Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 791: 793 does not help

Chapter 791: 793

Master Ban cannot accept it anyway. It is impossible for a little inner ghost to smash the organ fortress of the Mo School.

In today's world, it is possible to reverse the world with one person. In the eyes of Master Class, only Lin Tianyao has such strength.

Does that guy have strength beyond Lin Tianyao?

Seeing this from Master Master, Lin Tianyao also knew very well that the organ city was a sacred place for their Mo family. If it is occupied here, it is tantamount to the most severe blow to the heart of every Mo family.

He thought about it and said, "It hasn't actually reached that point. If that's the case, I won't be here. I'm waiting for Wei Zhuang, I'm waiting, he's waiting for someone to start, I'm also there Wait for someone to do it!"

"What do you mean?"

Lin Tianyao snapped his fingers and said, "That inner ghost is nothing but camouflage skill. In terms of strength, I squeeze him to death like an ant. As long as he dares to open his eyes, then I will do it all. I’ll look at Wei Zhuang’s other skills!"

From the beginning, this was misleading. To be precise, Wei Zhuang's strategy was centered around the word misleading.

Every time, you can always reveal the flaws deliberately at a critical time, and then draw the attention of others to the past, so as to make the next plan.

The end result of this is that, among various cover, linking one by one, the strategy will be successfully implemented.

Over and over and over again, every time, if Lin Tianyao hadn't noticed, he really became a fool with high IQ.

So, to avoid this misleading, just ignore it. But if it is completely ignored, then the situation is even worse.

Lin Tianyao also tried this before. He did not control the ghost inside, but tried to solve the toxins in the air. As a result, the ghost almost succeeded in disguising the master class.

Every implementation point of Wei Zhuang's strategy has become a subject, covering each other, and it also has a deadly threat.

This is like a cell division, one is destroyed, and the second. If you lose sight of this, you will never catch it.

The only way to face these now, Lin Tianyao also thought of it in the afternoon. That's all.

No matter how they secretly plan, his ultimate goal will point to a point, which is the central control room. Therefore, it is now necessary to let them blend in to the greatest extent possible while controlling the situation.

When they are tired, they will naturally start their final action. At that time, the snake hit seven inches. This is the only way to succeed right now.

The inner ghost did not dare to kill when he controlled others. Therefore, people are safe. As long as he doesn't die, he's trouble-free.

Briefly recounting this plan in my heart, it was all right. Master Ba's original pale face gradually recovered. If we can really develop according to Lin Tianyao's plan, the crisis of the organ city can be resolved. Gainie couldn't help but admire Lin Tianyao, what kind of brain does this young man have, and he has such an active thinking.

"So what should we do now? Just wait like this?"

Master Class is still a bit worried. If you let him act silly like this and ignore it, he can't help it. After all, when the crisis is ignored, the psychological pressure is too great.

Lin Tianyao knew that he would have such thoughts, and said with a chuckle: "Of course, I will not sit idly by. Master Class, the central control room has copper walls and iron walls. of?"

Looking at the smile on Lin Tianyao's face, Master Class's heart fainted slightly. The design of the institution will leave a back road, and how can there be no core center of the institution city?

But the average person, seeing the copper wall and iron wall of the central control room, must think it is rigid. Lin Tianyao can think of this.

What's more, he is not an enemy. This is also the most comforting place in Master Ban's mind. When the Mojia giant asked him to introduce Lin Tianyao and others as guests into the organ city, he was still very reluctant.

After all, the battle in the camp was too terrifying. If Lin Tianyao had some evil thoughts in his mind, it would lead the wolf into the room.

But now it seems that the giants of the Mo family are really outstanding. There are few people who only know people.

Now that the question is asked, Master Class has no reason to avoid it. He confessed: "When you come to the machine city, you should remember the underwater waterfall. That is the core of all power. Even if the central control room is occupied by people and there is no power, the machine will lose its function, and naturally it will be Scrapped."

"So, how many people still know this secret?" Lin Tianyao continued to ask.

"All Mo disciples know!"

The master class looked very relaxed. But Lin Tianyao suddenly filled his head with black lines, is this old man supposed to be making people happy?

But the well-known secret, although it cannot be called a secret, is still useful at a critical time.

If the control room is really occupied, they still have a chance to destroy the power.

But this is also a way to injure one thousand enemies and damage 800. The organs have lost their function, so the iron wall defenses on the periphery have also lost their function.

He thought that the design of the central control room, the back road would be like the secret road, but he did not expect that the hidden key behind such interlocking is indeed the most obvious place.

However, this design, cleverness, is similar to chess, the **** can also eat the handsome.

This method is absolutely not easy to use until it is absolutely necessary. So this road obviously won't work.

While considering this issue, Lin Tianyao's attention was once again focused on the inner ghost.

What is the identity of the man, so familiar with the terrain of the organ city. How can he be buried so deep if he is not familiar with this place?

Could it be said that this person is himself a Mohist? ....