Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 814: 816 killing heart has moved

Episode 814

The thought of being sold out by the Emperor Dongyi, Wei Zhuang's heart suddenly mentioned his throat. Now the only bargaining chip that he and Lin Tianyao can have a positive conversation with is the Mozu giant.

If he can't get someone right now, then coming here is tantamount to self-suffering. With such a big mess, how could Lin Tianyao forgive him?

The more he thinks about it, the less he can let out his breath, and his expressions begin to betray his inner thoughts. Although he tried his best to cover up, how could Lin Tianyao not see the flaw caused by anxiety?

Lin Tianyao had already thought of it from the past. Wei Zhuang, may have been betrayed by his partner!

If this is the case, it is not only Wei Zhuang's fatal injury, which Lin Tianyao did not want to see.

No matter what kind of negotiation, there must be bargaining chips. If there is no bargaining chip, why talk about negotiation?

It took Lin Tianyao such a long time to get to the point of this showdown. If the Mojia giant is lost at this time, no one can explain to anyone.

He had promised the Big Hammer before that he would have a way to rescue him without going to rescue the Mohist giant.

But now it is time to see the real chapter, but there is such an accident, which is unacceptable to anyone.

Lin Tianyao's plan inferred that it was all based on Wei Zhuang's plan. However, this result was an unexpected situation that even Wei Zhuang could not have imagined.

It is completely unnecessary to keep silent. Lin Tianyao asked Wei Zhuang aloud: "Weizhuang, tell me what happened and why your reinforcements haven't come now."

Wei Zhuang's heart was shaking, and what he was most afraid of was hearing Lin Tianyao's question. But he was afraid of what came, he didn't know how to answer for a while, the whole person was stunned on the spot.

Seeing him like this, Lin Tianyao's face instantly became dark, and he said coldly: "I will give you a last chance to send a signal to your associates. There must be a way to contact you. If he hasn't come yet, You died here for me today."

Lin Tianyao's mouth hasn't been exposed to the word death for a long time. This time, he was really angry. In the previous war, the shot of the Magister was part of it, and he did not want to kill Wei Zhuang.

However, this guy completely ignored his warning, and came boldly to attack, which made him not annoyed.

At this moment, his anger is like a pile of firewood piled on the ground, and Wei Zhuang is the prisoner about to be fired. If this fire is ignited, then the consequences are unbearable.

Once the people of Lin Tianyao's strength are really angry, it is simply a disaster given by God. No one can resist it, and no one can avoid it.

Wei Zhuang's hand holding the shark's teeth began to tremble, and his knuckles turned white with great force. Even so, he still couldn't restrain the fear in his heart. In the face of the enemies he couldn't resist, he finally knew what powerlessness was. He has scolded the Emperor Dongyi a thousand times in his heart, and said that he had cooperated well to complete this task. But at this juncture, he didn't expect him to be counted.

The Grand Magister will not be guilty of this too, because this mission is now a foregone conclusion.

Wei Zhuang and Dong Huang are one or two, but it is just a chess piece. If you can complete the task, then waiting for them will be a generous reward. But if the task fails, they are garbage, and the garbage is discarded randomly.

Donghuang Taiyi must have known that the plan had failed, so he took the chip from the Mojia giant back to continue to find a way. If we continue to join forces with Wei Zhuang, then if the two fail together, it is the end of death together.

The cooperation between them is nothing but a verbal commitment without any binding force. In the face of death, any promise is worthless.

Although Wei Zhuang has already reached this result, he can't do anything now. All he can do now is to hold that non-existent hope in his hand. According to Lin Tianyao's words, send the flare.

Before a concrete result is obtained, even if there is no hope, there may be a miracle.

Thinking, Wei Zhuang took out a bamboo tube from his arms, and then aimed at the hole at the top of the hole to pull the fuze.

After this sharp noise, a firework burst into the air, and a huge ligature appeared.

Watching the fireworks gradually dissipate in the air, Wei Zhuang's heart gradually became gray. Donghuang Taiyi, now estimated to have returned to the Yin and Yang's house with the Mojia giant, or to find a great magician.

As the fireworks dissipated, Lin Tianyao's head also lowered in exchange. He gritted his teeth and reached for Zhuang's head, saying: "It's so damn, why didn't I kill you at the beginning. What is the point of keeping you with me, you shit!"


A golden light emerged directly from Lin Tianyao's fingertips. This action, exactly like the pistol, was almost a blink of an eye. It fell on Weizhuang's shoulder blade and penetrated directly.

After such a heavy blow, Wei Zhuang's body was crooked, and he could not stand still, and he kneeled directly on one knee. He supported his body with shark teeth, barely stabilizing, then raised his head slightly, staring at Lin Tianyao.

From his eyes, Lin Tianyao saw a kind of determination.

As a loser, he knew what he would face. After learning the result, he was not afraid. A killer, there are countless dead souls under the knife, and death has seen through for him.

Just as Lin Tianyao was about to start again, Mo Qilin suddenly stood up.

She pulled herself in front of Wei Zhuang and said, "Lin Tianyao, if Master Wei Zhuang will surrender to you, will you still kill him?"

As soon as she said this, not only Lin Tianyao, but even Wei Zhuang behind her was shocked.

He widened his eyes and said fiercely: "It's impossible, I defend Zhuangdingtiandidi, the opposite of life and death. Since I lost, I have the consciousness to die!"...