Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 784: 786 you want to help me

Chapter 784: 786

Speaking of help, this is just a nice word. How can't you see it with Gaine? Lin Tianyao's strength, who can get benefits in his hands today?

The key now is that the Mohists are in a critical situation. Lin Tianyao is no matter how powerful he is, and he is not so considerate. What is needed most now is manpower, and it is also a strong martial arts strong.

Let Genie come forward to help. If you stand in the perspective of the Mohists, then the commanders must come forward. However, only Lin Tianyao came this time.

Then this matter is very obvious. In Lin Tianyao's words, the meaning should be just literal.

After thinking a little, Gaie said: "What do you need me to do for you?"

It’s easy to talk to smart people. Gainie’s words are not many, but every sentence is simple and clear.

After seeing him agree, Lin Tianyao said: "If I guess right, the organ city may have been invaded now. The disciples of the Mo family have been poisoned, and the defense of the copper walls and iron walls has collapsed. I want you to stay with me until the giant of the Mo family returns. "

The organ city can be said to be a fortified defense. Now the periphery is invaded, but the inside still maintains a tight defense. As long as the Mohist giant returns, everything has room for relaxation.

With the Mojia giant supporting the overall situation, Lin Tianyao had enough time to take out the non-attack in the forbidden area. Otherwise, Lin Tianyao will not be so anxious that the thieves will find the giant.

In this regard, many problems have gradually emerged. Behind Wei Zhuang and others, the mysterious one only admits that it should be the Great Magister.

He came here to make trouble, maybe the goal was also related to non-attack. His strength, like Lin Tianyao, is all about the world. If this attack is just to get along with the Mos, it is too unlikely. Too many reasons came to him.

The last brief battle, although the old guy said that he was only interested in Lin Tianyao, there was no hostility. On the other hand, from the appearance of the young master's destiny, to the later rescue of the East Emperor Taiyi, to today's massive offensive.

So painstakingly, if it is not directed against Lin Tianyao, then it will not be justified in any case.

However, it is impossible for Lin Tianyao to know where the purpose of the Great Magister is. After fighting, he had already relaxed his mind. All the secrets will be gradually revealed, and rushing to have no effect at all.

Now, the intruder has not been found. Wei Zhuang and others began to attack in the periphery. What we need to do now is not to support the periphery, but how to consolidate the interior.

It was precisely because of this that Lin Tianyao came to find Gaie.

Inside the organ city, every level must have a special person in order to ensure foolproof. If these levels are left to be guarded by the Mo disciples, then the intruder is likely to get involved and take advantage of it.

This trick is also the brilliant point of Wei Zhuang. Hidden bat, poisonous fog, intruder. These three offensive points can not only complement each other, but also form an independent assault after breaking them apart.

If the focus is on the intruder, then there is no way to make up for the outer invasion and the poison fog attack.

But letting the inner ghost not care about it, the difficulty of this choice is that Lin Tianyao is now facing, and the internal defense cannot be freely distributed at all.

Therefore, in view of this problem, the only chance for level defense is to disperse several leaders of the Mo family and lead their defense. But with this distribution, there are vacancies in the manpower.

And the filling of this vacancy fell on Gaie.

After listening to Lin Tianyao's analysis, Gainie's eyes began to emit a strange light. At this moment, he finally knew the terrible place of Lin Tianyao.

This person not only has a profound strength, but also this delicate mind. No matter who they are, both civil and military people are unwilling to become enemies.

However, there is still a pimple in Gaie's heart. This pimple has been born from the first moment when he and Lin Tianyao met, and now he shows more and more outstanding places. , This pimple becomes more and more prominent.

As if it were like a fishbone in the throat, Kay Gainah felt uncomfortable, but there was no way to remove it.

He has a knot in his heart, and even if he hides it, it will inevitably be exposed.

Seeing that Gaie had a strange look, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong, doesn't Mr. Gai not want to help me? Or, do you still have any worries?"

When it comes to this part, Gaie no longer conceals anything. He straightly said: "Lin Shaoxia, who are you? I know all the schools today. You can't cultivate such a strength as the average person. . But, among the masters of the hermit, there will never be such a person."

Gainie couldn't bear it at last. He thought hard for so long that he couldn't think of anyone who could train young and promising people like Lin Tianyao.

Being repeatedly asked about this question, Lin Tianyao felt a little helpless. He gently shook his head and said: "Mr. Gai, my identity, you will know it in the future. But we are not enemies!"

"Then what is your purpose. If you can send Tianming to the machine city, I can understand, then why are you doing this now?" Gaie Ni suddenly stood up, his face gloomy like water, and his eyebrows began to appear. A breath of anger.

Lin Tianyao has never found that he has had such a different time with him. But looking at him, that kind of hostility came from the heart, and it was obviously moved.

"Mr. Gai, I know that you are not a greedy person who is afraid of death. Death does not threaten you at all." Lin Tianyao laughed suddenly, "Then I will tell you the truth, I want the Mojia to owe me a favor, and then exchange A thing!"


"Mo's baby, what is it, you will know when the Mo's giant comes back!"

Although this explanation is a little blunt, Gaine can hear the taste. ....