Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 847: 849 still want to act?

847 849 Do you still want to act?

Seeing Lin Tianyao promised, the Great Magister began to lift the hugeness, and walked towards him: "You should have done this long ago, and it also made me spend so much thought, wasting so much tongue, really. No way!"

"Yeah, at the camp that day, if you tell me these things, then those things don't have to happen. What's wrong with us joining hands directly?"

Lin Tianyao stood on the spot, relieved Xu Zuonenghu, and then smiled.

It seemed to him that what he said made sense, the Master Magister rubbed his hands awkwardly: "I said directly at that time, you definitely don't believe it. I did this, but I showed some strength and slowly revealed these things to you. Never mind."

He also said that there is hard-working. It seems that all of this is the effort to make Lin Tianyao believe that he has raised his identity to a great position.

"Really?" Lin Tianyao said with a smile: "If I don't force you to this part, do you still want to keep this secret alone, and then wipe me out? Your move, completely It is to stand invincible!"

Debunked by him in one sentence, the face of the Grand Magister suddenly began to change. This kind of change is not like embarrassment at all, but a kind of fear, a kind of fear that the beast fell into the trap.

Because he suddenly discovered that Lin Tianyao did not promise to cooperate with what he said verbally, but secretly used a means behind his back!

"Damn, you lie to me!"

The Great Magister suddenly screamed, and then he seemed to be burnt in the ass, and jumped up in place, desperately trying to retreat.

But he realized that something was wrong now. The giganticization was lifted, and he has now returned to the size of an ordinary person. He is not like Lin Tianyao, with a powerful internal body protection, the magician's body is extremely fragile, even with a magic shield, it certainly will not play a big role.

But this time, I can't care too much. While applying a shield around the body, the Grand Magister began to arrange a defensive circle.

But how could Lin Tianyao give him so many opportunities, the next moment, he directly extended his hand. Chi Xiao appeared directly in his hand.


A roar came from Lin Tianyao's mouth, and then a huge flame sword gas was directly sprayed from the tip of Chi Xiao's knife and shot directly at the body of the big magician.


A series of sounds, as if the knife had crossed the white paper, resounded through the air.

The devil's defensive circle has not yet been completed, and the flame blade is forced in front of him. Those defensive circles are simply paper and are directly broken.

Seeing the flame air blade approaching his eyes, the body will be split in half in the next moment. The Magister bit his teeth fiercely. He bit his tongue fiercely and spurted a trace of blood from his mouth.

After the blood spurted out, a blood mist formed in front of him. The blood mist instantly turned into a devil's head.

As the devil's head formed, the air blade also struck on it. After a blast, the air blade and the devil's head disappeared at the same time.

And disappeared with it, there is the figure of the Great Magister.

If this blow split the Great Magister into flying ash, Lin Tianyao could not believe it anyway. He hurriedly spread his awareness to the surroundings, looking for the trail of the Great Magister. But after a long search, nothing was found.

At this time, a sharp curse came from the distant sky.

"Lin Tianyao, you **** guy, dare to deceive Lao Tzu, I am at odds with you!"

This voice is extremely sharp, completely without the old sense of oldness, but like a **** voice.

Looking down the voice, there was a dark shadow in the distant sky. There are skulls flying out of the black shadow from time to time, and vaguely, a standing figure can be seen.

Seeing the big magician appear, Lin Tianyao sneered: "Old guy, do you think you want to cheat me with this mean method? I can guess now that you want my mission props to complete The mission is real, but the rest is made up of your fiction!"

In fact, at the beginning, Lin Tianyao was acting. He is very clear that there are no errors at all in these system settings. There is only one reason why he is so sure. He can use function points to summon those in the experienced copy.

Communicating with them, the lies of the Natural Magisters were instantly dismantled.

Moreover, when he proposed to exchange quest items, there was an unstoppable excitement in the eyes of the great magister.

Not to mention that he didn't take out the mission props, Lin Tianyao didn't even know what his mission was.

The Great Magister can know Lin Tianyao's mission, but Lin Tianyao doesn't know him. From this point of view, the so-called BUG was simply blamed. This guy is definitely playing more computer games in the real world!

After seeing through all of this in his heart, Lin Tianyao did not turn his eyes directly, but continued to act, pretending to be about to collapse. All he has to do is to use his own way of life to heal his own body, and to deceive the Magister.

Smoother than expected, he not only cheated the Magister, but also hit him hard.

Such a strenuous battle was skillfully resolved by him in this simple way. This result can't be better!

Moreover, from the way of the Great Magister's escape, Lin Tianyao once again saw that this guy also has a hidden card. Because he is a magician, he can summon demons in hell, and he can escape with blood escape, all of which proves that he also has a unique skill. This skill may have similarities with Lin Tianyao's Jinwu bloodline.

After the great magister in the air realized that he was clever but mistakenly clever, Qi almost collapsed. Only after using the blood shield technique is the vitality hurt.

He can't continue fighting now, this time, he can only end in failure! ....