Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 786: 788 has fallen

Episode 786

Gaie Nie saw Lin Tianyao rushing up, thinking he was going to force it in, and hurriedly grabbed him and said: "Lin Shaoxia, it's just speculation, things haven't been figured out yet, this is not so good."

Lin Tianyao stopped and knew he had misunderstood. Then he stood at the door and shouted, "Brother Mo, I'm Lin Tianyao, is there anything happening inside?"

After he shouted, it was quiet for a while, and then someone replied with a throat: "Master Lin, we are all right."

"Are you all right?" Lin Tianyao continued to shout: "Come on, please open the door, I'll come and check."

Speaking of opening the door to check, there was suddenly no sound inside. After a while, someone replied: "Xiamen Lin, this is the hub of the organ city. Outsiders cannot come in casually, and you are no exception."

Listening to him, it is indeed the case. After all, the control center of the government city, if anyone else enters casually, it is messy.

However, since they have this reason, why are they vomiting when answering?

With doubts in his mind, Lin Tianyao gave birth to an idea of ​​breaking through the door. But if he did so, and nothing happened in it, it would be hard to explain.

Just as hesitated, footsteps suddenly came from behind. Lin Tianyao looked back, but it was Master Class and Gao Jianli Xuenv who came over.

Seeing Lin Tianyao and Gaie Nie, Master Ban's complexion suddenly looked a bit difficult. He expressed doubt in his tone: "Lin Shaoxia, why are you and Gaie Nie here?"

Seeing that their faces were not very good, Lin Tianyao felt bad. Fortunately, I didn't choose to break in. Now that the Mohists are in such a crisis, while everyone is self-defeating, there must be a must in my heart.

Even if they follow Lin Tianyao's arrangement, they will not choose to believe without reason. After all, he is an outsider after all.

They are here now, and it would be awful if they were considered inside ghosts.

This idea is only a small part. After all, the Mo family still believed Lin Tianyao in their hearts.

After burying this idea, Lin Tianyao pointed to the gate of the control room: "The target of the inner ghost is likely to be this place. If the control room falls, the organ city is really finished."

Master Class heard this, and laughed: "Lin Shaoxia, you are too worried. Here is the heart of the organ city, how can we not provide more protection? There is nothing to say that it is poisonous gas, no matter what, you can't get in. As long as the door is closed, the inside is sealed. Even breathing is a separate vent. Moreover, no one above the commander can come in person, no outsiders can enter."

At this time, Gao Jianli and Xue Nu nodded together. Obviously, they all know the situation here.

If you really follow what the class master said, there won't be any problems here. After all, the intruder wanted to pretend to be someone else, so there was no possibility of entering. And several leaders, he did not have the opportunity to secretly start.

However, Lin Tianyao doesn't think that there are really copper walls and iron walls. The organ city looks like a golden soup, how can it be destroyed by the perimeter in a blink of an eye?

Although he has this idea in mind, he can't do it now. There are three commanders here, and if he forcibly enters, there will definitely be trouble. "Since that's the case, it's how much I worry about, leave." In desperation, Lin Tianyao can only choose to leave.

Master Class saw this and said politely: "Lin Shaoxia is also considering for my Mohist, I can't wait to have other meanings."

Gane saw him go away like this, frowning again. Based on his knowledge of Lin Tianyao, how could he leave without understanding?

Despite the doubts, Gaie went without saying much, and left.

After coming out of the control room, at a corner, Gu Nie suddenly stopped and asked Lin Tianyao: "Lin Shaoxia, what's wrong with you. This doesn't look like your character."

Lin Tianyao suddenly grabbed Gaiene, with a playful smile on his lips and said: "I think I have found the inner ghost."

"What!" Gaie Nie raised her eyebrows and whispered: "You found that guy, are you sure?"

According to the speculation of Lin Tianyao's discourse, did he think that the inner ghost is the one who answered in the control room?

At that time, the man did answer with some hesitation, but this did not mean that he was an inner ghost. Judging from the tone of the man's words, it was nothing like that.

Unable to guess, Gaie's face became strange, and he wanted to wait for Lin Tianyao to tell the truth.

But Lin Tianyao smiled slightly, his face mysterious. In this way, Gainie couldn't help but want to run away, to appease people, to seduce the curiosity of others, this kind of person is the most abominable.

Just when Gaie was about to run away, Lin Tianyao winked at him, and then walked straight towards his residence.

This action made Gainie even more surprised. He couldn't help asking: "Lin Shaoxia, you found the inner ghost, don't you want to catch it?"

Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, let's go back for a drink and chat."

As soon as these words were spoken, Gaine suddenly stopped. His calm temper seemed to return to the flesh. The expressionless face reoccupied his face.

"Mr. Gai, we are going to spend a lot of money tonight."

After arriving at the residence, Lin Tianyao walked to the window and looked at the misty mountains outside with a smile on his face.

"You mean, we will quietly move at night and continue to the control room?"

Lin Tianyao suddenly left before, although Gaie was puzzled, but also knew that he was caring about the Mo family's thoughts.

However, from this sentence, he was more determined to guess that the inner ghost is really in the control room.

But Lin Tianyao shook his head gently: "No, that inner ghost is not in the control room. To be precise, he is ready to act."

Recalling the previous scene, Lin Tianyao could not help clenching his fists. Since the inner ghost has already started, then some people must be in danger. Hope that the rescue at night is still too late! ....