Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 815: 817 Lin Tianyao's Impulse

Chapter 815 817 Lin Tianyao's urge

"Since you are so sturdy, then you die!"

Lin Tianyao is simply too lazy to continue to care about anything. This **** Wei Zhuang has pushed him into adversity twice and again. If you don’t kill him, it’s hard to dispel the hate.

But Mo Qilin seemed to become a big tree, firmly rooted in front of Wei Zhuang. Even in the face of Lin Tianyao's ready-going sword spirit, there was no meaning to dodge.

Seeing her like this, Lin Tianyao frowned and said: "What do you want to do, don't think that there is a promise, I won't move you. If you block again, I will kill you and Weizhuang together!"

Lin Tianyao in his anger would never give anyone room to bargain. In the same way, he will not give anyone who does not look good to him any chance.

Lin Tianyao was tired after playing with the city government's scheming. These people who have become drosses are qualified to stand in the same angle as him?

At this moment, he has made up his mind. After killing Wei Zhuang and destroying these people, he went directly to the forbidden area and took the non-attack. Then he went directly to the Qin Kingdom to destroy the Yingzheng, and directly got the task and left.

As for the mysterious Great Magister, what do he love to do? What about the secret? He doesn't want to know now. Go according to the systematic plan, enhance your own strength, and then all the secrets will be revealed naturally. There is no need to go through more and more troubles, and in the end it is a big deal.

As for how to give an explanation to the Mo family, this seems unimportant. These guys are from beginning to end, but they all see him as a helper.

It is precisely because Lin Tianyao is too kind, but his powerful strength has not given a deterrent effect to others. If his style is stronger, do the Mo disciples dare to do this to him?

Do exactly what you want, what you want to do. If you don't accept it, you will come and fight, and you will wipe it out with one finger. Do they dare to ask Lin Tianyao for an explanation or an answer?

They can't, not only, they don't even have the qualification to talk. Lin Tianyao is a god-like existence in their eyes, and they have no chance of resistance.

Such a radical idea was really not born by Lin Tianyao suddenly.

He really sees through at the moment, which is the same reason as helping the elderly lady cross the road in the real world. No matter when it is, its own advantages must be maximized. Zhai Xinrenhou in this age of sinister people, is simply a weakness, a fatal weakness.

It was he who always considered the life and death of the Mo family and could not do everything he wanted to do, which led to the present result.

Wei Zhuang was abandoned by his partner, and the Mojia giant was captured. He and the Mohists have no way to explain.

The Big Hammer is well aware of the promise he gave earlier. If they hold the braid, Lin Tianyao will definitely be the target of all here.

His mind now is almost the same as that of Gaiene, who eats Coptis chinensis dumbly and can't tell the bitterness.

But Gaine could choose to be silent. Why did he go the same way?

Gaie Nie's help to Tianming is on the one hand, and on the other hand, he does not have enough strength and can only swallow his voice. But Lin Tianyao is different, he has enough strength to glance at the world.

Even for those who are calm and calm, there will be times of outbreak. The outbreak of Lin Tianyao is the nightmare of this copy world.

But when he was rushed by the flames to prepare to kill the Quartet, Mo Qilin suddenly opened his mouth.

"Lin Tianyao, do you remember the promise between us? You promised me, and when you meet me again, you can promise me any request!"

A simple sentence, when she said it out of her mouth, with a touch of sadness. This seems to be a choice, just like a child holding a beloved candy in his hand to comfort his little friend. Even though he was drooling, he finally gave it away.

Why did Mo Qilin think this way, why didn't Lin Tianyao know? Her original promise was to make her promises in plain words. But at this time speaking in this tone, the meaning is very obvious, she wants to rescue Zhuang!

Lin Tianyao's personal commitment, he will not regret it anyway. If you say it out, the spilled water will not be covered with water.

Although he already knew what Mo Qilin was going to say, Lin Tianyao asked in a deep voice: "I promised you your promise and it will be honored naturally. Say what you want."

When saying this, Lin Tianyao was about to bite his teeth. His anger is about to find a vent, but at this time it was blocked by people. That feeling really wants to suffocate people.

"Forgive Master Wei Zhuang."

Several words were spoken gently from Mo Qilin's mouth. These words seemed to have exhausted all her strength. The next moment, her body seemed to have lost support and was crumbling.

"Did you have this plan from the beginning, or did you see the situation in front of you and make a temporary decision?"

Lin Tianyao fixed his eyes on Mo Qilin and asked seriously.

When Mo Qilin saw him like this, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "In my most difficult time, Master Weizhuang took me in. I can't be ungrateful, and I can give everything to repay him."

All this naturally included her own feelings. People always have to face the choice of selfishness and justice. At this point, Mo Qilin's choice is Dayi.

If Lin Tianyao is allowed to choose, he would rather choose selfishness at this moment. What is the use of the so-called great righteousness?

Because of the great righteousness, he will be kind to the Mohists and be kind to others. Even facing the dilemma that can be solved with only one hand, it took so much setbacks, and even planned to use countless.

But what is the final result? The end result is that he has lost even the Mojia giant!

This is where his anger comes from. But Mo Qilin's choice seemed to be a spring rain that came down from the sky, completely extinguishing his anger.

Impulse is the devil, this sentence is used to describe Lin Tianyao at this moment can not be more appropriate. ....