Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 789: 791 confused

Episode 789

Acupuncture has no effect, Lin Tianyao puts his hand on Master's forehead. When he was guided into his body with internal force, he discovered that his blood was filled with toxins.

This toxin is exactly the same as that of the purple poisonous mist before.

Before Lin Tianyao discovered the toxin, Duan Murong had already let everyone take Bai Cao Wan. Why is Master Class still poisoned so deeply?

I am afraid that this problem can only be revealed after the old man wakes up.

These toxins, Lin Tianyao came naturally. After using the control Jin Wuyan to walk around Master Class, those toxins were instantly resolved.

After getting rid of the toxins and taking a moment, Master Class woke up and turned around. When he saw Lin Tianyao's first glance, he was still a little hazy, as if he were awake.

He glanced a few times, and then didn't know where the strength came from, suddenly sat up from the bed and shouted: "No, Rong girl is in danger."

Hearing that Duan Murong was in danger, Lin Tianyao was instantly bluffed by Master Class. He grabbed the old man by the shoulder and asked, "Master Class, you have something to say slowly, what the **** happened, who bound you here!"

Master Ban squeezed his eyes. Because the light was dark, he could not see the face of the person in front of him. But listening to the sound, I feel very familiar.

For a while, he didn't know whether to believe it or not. Instead, he talked secretly and said: "No one tied me, I don't know anything, I have a headache, let me sleep!"

Is this old man's ancestral home from Sichuan? This face has become faster than turning a book.

Lin Tianyao now has no time to control what trick he is playing. Duan Murong is in danger, this matter must definitely be clarified. The little old man woke up and said the first sentence, indicating that this must have been something he was thinking about before he was comatose!

But I want to ask, but the old man does not want to say, how is this good?

At this point is good, Gaie also entered the dark room. He reached out and pulled out a tumbler from his arms to ignite it, and immediately drove away the darkness that surrounded him.

"Lin Shaoxia, how about Master Class?" Gaie asked the Tian Tianyao with a fold of fire.

Lin Tianyao was also anxious in his heart, if according to Master Class. If he knew that Duan Murong was in danger before he was in a coma, then it should have happened in daylight. They waited so long in the house, so long, enough for the ghost to start.

With such a thought, Duan Murong must be more and more fierce now. What is even more depressing is that the old man of the class is still falling off the chain at this time. Is he crazy?

Just when Lin Tianyao had a headache, the old man's body suddenly sat up again. If it wasn't for the old guy to breathe, the others must think he was a tumbler.

Unlike the previous nagging, Master Class has restored the old-fashioned attitude of the past. He carefully stared at Gaie and Lin Tianyao's faces and then wondered: "This is impossible. Are you two real or fake? Hugh wants to fool the old man!" Listening to him saying this, Lin Tianyao only understood the strange reason why this little old man was so strange. He didn't believe he was real Lin Tianyao.

If you look at it this way, the inner ghost might have used the same tricks to trick him!

Stretching his hand to touch his chin, Lin Tianyao said: "Master Class, you still don't believe me when you meet me and Gaie, are there more than one ghost inside the Mo family?"

Master Class blinked his eyes and sneered: "Damn, do you still want to trick the old man to me? I don't care how many of you there are. You can't get a word from my mouth."

Why is this dead old man so stubborn?

Master Class is like this, making Lin Tianyao a big head. Aside from Gainie, there was no way to deal with this situation. He said: "Lin Shaoxia, Master Ban seems to have been deceived by the inner ghost, how do we need to explain?"

You ask me, then who do I ask?

Lin Tianyao really wanted to throw this sentence out, but he still refrained. His high IQ has been relied on by others. It was a good thing that someone else had relied on him, at least centered on him.

But now the shortcomings have also appeared. When encountering problems, he almost always has to find a way. Others are all counting on him.

Seeing that it was only a waste of time to continue to persuade the master class, Lin Tianyao even wanted to leave him here directly, and then quickly went to Duan Murong.

But the inner ghost was good at disguising and went easily, not knowing who was around him anymore. He was really tired of dealing with this magical scene.

Just about to leave, Lin Tianyao suddenly turned on. The old man did not believe him, not because everyone was in the dark room now.

Master Class is most proud of his mechanical skills, his dark room. Presumably, no one can break it. So I can find the dark room and I can find him. There is absolutely only the inner ghost who started.

If he goes out of this dark room and takes Master Class out, he will surely believe it.

Without hesitation, Lin Tianyao made an immediate glance at Gainie, and the two left and right, picking up the master directly, regardless of his willingness.

After leaving the dark room, Lin Tianyao reached out and pointed in the direction of the door: "Master Master, if you still think we are posing, you should go out and call for help."

This trick is much more visible to Master Class. He didn't take Lin Tianyao at all. He really rushed towards the door.

But just when he grabbed the door handle and was about to open the door, he suddenly turned his head and said: "There is an inner ghost who has pretended to be an old man. I can't tell if I have a hundred mouths when I go out. At the end, I have become a fake. Now!"

"Then how can you believe me and Mr. Gai are real?" Lin Tianyao frowned.

Just from appearance to appearance, these can be disguised, it is really difficult to explain.

But Master Class extended his index finger and said: "It is not difficult to convince me that you guys, come back to me with a question!"...