Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 788: 790 Rescue

788 790 Rescue

Master Class's room is not large. Except for the table bench and a wooden bed, it is the row of bookshelves against the wall. On the bookshelf, there are rows of bamboo slips.

In other empty places, except for a narrow passage from the bed to the door, various organ parts are all around.

At a glance, the whole house looks like a small factory. It can be seen that this old man's love for mechanical surgery has reached a crazy level.

However, the house is so big that everything can be seen at a glance, and there is no half figure at all. If Master Class is controlled by the inner ghost, where can it be hidden?

After looking around, Gainie said to Lin Tianyao: "Lin Shaoxia, this is the organ city, and Master Class loves organs so much. Isn't his room so simple?"

There was no one in the room, and both knew clearly. The hidden meaning in Gainie's words is that there must be a dark room in the house that no one else knew.

Even the entrance is defended with mechanical techniques, this house can not even have a dark room. Moreover, the inner-ghost Tibetan must have been staring at Master Class for a long time. Without realizing it, he would not choose to start.

If he came in rashly during the day, perhaps seeing no one here, Gaie would feel that Lin Tianyao's inference was wrong. But at the moment of entering the door, the institution had already clearly exposed the hidden feelings.

However, things like organ surgery are intricate. And Master Class is also an expert in this area. The secret roads he set up will certainly not be discovered so easily.

Thinking of this, Gaie Nie's brows were raised again and said: "Lin Shaoxia, this room looks ordinary, but it actually hides a killer. If we rush to find a dark room, it would be bad if we were accidentally injured by some hidden institution."

Hearing this, Lin Tianyao's mouth suddenly flashed a smile. For ordinary people, if they want to find a secret room, the only way is to look around in the house.

This result is tantamount to searching for fugitives in the mountains. The result is to follow the other party's route all the way.

If this is the case, then the originally designed institutions must be hidden on the road that others must look for, then a little carelessness will trigger the institution.

But Lin Tianyao was different. When he entered the room, his guess had already been confirmed. In other words, he has discovered where the master class is.

Since the upgrade of the Monster Emperor Yantian Jue, he has gained awareness. The range covered by this perception ability is a full 300 meters.

When he played against Chilian's snake array before, he had already used this trick.

This trick has an extraordinary effect not only in defense. When looking for people, it is a superb skill.

The ability to perceive is not hindered by the obstruction of objects. Master Baan’s house is only a few dozen square meters, and Lin Tianyao’s sense of sensibility exudes, which is enough to cover this entire residential area.

Just as he exuded the perception, at the position under his feet, he already felt someone breathing.

Retracting his perception, Lin Tianyao extended his finger to his feet and said: "I have found Master Class, and he is right under our feet." Gaie Nie glanced in the direction of his finger: "Lin Shaoxia, do you mean Master Class is dead?"

Gaine apparently misunderstood Lin Tianyao. After a person dies, they will settle down. He thought Lin Tianyao wanted to express this.

But in a blink of an eye, he saw Lin Tianyao's white eyes, and then he changed his mouth: "Master Master's dark room is under our feet?"

Lin Tianyao nodded and walked straight towards the wooden bed.

Gane followed, thinking that Lin Tianyao had found the position of the organ, he couldn't help but exclaim in his heart: "This Lin Shaoxia is indeed young and promising, so easy to crack the hidden organ."

He thought this in his heart, mainly guessing from Lin Tianyao's knowledge of Master's position. If he didn't see through the organization, how could he find Master Class?

However, in the next scene, he almost threw the Yuan Hongjian in his hand.

I saw Lin Tianyao walked to the edge of the wooden bed, then stretched out his hand and slapped it on the bed. The wooden bed burst like it exploded in a split second.

However, this palm did not make the slightest sound. At first glance, it looks as if the wooden bed has split itself.

This kind of power is huge, and there is no trick at all. It is simply a must-have for killing people and stealing goods.

After the wooden bed was broken, a passage opening appeared in the original bedboard position. This entrance is connected by a staircase, I don't know where it is connected.

"Lin Shaoxia...this is the way you found to crack the organ?" Gaieni was speechless, it was too simple.

Lin Tianyao glanced back at him, and in a trance, he found that the arrogance of this Juggernaut seemed to be pretended. Why did the whole person look a little stunned?

In one sentence, to sum up the current Gainie's words, it is the kind of death to suffer.

But still out of politeness, Lin Tianyao said: "Mr. Gai, it seems that the best way to crack an organization is not organization but destruction. Why should I bother with things that can be solved with a slap?"

After talking, he jumped into the channel first. Leaving Gane still tasting what he said.

After going down the passage, it was completely dark. But Lin Tianyao's eyes have night vision ability, and he can still see clearly in the dark.

Here is the dark room set in the same shape as the above house. Even the furnishings are almost identical.

Master Class, who was **** with rope at the moment, was lying on the bed with a cloth in his mouth.

After finding the righteous leader, Lin Tianyao was relieved. He hurried forward, untied the rope from his body, and took out the white cloth in his mouth.

After undoing the shackles, he reached out a few points on Master Ban's body.

But it seems not very effective. Master Class still has no signs of awakening. ....