don’t want to be an enemy with you. You guessed it, I’m just like you, I’m the one selected by the system, all come to this copy Experienced! And, your last guess is a bit off."

"Deviation?" Lin Tianyao thought for a while and thought, "Is your mission prop different from mine?"

"No, no!" The Great Magister shook the huge bull's head: "I don't want to hide it until now. This battle has become a king and defeated, and there will be no chance in the future!"

He stabilized his emotions, and then slowly stated: "I think you should have discovered some clues of the copy world with your observation? For example, many abnormal factors appear in the copy world?"

Speaking of which, Lin Tianyao began to recall those copies of previous experiences. When you think about it, it is really the same as what the great magister said. Both the crimson pupil and the copy of Tokyo have a magic array. This is an abnormal factor.

Thinking, he nodded and said: "Yes, it is."

The Magister went on to say: "You found it, then it would be normal. With the ability of the system, constructing a copy is not so easy. According to my speculation, each new copy will create a lot of candidates. Take turns to experience. And after the previous experience, they will naturally leave their footprints in it."

"This is impossible!" Lin Tianyao hurriedly interrupted him: "After each copy, when the participant leaves, the copy space will be frozen, and all the time in it will stop! If you say, I How do you explain the people and things you experienced before?"

At this point, the Great Magister is indeed too illusory. The people in the copy know nothing about him. And after leaving, everything in the copy world will be static over time. If someone comes in front or behind, isn't it messy?

Seeming to know that Lin Tianyao would be like this, the Magister retorted: "So how do you explain, those magical arrays in the copy of the crimson pupil and the copy of Tokyo? The truth tells you that those are my stays Down!"

This sentence seemed to be a blockbuster in front of Lin Tianyao. If those things are left by the Great Magister, then what he said is true. In this case, didn't the character in the previous copy meet him?

Thinking about this, Lin Tianyao felt dizzy for a while. Wasn't the person not so unique as the system said and could be summoned at any time, but was it used as a prop?

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyao suddenly gave birth to an urge to penetrate this copy world, which is simply a naked deception, or a personality insult.

Those women are all his lovers. Isn't it just being played by others?

"It's impossible. Where did you get it? Even if the system is really like this, would he tell you?"

Lin Tianyao's emotions became a little agitated, he could not tolerate this kind of thing, even if it was true!

But the Great Magister grinned with a bull's mouth: "Lin Tianyao, I didn't believe it at first, but the facts are in front of you, you and I can't help you!"...