Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 816: 818 Heart changes

Chapter 816 Chapter 818

A moment of anger may cause a disaster. Without the sudden appearance of Mo Qilin, Lin Tianyao might have been swallowed by his anger.

Suddenly calming down now, he even felt a little afraid.

If it is really due to impulse, to make actual actions according to the ideas in the previous heart, then the final result he certainly cannot accept.

Because at this moment, he suddenly thought of something. This was a question he had before, but it was gradually forgotten.

Wei Zhuang suddenly dared to attack the organ city, who will be the commander behind him?

The moment before we met, Wei Zhuang said that he attacked the organ city not to kill, but to get a few things.

Knowing that Lin Tianyao is in the Mo family, Wei Zhuang can still have the courage to start the war after the war. As long as he is not mentally ill, he will never make this decision.

He was able to come up with a plan that made Lin Tianyao feel tricky. If Lin Tianyao had to wait for a while to leave, it would be easy for him to capture the Mojia government city.

But he chose to come at this time, then it is obvious. What he wants must be related to Lin Tianyao. In other words, he had to grab things before Lin Tianyao, and it was too late to be late.

With such a thought, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but stretch his hand and held his heart. Fortunately, he calmed down in time. If he really killed Wei Zhuang on an impulse, the answer to this question would be completely blocked.

Looking at Mo Qilin's almost collapsed face, Lin Tianyao smiled suddenly. His voice suddenly softened and said, "Lin'er, thank you!"

Lin'er, this kind of address can only be called by intimate people. Today, except for Wei Zhuang, no one has ever called Mo Qilin so.

After hearing Lin Tianyao's words, Mo Qilin's divine wisdom, which was already in a state of confusion, instantly became the situation. It is as if the soul that had already been separated suddenly returns to the body.

She widened her eyes, although she was covered by a silk scarf, she could not see her face clearly. But from that look, she could clearly see her shock.

She didn't understand how Lin Tianyao suddenly changed so much. The previous appearance of being filled with anger was to burn it completely.

But in a flash, instead of feeling angry, he said thank you. All this made Mo Qilin couldn't believe it, but the fact was in front of her, she had to believe it.

At this moment, Mo Qilin felt filled with an inexplicable sense of happiness in his heart. Is this the origin of the word faithfulness? However, Wei Zhuang has no value to Lin Tianyao. Her dissuasion was basically selfishness with a mask of justice.

Although the reason was unclear in his heart, since Lin Tianyao was so kind to her, he was sure that he was not angry.

If you really want an explanation, Mo Qilin feels that this may be that he has a good impression of himself. Only if you like, you can have unlimited tolerance.

With such a thought, Mo Qilin's neck suddenly turned red. After the scarf, her face had turned into a ripe apple. That kind of excitement and excitement made her heart thump with it.

Lin Tianyao looked away from Mo Qilin's face and turned to Wei Zhuang. As if to change his face, his expression changed from gentle to cold.

For Wei Zhuang, he has no sympathy. On the contrary, he really wants to kill this **** guy.

"Weizhuang, for your help with Lin'er, I can spare you this time. But the death penalty is exempt, the living sin is difficult to spare. I have to ask you all the questions you have to answer truthfully, otherwise, I still want to kill you!"

There was a threat in the question. Such words made Wei Zhuang's face pale. If he does not answer, then today is destined to escape this disaster.

But if Lin Tianyao is promised, then Tai Huang Dongyi must be offered. What's more serious is that the big magician behind him can't escape.

If Lin Tianyao knows this, there must be a war between the two strong men. No matter who moves a finger, he can kill him.

Whatever the result, he couldn't escape a dead word.

There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back. Whether it is advancing or retreating, the final outcome is already doomed.

Seemingly caught in a spell, Wei Zhuang encountered such a choice again. The person who gave him this choice is the most powerful Great Magister and Lin Tianyao in the world today.

It was the most difficult choice, but it happened in front of the two strongest. This made Wei Zhuang almost collapsed. Why do you have to meet him?

Until now, he has no way to avoid it. As before, only the most direct and correct choice is to compromise with the people in front of you.

Wei Zhuang showed his fate. Then he said: "Lin Tianyao, when I met you, I found that I was completely engulfed in a curse. Now, all I can do is gouyan and pant. I know very well that I will die sooner or later."

After finishing this sentence, he didn't wait for Lin Tianyao to ask questions, and said everything he had experienced directly. Even the tasks given to him by the Grand Magister were stated.

After hearing Wei Zhuang's description, Lin Tianyao froze. His previous guesses have all been verified. Wei Zhuang risked his life, what he wanted was really what he wanted.

Moreover, what surprised him even more now is that the things that the Great Magister wanted were even including Tianming three.

If he wants to have the daylight, then it can be explained, after all, this is the man ordered by King Qin and wanted all over the world.

However, Yue'er and Shaoyu were not useful to him at all. Why did he want all three?

At this moment, Lin Tianyao vaguely had a vague sense of hunch. He had a very strange idea, but he thought it was impossible for him.

However, if this idea is really confirmed, then it is really no less than a thunderbolt. ....