Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 817: 819 Pursuit of the East Emperor Taiyi

Chapter 817: Pursuit of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyao did not dare to think about it. It is really impossible for this general idea to appear, and there is no reason for it to exist.

Because, Lin Tianyao could not explain the problem. Even if you ask Xiaoxian, or the feedback system, you may not get a clear answer. Because of the copy world, if this happens, can this be called a copy?

No matter what the situation, he can make assumptions, but this conjecture, he dare not think. Because it is too horrible.

In the moment when this idea appeared, Lin Tianyao directly strangled it. He had only one explanation for himself, and that was to think too much, and he began to think crankily.

After throwing out this unrealistic idea, Lin Tianyao asked Wei Zhuang: "When the great magister asked you to perform this task, did you tell you the specific reason why he had to attack and Tianming three people? ?"

Wei Zhuang shook his head helplessly: "If I knew it, I would definitely consider it more. But after he gave it to me, he left. Where did I dare to raise any rebuttal?"

"As you say, it is the people of Donghuang Taiyi and Yin-Yang who took the Mo family giants away?"

Speaking of the Emperor Donghuang, Wei Zhuang said with resentment: "That **** guy actually put me together at this critical time. If there is a chance, I must kill him myself!"

Judging from Wei Zhuang's performance and description, he is actually unwilling to be against Lin Tianyao in his heart. The reason why he was so forced was helpless.

Behind all this, the Great Magister is making trouble.

That guy, from the beginning when he met, Lin Tianyao thought he was a good bird, but he didn't expect to have such an unspeakable purpose in his back.

It seems that the secret he said was probably a guise. All he wanted was to give Lin Tianyao an illusion, an illusion that he was not an enemy.

Eastern Emperor Taiyi, his teleportation method must be the teaching behind the Great Magister. Both of them were in an embarrassing role from beginning to end.

This time, Wei Zhuang may have been shot by a gun. In other words, their real purpose may be to let Wei Zhuang attract the target, and let Emperor Dongyi take the opportunity to catch a bargaining chip with Lin Tianyao.

However, the bargaining chip of the Mojia giant seems insignificant on this issue.

But for the Mohists, the giant is equal to a monarch. It may be a good choice to exchange non-attacks with him.

Perhaps at the beginning, the goal of the Great Magister was non-offensive and Mohist giants. He knew that Lin Tianyao was here, so he did not personally dispatch, and even let Donghuang Taiyi hide in the dark.

And the only Wei Zhuang who showed his face was almost killed by Lin Tianyao in rage.

This is where Lin Tianyao regretted his impulse. If he really killed Wei Zhuang, the Great Magister's strategy would succeed. There is no way of knowing this conspiracy. He was even blindfolded, feeling that the Grand Magister was not an enemy.

Seeing this, Lin Tianyao's current goal turned directly. The Mojia giant was arrested, and he must find a way to take it back. Otherwise, if he wants to go to the forbidden place to get a non-attack, he must tear up his face with the Mo Family.

Duan Murong, Yue'er, including the Xiang clan who are now hiding in the government city, they all have a close relationship with the Mo family. Coming hard, the relationship with them must be broken. At that time, the completion of the main task will be lost.

He didn't kill Zhuang Zhuang, although he was a little bit upset. But the words opened, but the anger in his heart disappeared. The serious consequences also disappeared.

"Donghuang Taiyi When did they catch the Mojia giant, how long will it take to catch up with them now?"

Can't hesitate anymore. If the Emperor Dongyi returns to Yinyang's house, then the Mo family giants can't really come back. In the same way, Lin Tianyao has no way to stop the big magician using this chip in exchange for non-attack.

The strength of that guy is very similar to him, and he has no way to suppress it by force.

Wei Zhuang thought about it and replied: "According to the time, he may have escaped more than one hour in advance. Calculating the distance, he should have been out of the mountains of the organ city."

More than an hour, such a long time!

Lin Tianyao was also anxious. If they used the teleportation array to leave, they might have gone back.

However, this is also a guess. If the Emperor Taiyi did not use the teleportation array, or could not use it, they must still be on the road now.

Lin Tianyao could not give up any chance now, he immediately whistle into the sky. Then, a sharp bird song came from the sky.

Since Bai Feng was defeated by Lin Tianyao, Bai Bai was conquered by him and became a mount.

No matter how steep the terrain is among the mountains, the sky is always open and flat.

After the white bird's body floated through the hollow above his head, Lin Tianyao jumped and jumped directly onto the bird's back.

They have no time to take care of these people, chasing East Emperor Taiyi, and carrying these miscellaneous fish is also a burden.

Since Wei Zhuang promised to surrender, he would never have a chance to fight back. What's more, Lin Tianyao gave him a sword gas, so seriously injured, he simply had no ability to fight.

In the city of organs, there is a hidden master, Gaie, who can’t make a big splash.

It seems to think that the white bird's speed is not enough. After Lin Tianyao got on the back of the bird, he slapped his hand **** it, and a pure internal force blessed it.

For a time, Shiratori seemed to turn into a fighter jet, whistling and shot suddenly toward the front. At that speed, the soft wind next to the ear suddenly became sharp.

After just a tea effort, Shiratori has flown out of the mountain range where the organ city is located. Going forward, we are almost at the campsite of the last Lin Tianyao battle.

Looking around from the sky, there is still no ghost.

At this moment, Lin Tianyao seems to have got the answer. Donghuang Taiyi and others must have left with the teleportation array! ....