Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 790: 792 old repair

Episode 790

"Say something soon!"

This old man is really bored. Why haven't I seen him so hoarse before?

Master Class glanced at Gaie: "Mr. Gai, why did you come to the Mohist School? Is it just to send Tianming over?"

When asked by him, Gaie was stunned. The old man distinguished himself and asked this question. Today, he has never spoken to anyone about this answer.

But now in order to identify himself, even if he didn't want to say it, he was on the line. In desperation, he had to say: "In fact, I was just to fulfill the old man's request. I originally sent Tianming and I was ready to leave."

At this time, the answer is stated, and the authenticity no longer needs to be pondered. Moreover, Gaie himself is not the kind of liar.

Seemingly satisfied with this answer, Master Class showed a smile on his face, and then his eyes turned to Lin Tianyao.

Lin Tianyao also felt a little uneasy at the moment. If the old man also asked this question, would he also say that he came here for non-attack? But what does this do to prove identity? In other words, this old man has foresight, has he actually seen something through?

Without waiting for the class master to ask, Lin Tianyao replied first: "Okay, I actually come to the Mo family..."

Before finishing the words, Master Class suddenly waved his hand and said, "Lin Shaoxia, I didn't say I would like to ask you this question. The old man was very curious. When you came to the organ city that day, you were alone with Rong **** the white bird. What have you done?"

The moment this problem appeared, Lin Tianyao understood that the **** old guy had long believed them. Now these questions are only asked by him deliberately, just to take advantage of his curiosity.

While Master Class was contentedly waiting for Lin Tianyao's answer, the figure suddenly flashed before him, and the next moment he felt a pain in his jaw that was torn.

Lin Tianyao stood in front of him, grabbing his snowy goatee with his hand, and said fiercely: "Damn lousy old man, it's all this time, and you still want to make us happy. How old are you, Still interested in this?"

Above the white bird, alone men and widows, anyone will be cranky. This old man does not repair, he is so old, he should be the same as everyone else.

In addition to organ skills, Master Class is most concerned about the goat goat that he has kept for many years. Life-like things are caught by people, and there is a danger of being pulled out at any time, which makes him panic.

Now I beg for mercy again and again: "Lin Shaoxia breathed his anger, so old and inquisitive, in fact, it is to try to see if you are a real person. It doesn't mean anything else. Don't you want to shake your hands, this beard is more important than my life!"

"Humph, you are asking for it!" Lin Tianyao snorted with a sneer, gently pulling his hand, that is, he pulled off a handful of beards and threw it in the air.

Watching the white hair fall in the air. Master Ban's heart was bleeding, and those beards were in his eyes, as if the money-keeper had seen his silver ticket suddenly fall off the cliff.

The old man had a pain in his face, but the two people present had no sympathy for him, and even Gaie turned his head to stop looking at him. This old guy, like this, is not worthy of sympathy.

Joke is a joke. Lin Tianyao's words were still reverberating when the master class suddenly woke up.

He asked in a hurry: "Old man, you said that girl Rong is in danger. What is going on? And how many invaders have invaded?"

Asked this question, Master Class did not continue to hide. He confessed: "When I was attacked, there was only one murderer. And that guy was posing as Rong girl. At that time, I had some doubts that Rong girl was configuring antidote, Why did you come to me suddenly? But the man started too fast, and I didn't have time to respond."

Speaking of which, he paused suddenly, as if hesitating.

Then he said: "It's getting dark now, and it must have happened if Miss Rong happened. Since you can come to rescue me, you must have found something?"

Lin Tianyao nodded and said: "Yes, we suspected that the inner ghost was about to attack the central control room, so we went to investigate in advance. There, I saw the inner ghost disguised as yours. At that time, the situation was abrupt, and I couldn’t rush into it. So I will save you first."

"Central control room?"

Hearing this word, Master Class's face instantly turned pale, and his tone stuttered a bit: "Oops, this is really bad. If something goes wrong there, the organ city must be destroyed."

"Lin Shaoxia, do you think the ghost will guess you will come to save me?"

The light of inquiry was revealed in Master Class's eyes, but he was very clear that the idea might have become a fact. At this time, such an inquiry is just looking for a psychological comfort.

Lin Tianyao touched his chin with his hand, and said in a strange voice: "I have thought about this idea for an afternoon. I was looking out the window and was wondering about it. But fortunately, I already thought pass."

Gainie felt a little strange before. Lin Tianyao stood at the window and didn't move for an afternoon. It turned out that he was considering this matter.

The real wise man thinks about all possibilities before things happen. Then make full preparations, such abilities, ordinary people simply can not have.

"So what did you think of?" Gaie asked, and he really wanted to see how Lin Tianyao planned.

Lin Tianyao said: "Weizhuang stopped attacking in the afternoon. If I guessed right, he was waiting for the inner ghost's actions. In other words, he may have queued others secretly to sneak in. The machine city occupied Geographically, although it has been poisoned, it is still difficult to attack the real side. The only way is to smash it from within."

"As you say, the central control room has fallen?" Master Class's body shivered involuntarily. ....