Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 792: 794 bronze opening

Chapter 792: 794 Bronze Opening

At the time of the incident, almost everyone in the organ city went through the survey. The internal staff did not appear to be lacking or leaving their posts without authorization.

From this point, it can be ruled out that the inner ghost is an internal person.

But an outsider, so familiar with the car, this is inevitable. After all, even the disciples of the Mo family living here are not so familiar with the intricate structure of the organ city.

With this question in mind, Lin Tianyao turned to Master Class: "Master Class, how many people have seen the internal structure of the organ city?"

Master Class thought for a while and said, "This is a secret, except for those who command the above, it is not qualified to watch. The Mo disciples living here are also introduced to each other to know the general structure."

"In this case, why the inner ghost is not a Mo family, why is he so familiar with the structure inside? He not only knows how to enter, he can even attack with ease and contempt." Lin Tianyao's tone suddenly became solemn, There must be something wrong here.

Hearing this, Master Class's face became difficult to look. He thought for a long time, and suddenly his eyes widened: "Oh, it's them!"


"Bronze opening, you have to ask the public losers! You can get the construction drawings of the Mojia government city, and you can master all kinds of institutional arts, only the public losers family!" Master Class's eyes were full of shock. The thing he was most worried about was, after all, happened.

The four characters of the public lose family came out, and Lin Tianyao also spit out three words in his mouth: "Gong loses hatred?"

Master Class focused on the head and said: "I have always felt weird, that the inner ghost just infiltrated the Mo family. He even knew the organs in my room. If other people even infiltrated the organ city, those intricate organs, he could not be able to break through Yes. Even through the methods adopted by these institutions, even the disciples of the Mo family must know the correct password every day!"

"However, although the public loses hatred, he is not proficient in martial arts, and his martial arts attainments are not strong, and the way he controls people is even less likely to happen!"

Gainie broke the mystery in one word, even Lin Tianyao was puzzled. How could the public lose his hatred?

"and many more……"

Gane suddenly thought of something, he touched his neck with his hand. At the next moment, a cold flash flashed in his eyes: "Mo Qilin tattoo, why didn't I think of it before?"

Lin Tianyao saw that he seemed to have found a clue and asked, "Mr. Gai, what did you think of?"

Gaie Nie's voice said coldly: "Mo Qilin, the killer of Wei Zhuang! Belonging to the anti-sand!"

The killer under Weizhuang has two organizations, quicksand and counter-sand. Compared with the blatant and well-known killer of quicksand, the killer of anti-shifting sand is good at hiding, and few people know their true face.

He explained: "Mo Qilin, I have only heard of it a few times. This inner ghost sneaks in, is good at disguising, and the control person has Mo Qilin's tattoos on his neck. All the signs show this."

Lin Tianyao followed his words and said: "In this way, the public defeat is also helping Weizhuang. He got the structural map of the Mojia government city, and even analyzed all kinds of organizations. Then, he will These things told Mo Qilin to let him sneak in?"

With this thought, all this can be explained clearly. Wei Zhuang is really painstaking, so planning, really meticulous to the extreme. The average person is really impossible to find easily.

After listening to the analysis of the two, Master Class's organ was hammered **** the wooden table beside him. He gritted his teeth and said: "Damn the male to lose revenge, if it wasn't for the Mozu ancestor who let them lose the family, How can they have today? Not only do they not know what they are saying, but they are deliberately trying to murder us, which is really terrible!"

Lin Tianyao didn't know those things. But now is not the time to delve into these things. Having figured out the identity of the person coming, the next thing to do is to crush their conspiracy.

In the central control room, even if Mo Qilin infiltrated that place, he couldn't make a big splash without the skill of organ operation.

Having settled his attention, everyone was ready to go to catch the murder.

But at this time, there was a sudden commotion on the periphery of the organ city. The huge shouts came clearly.

Hearing what the Mo disciples yelled, it was Wei Zhuang who started the offensive again.

That guy is working now, it must be that Mo Qilin has acted.

Without further ado, Lin Tianyao took the lead and rushed towards the core control room.

When he came to the promenade, he found that Gao Jianli and Xue Nu were already waiting there.

Neither of them looked pretty, and their faces turned pale, as if they were injured.

Seeing Lin Tianyao bring Master Class over, Gao Jianli lifted the water cold instantly from his hand and stab him directly towards his neck.

Suddenly, Lin Tianyao was unprepared, but Gao Jianli's speed was far from enough.

Reaching gently, holding the index finger and **** between the cold sword, Lin Tianyao narrowed his eyes and said: "You don't have to doubt anything, this is the real master class. In the daytime, I found the inner ghost Pretend, but start working with you in front of the control room, will you believe me?"

In a short sentence, Gao Jianli suddenly lost all his murderous intentions. On the contrary, his voice hurriedly said: "Damn, that inner ghost pretended to be a master class and suddenly started against us, and we were not prepared at all. Before he let us put down the things we came here, I felt strange!"

"What is the situation now?"

Lin Tianyao glanced at the central control room, which was still closed, with a somber face.

Gao Jianli and Xue Nu looked at each other, and shook their heads together, "The situation is not very good, there is a person in there, someone we can't think of anyway! Unexpectedly, he also joined forces with Wei Zhuang!"

"Is it a public defeat?" Lin Tianyao's mouth flashed a sneer. ....