Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 785: 787 bottom draw

Episode 785

Lin Tianyao's purpose of coming to the Mohist School was for something!

If Lin Tianyao had no purpose, no one would believe it so much to help the Mohists. Although it was a little tacky for the baby, Gaie believed this.

Because the Mo School has been going on for so many years, behind such a rich background, the hidden treasures must be rare treasures.

Lin Tianyao's strength wants to **** it, of course, it does not need to spend much effort. But since he chose the exchange method to get it, at least the gentleman did it.

Almost at the same time Lin Tianyao gave an explanation, Gaie returned Yuan Yuan to his sword sheath. His chin shrank slightly: "No wonder you said let me help you instead of Mo Mo. You don't want Mo Mo to take on my favor, do you?"

Lin Tianyao heard it and smiled and praised, "Since Mr. Gai knows, why should he say it?"

"Okay, let me help you send Tianming here before you. I promise you this time."

Although the strength is quite different from that of Lin Tianyao, after all, Gaie is expensive as a sword saint. Even if he helps Lin Tianyao, he still has to find an excuse to save face.

After the negotiation was completed, Gaie suddenly asked, "I heard that an intruder is coming from the city of the government, have you found it now?"

Lin Tianyao sighed: "If there is enough time, it is not difficult to find this inner ghost. Now he is poisoned, and outsiders attack, there is no chance to find."

"So you came to me to prevent the inner ghost from making trouble while guarding?" Gaie Nie embraced Yuan Hong in her hand and looked at Lin Tianyao with a smile.

After seeing through his thoughts, Lin Tianyao did not shy away, and said frankly: "Mr. Gai, in fact, I don’t hide from you, I really want to rush out and destroy the people in Weizhuang. But the guy behind them, I still touch Not clear."

Speaking of the man behind him, Gaie Nie froze for a moment: "Are you talking about the mysterious old man from the last camp battle?"

"Yes! The old guy hasn't figured out whether he is an enemy or a friend, but I can obviously but feel that he must be planning something."

Lin Tianyao's teeth were all clenched, and the **** old man said he knew his secrets, but he didn't say anything about it.

Gaie Nie's face was also gloomy. On the old man, he saw the high strength that was not lost to Lin Tianyao. That man is a dangerous character.

He was silent for a while, and then said: "Lin Shaoxia, I admit that you are very clever, but this time, you are confused."

"I'm confused?" Lin Tianyao's tone was a little weird. He looked at Gaie in surprise, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face: "Mr. Gai, how do you say that?"

This is the first time Lin Tianyao has heard people say he is confused, but since Gainie said so, there must be his reason.

Just stunned, this is not Lin Tianyao's character, on the contrary, someone can point out his shortcomings, but this is a good thing. Seeing that Lin Tianyao can accept his accusations, Gaine suddenly has a higher view of him. It is not easy for young people to have such a mind.

He seriously said: "Lin Shaoxia, from the beginning to now, you are thinking about how to deal with Wei Zhuang's strategy. But there is a sentence called knowing oneself and friends, even if we don't know Wei Zhuang, but think about it empathically, if you are an invasion What are you going to do?"

This remark was like a beacon in the middle of the night, and Lin Tianyao, who had been hindered by his previous thoughts, had a feeling of being blank. Empathy, such a simple reason, why did he not think of it before?

Conspiracy calculations, in fact, play psychological warfare. If you can't speculate on the other party's ideas, start from another angle and start with the other party's ideas. This method is the most simple and clear, and the role it plays is also extremely important.

With Gainie's reminder, Lin Tianyao was instantly lost in contemplation. At this moment, he had already recalled the trick he used to cut the red pupils before-to lure the enemy deeper.

Almost in a blink of an eye, his head suddenly raised, his eyes fixed on Gaie's face: "Mr. Gai, have you already guessed something."

Gaie Wenwen said, a smile suddenly appeared on his face that had never had a smile, and said: "Lin Shaoxia, don't you think of it?"

"Damn!" Lin Tianyao punched **** the table and said coldly: "I even ignored such an important thing, the organ city is in danger!"

The place he and Gane thought was already revealed in his eyes.

The inner ghost sneaked into the Mo's house and wanted to disintegrate the Mo's defense. The only target was the heart of the organ city and the central control room.

In the real world, almost all spy warfare movies are such a plot. The role played by this ghost is the commando.

All you have to do is to destroy their core when you penetrate the enemy.

Although the defense of the organ city is tight, all organs are controlled from within. If the core control room is breached, then all the institutions will be completely paralyzed.

The Mojia government city in the heart of the mountain will also become a cave full of scrap copper and iron.

Right now, Poison Mist has caused chaos in the city, and the defense there must have been lax. The leaders of the Mo family are basically busy with things in front of them.

The worse I thought, the more hesitated, Lin Tian hurriedly took Gai Nie out.

Before leaving, Lin Tianyao told Tian Ming to let them three little guys go to Duan Murong.

After all, Duan Murong is developing an antidote, and her defense is very safe.

The two's footsteps are fast, and the distance from their residence to the core control room is not far away. Just a cup of tea has already reached the place.

When they came to the door of the control room, the door in front of them closed tightly.

In the past, it was fair to say that the door was tightly closed, but when it is so chaotic, it can still be so strict here, which seems to be a big problem.

Without saying anything, Lin Tianyao rushed straight up. ....